
qiáo pái
  • bridge
桥牌 [qiáo pái]
  • [bridge] 两个对两个的四人牌戏,种类繁多,都是从旧时傀儡惠斯特等牌戏逐渐发展形成的,共同点是发牌人的同伴亮牌,发牌人可以定将牌或无将牌,对方可以加倍,发牌人可以再加倍

  • 契约桥牌

桥牌[qiáo pái]
  1. 这门课程面向的是有一定经验的桥牌玩家,是初级课程的延续。

    This course for bridge players with some experience is intended as a follow-on to the Beginners ' course .

  2. 他是玩桥牌的高手。

    He is expert at playing bridge .

  3. 我们玩几局桥牌吧。

    Let 's have a few rubbers of bridge .

  4. 他们偶尔在俱乐部打桥牌。

    They had once or twice played bridge at the club .

  5. 他向桥牌搭档使了个会意的眼色。

    He cast a sly glance at his bridge partner .

  6. 打桥牌很有意思。

    Bridge is a lot of fun .

  7. 你会打桥牌吗?

    Do you play bridge ?

  8. 我对桥牌是外行。

    I am strange at bridge .

  9. (你认为桥牌和象棋哪个更难学?)——Theyarelikeapplesandoranges.(它俩没法比较。)双语男人和女人是完全不同的。

    Men and women are like apples and oranges .

  10. 4点去打桥牌告诉Edna你爱她“


  11. 正如这位奥玛哈的圣人(sageofomaha)所言:“桥牌绝对是迄今为止最好的智力训练。”

    As the sage of Omaha says , " bridge has got to be the best intellectual exercise out there . "

  12. 传奇金融家吉姆•斯莱特(JimSlater)和电视巨头迈克尔•格林(MichaelGreen)曾同属同一家桥牌俱乐部,而沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)则喜欢跟同为亿万富翁的比尔•盖茨(BillGates)做牌搭子。

    The legendary financier Jim Slater and the television magnate Michael Green both used to belong to the same bridge club , while Warren Buffett enjoys playing with fellow billionaire Bill Gates .

  13. 是什么样的俱乐部呢[qh]反正不是桥牌俱乐部[qh]双胞胎吗[qh]就一个[qh]我们开始吧[qh]好的Hopewedidn'tholdthingsup.希望我们没有来迟吧

    And what kind of club is that ? [ qh ] Not bridge , I can tell you that . [ qh ] Twins ? [ qh ] Just the one . [ qh ] Shall we ? [ qh ] Yeah . [ qh ]

  14. 她跟铁杆桥牌迷巴菲特在纽约一个桥牌比赛上短暂见面,随后身为伯克希尔•哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway)首席执行长的巴菲特邀请奥斯伯格去奥马哈市(Omaha)的公司总部做客。

    She had briefly met Warren Buffett , an avid amateur , at a game in New York City , and the Berkshire Hathaway CEO had invited her to his Omaha headquarters .

  15. 但是,在投资银行贝尔斯登(bearstearns)陷入偿付危机的时候,吉米凯恩(jimmycayne)这位董事长却选择在前一个周末去底特律参加一场桥牌联赛。

    But a bridge tournament in Detroit was where Jimmy Cayne , chairman of Bear Stearns , chose to be at the end of last week as his investment bank became embroiled in a solvency crisis .

  16. 奥斯伯格住在三藩市附近的马林县(MarinCounty),每天通过电话跟巴菲特沟通好几次,一起打网上桥牌,一边闲聊一边切磋牌技。

    Osberg lives in Marin County , outside of San Francisco , and communicates with Buffett a couple of times a day by phone , and then again via the computer , where the two chat as they play online .

  17. 他们当中有些人认为桥牌的打法太复杂。

    Some of them think bridge much too complicated for them .

  18. 饭后有谁想打场桥牌?

    Would anybody care for a game of bridge after dinner ?

  19. 伦敦金融城里有很多优秀的桥牌运动员。

    There are many very good bridge players in the city .

  20. 我们用一副新牌玩桥牌。

    We played our game of bridge with a new deck .

  21. 四楼的吉布森一家都是桥牌高手

    The Gibsons on the fourth floor were expert bridge players .

  22. 因此想到我比较爱好的桥牌运动。

    So I am more loving thought of bridge movement .

  23. 高校桥牌运动开展的现状及对策

    Bridge in Today 's Universities and Strategies for Its Development

  24. 我的爱好和您一样是打桥牌。

    My hobby is bridge , the same as yours .

  25. 由于下雨,我们没出去,在家打桥牌。

    As the day was wet we stopped in and played bridge .

  26. 我同房间的人,除了其他活动外,还喜欢玩桥牌。

    My roommates are very keen on bridge cards among other things .

  27. 业余时间我热爱打桥牌。

    I love to play bridge in my spare time .

  28. 我不会玩桥牌,也不会打网球。

    I can 't play bridge . I don 't play tennis .

  29. 我已经玩厌了桥牌,但是还喜欢玩高尔夫球。

    I 'm bored with bridge , but golf still distracts me .

  30. 让他教你打高尔夫或是桥牌游戏。

    Let him teach you to play golf or a card game .