
gè sī qí zhí
  • Each performs its own functions
各司其职[gè sī qí zhí]
  1. 三级机构各司其职,管理好自己的分管区域,相对减少了网络资源管理的压力。

    Each performs its own functions in the tertiary organization , In charge of the area of one 's own well , has reduced the pressure of network resource management relatively .

  2. 各种组织要各司其职。

    Let each of the various organizations perform its own functions .

  3. 归纳起来,就是各司其职选C:选择能够自然融洽的胜任某个角色的人。

    C Select people who fit naturally into certain roles .

  4. 该系统使用多层系统架构的B/S(浏览器/服务器)模式,多层的架构可以使开发人员各司其职并行开发系统,另外在减少代码之间耦合度的情况下让系统更具有扩展性。

    This system uses B / S ( browser / server ) pattern based on multi-tie architecture .

  5. ingoodcondition状况良好,这里指完璧归赵。(这句是说,我们各司其职,我负责把法国号安全送回家,你也要把我的宝贝货物安全送回家,thatpreciouscargothere就是说话人的女儿。)

    I will make sure that this horn gets home in good condition and you do the same with that precious cargo there .

  6. 由NIOSii处理一些高速的接口和数据传输,DSP主要进行系统管理和软件编码,二者各司其职,以最大的提高系统的性能。

    The NIOS II is responsible for the high-speed interface and data transmitting , the DSP is in charge of system management and software coding .

  7. 逐步细化的权力分配和职责划分,使得NBA的的各个部门之间分工明确,职责详尽,在各自的权力范围之内各司其职,保证了NBA内部的正常运行。

    Gradually thinning of the power distribution and the duties of the NBA , it makes a clear division for the NBA describing the normal operation of the interior .

  8. 社会的和谐发展需要社会治理结构中的三大主体(政府组织、市场组织和非政府组织)各司其职、各尽所能,NGO在社会治理结构中不可或缺;

    It needs three main bodies ( government organizations , Enterprises and non-government organizations ) undertaking their duties and performing their functions as capable as possible for the harmonious development of society . NGO is indispensable for the Structure of Social Governance ;

  9. 两个人要各司其职电梯是手动操作的

    It 's a two man job . The elevator 's handoperated .

  10. 在蜂房中,它们各司其职,形成紧密的组织。

    In their hives , they are organized according to their function .

  11. 确保这对搭档各司其职也是非常重要的。

    Ensuring that the pair have clear and separate roles is also important .

  12. 人人各司其职,成绩斐然。

    Every man had his own task to do and did it superbly .

  13. 换句话说,他们才是一只真正各司其职的团队。

    In other words : a real team .

  14. 他们喜欢阶级性组织,认为每个人都应该各就其位、各司其职。

    They prefer hierarchical structures and believe that everyone should have specific duties and responsibilities .

  15. 他们各司其职

    Each to the other pace their duty

  16. 这种均衡的状态首先意味着劳资政三方需要各司其职。

    This state of equilibrium means that every part must perform their own duties firstly .

  17. 同时在软件上采用了模块化分层的体系结构,每层软件各司其职,并通过接口函数调用来实现各层之间的功能交换,使整个系统软件具有良好的可扩展性和可移植性。

    Every software layer has specific function and implements inter-layer function exchange through interface program call .

  18. 最终获得了理想的结果:设计师和开发人员各司其职。

    The result is the desired one : designers remain designers , and developers remain developers .

  19. 传统观念普遍认为大脑中的每个区域只是各司其职。

    Conventional wisdom once had it that each brain region is responsible for a specific task .

  20. 出于某种卫生原因的考虑,这个习俗告诉大家每只手都应该各司其职。

    For certain hygienic reasons , these customs teach that each of our hands serves its own purpose .

  21. 而那天晚上,全部九十个孩子,每个人的穿戴整齐,各司其职,完全掌握论坛。

    And that night , all 90 kids -- dressed appropriately , doing their job , owning it .

  22. 实行政治与经济分离,政府与企业各司其职;

    The fundamental way to solve the problem is : separating politics from economy , government from firms ;

  23. 在这儿我们每个人各司其职每次必须尽善尽美

    Here , each of us does one thing , and we have to nail it every time .

  24. 在政府的文化建设工作中,两者不能混为一谈,必须各司其职,分流对待。

    The two cannot be confused in the government 's cultural construction , and they should be treated separately .

  25. 在柏拉图看来,国家正义就各个等级各守其序,各司其职,正义本质上就是一种秩序和和谐。

    To Plato , justice of state means that every class abides by its order and fulfills its duties .

  26. 在社会经济发展中,精英教育与大众教育各司其职,不可替代,二者相辅相成。

    Both popularizing education and elite education play great roles in the development of society and economy of China .

  27. 相反,它拥有许多不同的、特殊的、已进化的模块,这些模块各司其职,为我们服务。

    but it has a lot of different , special , evolved modules that do specific things for us .

  28. 委派和信任你聘用的员工,让他们各司其职,做好自己应该做的工作。

    Delegate , and trust the employees you 've hired to deliver in the areas they 've been hired for .

  29. 与其他同事一起确保平稳运营,确保所有员工各司其职,各尽其责。

    Works with other personnel to ensure a smooth operation , and that every staff member carries out their duties accordingly .

  30. 当问题出现时,要做的第一件事是确保反馈循环都各司其职。

    When a problem develops , the first thing to do is to make sure the feedback loops are all in place .