
ɡè yǒu suǒ ài
  • see also 各有所好
  1. 我个人不会选择这样一辆显眼的车,但萝卜青菜各有所爱。

    I personally wouldn 't have chosen such a flashy car , but to each his own .

  2. 凤梨鼠尾草有个叫金冠(goldendelicious)的品种,生长着鲜艳耀眼的黄色叶片,它很快就会开出同样耀眼的红色花朵(对于这个品种,我只能说萝卜青菜,各有所爱吧)。

    And Golden Delicious , a pineapple sage with glowing yellow leaves , should soon be blooming the same screaming red . ( Well , to each his own . )

  3. 萝卜、青菜各有所爱&柔性版印刷和凸版印刷的特点

    The Difference Between Flexo Printing and Letterpress

  4. 这就是中国人常说的:萝卜青菜,各有所爱。

    This is like what we Chinese often say , radish or cabbage , each to his own delight .

  5. 他酷爱歌剧可那玩意儿我不喜欢,可以各有所爱嘛。

    He 's really keen on opera-it 's not my sort of thing , but each to his own .

  6. 我猜他们说的“萝卜青菜各有所爱”是真的。顺便问一下,你知道我在哪儿可以找到给狮子狗的降落伞呢?

    I guess what they say is true " different strokes for different folks ", by the way , do you know where I can find a parachute in sizes for poodles ?

  7. 然而,俗话说得好,“萝卡白菜,各有所爱”,无论一个人喜欢哪种流派,重要的是他可以从该种音乐中获得满足感。

    sometimes even controversial . However , just as the saying goes " one man 's meat is another man 's poison , " no matter what kind of genre one likes , the important thing is that he can get satisfaction from it .

  8. 这位医生的高明之处就在于他懂得睡眠是件萝卜青菜、各有所爱的事,儿童也不例外。

    Jack : Well , to each his own . I 'll stick with Curse of the Golden Flower . The doctor was wise enough to know that sleep is a matter of different strokes for different folks , and babies are no exception .