
  • 网络bridgewater associates
  1. 桥水基金36岁的联合CEO兼联合投资官GregJensen表示即使是一个不稳定的中国依旧能够保证充足的力量来推动全球的物价上涨。

    Greg Jensen , Bridgewaters co-chief executive and co-chief investment officer , who is thirty-six , said he thought that even a stuttering China would still grow fast enough to push world commodity prices upward .

  2. 戴利奥很有名的一个段子是禁止其桥水(Bridgewater)基金公司的员工讲八卦。他警告员工:如果你在别人背后说闲话你就是只令人嫌恶的臭黄鼠狼(slimyweasel)。

    Mr Dalio is famous for forbidding staff of his Bridgewater fund from gossiping and has warned them : If you talk behind people 's backs ... you are called a slimy weasel .

  3. 戴利奥很有名的一个段子是禁止其桥水(Bridgewater)基金公司的员工讲八卦。他警告员工:“如果你在别人背后说闲话……你就是只令人嫌恶的臭黄鼠狼(slimyweasel)。”

    Mr Dalio is famous for forbidding staff of his Bridgewater fund from gossiping and has warned them : " If you talk behind people 's backs ... you are called a slimy weasel . "