
hé tong
  • contract;agreement;stipulation;covenant
合同 [hé tóng]
  • [agreement;contract] 两人或几人之间、两方或多方当事人之间在办理某事时,为了确定各自的权利和义务而订立的各自遵守的条文

合同[hé tong]
  1. 合同是仔细阅读以后才签署的。

    The agreement was signed after careful perusal .

  2. 我给每个投资人都传真了一份合同。

    I faxed a copy of the agreement to each of the investors

  3. 把这份合同争取到手让我们费了很大力气。

    Getting this contract has been quite a coup for us .

  4. 他们即将签订一份新的合同。

    They are on the verge of signing a new contract .

  5. 他们坚持要就这项工作立一份合同。

    They were insistent on having a contract for the work .

  6. 面对激烈的竞争,我们赢得了这项合同。

    We won the contract in the face of stiff competition .

  7. 有几位计算机工程师与财务部门签订了合同。

    Several computer engineers have been contracted to the finance department .

  8. 今天下午我骑摩托车把合同给你送过去。

    I 'll bike the contract over to you this afternoon .

  9. 我签订的三年期合同已于上周期满。

    I was on a three-year contract that expired last week .

  10. 合同明确规定谁可以操作机器。

    The contract clearly specifies who can operate the machinery .

  11. 所有的合同都经过翻译,以避免公司间发生任何误解。

    All contracts are translated to avoid any misunderstanding between the companies .

  12. 他的律师们正在审阅合同上的小号字。

    His lawyers are poring over the small print in the contract .

  13. 我别无选择,只好签了合同。

    I had no choice but to sign the contract .

  14. 合同中的某些条文容有不同诠释。

    Some phrases in the contract are open to interpretation .

  15. 一家法国公司将投标争取这项合同。

    A French firm will be bidding for the contract .

  16. 合同规定了雇主与承包人分担的风险。

    The contract defines the apportionment of risks between employer and contractor .

  17. 我们在与其他四家公司竞争这项合同。

    We are in competition with four other companies for the contract .

  18. 她已签订每周工作20小时的合同。

    She has contracted to work 20 hours a week .

  19. 我们在与一家比我们大得多的公司竞争这项合同。

    We were pitching against a much larger company for the contract .

  20. 我们和客户协商起草了一份合同。

    A contract is prepared in negotiation with our clients .

  21. 两家公司联合起来争取合同。

    The two firms joined forces to win the contract .

  22. 这些条款构成买卖双方所签合同的一部分。

    These clauses form part of the contract between buyer and seller .

  23. 赢得这份合同对这家公司的成败至关重要。

    Winning this contract is crucial to the success of the company .

  24. 要是没有那个合同,我们就完蛋了。

    Without that contract , we 're done for .

  25. 他的合同获得延期一年。

    He 's been granted an extension of the contract for another year .

  26. 你同意了这份合同,所以现在你不能追究他人的责任了。

    You agreed to the contract , so now you have no comeback .

  27. 合同条文正在审议。

    The terms of the contract are under review .

  28. 你需要律师来解释这些合同在法律上的各项细节。

    You need a lawyer to explain all the legalities of the contracts .

  29. 去年,她从广告合同中赚了100多万元。

    Last year , she pocketed over $ 1 million in advertising contracts .

  30. 接受我们的服务合同,告别昂贵的修理费吧。

    Take out our service contract and say goodbye to costly repair bills .