
  1. 当今世界,各国高等教育制度可谓千姿百态、各具特色。

    Nowadays different countries'higher education institution has its own character .

  2. 造成这些差异的原因虽然很多,但追根溯源,文化是造成各国高等教育制度不同特点的根本原因。

    There are many reasons for these differences , but back to the root , culture is the basic reason for these differences .

  3. 各国的高等教育制度的发展与演变与该国的政治、经济、文化有着错综复杂的关系,尤其是文化范畴的法治传统对于高等教育的发展作用不可小觑。

    The development and evolution of higher education system in different countries have complicated relationship with their politics , economy and culture , especially the rule of law on cultural category has profound influence .

  4. 各国教育的组织制度、权力结构和责任机制都发生了深刻的变革,改革试图在分权与集权,市场与管制之间达成更倾向于分权和市场的新平衡。

    These countries ' organizational institution , power structure and responsibility mechanism in education already have changed deeply . The reform manages to establish a new equilibrium leaning to the decentralization and market between decentralization and centralization , market and regulation .

  5. 从20世纪80年代开始,各国掀起了公共教育制度市场化改革的浪潮,原因是公共教育制度使用了大量的公共资源,但效率低下,不能提供令民众满意的教育。

    From 1980s , because of the low efficiency of public education , most of the countries have begun the market-oriented reform in education .