
  1. 利用内部评级法,对信贷风险进行测度;第五章是泗洪农村合作银行信贷风险的成因分析。

    And we use the IRB approach , to measure credit risk . Chapter five is the analysis about the causes of Sihong rural cooperative bank credit risk .

  2. 针对泗洪合作银行信贷风险的现状及其成因,提出相关对策及建议,加速泗洪农村合作银行向农村商业银行的转变。

    Sihong cooperative bank credit risk for the status of its causes , and suggestions put forward relevant measures to accelerate Sihong rural cooperative bank changing into rural commercial banks .

  3. 最后,本文提出了鄞州农村合作银行信贷风险防范体系:构建信贷风险管理的组织架构;创建全员的风险控制氛围;健全信贷风险管理的信息系统以及完善信贷风险的控制体系。

    Finally , this paper presents the credit risk prevention system : to construct structure of credit risk management organization ; to create the atmosphere of whole risk control ; to sound credit risk management information system and improve the credit risk controlling system .

  4. 但是由于历史原因和条件限制,农村合作银行的信贷风险管理水平一直不高。

    However , due to historical reasons and constraints , the management level of credit risk has been low in rural cooperative bank .

  5. 经合作银行与商业银行进行对比,探讨合作银行风险成因的共性和特性。

    We try to find the similarities ties and the differences between the risks of Cooperative banks and commercial banks by comparing cooperative banks and commercial banks .

  6. 此外,通过与私人部门大型合作伙伴(例如标准渣打银行、标准银行、荷兰合作银行)的风险共担安排,可以让这些公共资金发挥杠杆作用。

    These public funds can be leveraged through a risk-sharing arrangement with major private sector partners , such as Standard Chartered , Standard Bank , and Rabobank .