
  1. 企业可以使用LinkedIn作为强大的招聘工具,发现具有他们需要的资质和才能的潜在雇员。

    Businesses can use LinkedIn as a powerful recruitment tool , finding potential employees with the exact talent and skills they require .

  2. WillaWang说,尽管联想中国的主要招聘工具是LinkedIn,她也使用与其类似的中文职业社交网站天际网。

    While Lenovo 's primary social recruiting tool is LinkedIn , Ms. Wang said she also uses Tianji , a Chinese-language professional social networking site that is similar to LinkedIn .

  3. 我们的招聘工具能够告诉我们,某一位候选人是否适合我们,校园招聘负责人理查德欧文(RichardIrwin)表示,但是,若没有这种实践经验,候选人可能不清楚我们是否适合他们。

    Our recruitment tools can tell us whether a candidate is right for us , says Richard Irwin , head of student recruitment . But without this kind of hands-on experience , what the candidate might not know is whether we are right for them .

  4. 此外,LiveStream还是一款非常有价值的招聘工具。

    LiveStream might be a valuable recruiting tool , too .

  5. 专家说哈默菲斯特是一个新纳粹主义的招聘工具。

    Experts say Hammerfest is a neo-Nazi recruiting tool .

  6. 企业文化是强有力的招聘工具。

    Company culture can be a powerful recruiting tool .

  7. 但有几位银行家指出,实习被用做招聘工具。

    But several bankers pointed out that internships are used as recruitment tools .

  8. 吴悠悠的合著作者科辛斯基也认为,计算机个性测试有成为招聘工具的潜力。

    Dr. Kosinski , one of Ms. Wu 's co-authors , also sees computer personality testing as a possible recruitment tool .

  9. 这家快递服务供应商还拥有在线招聘工具“职业中心”,员工可以借助这一工具在公司内部寻找新的工作机会,并对自己的职业生涯进行规划。

    The delivery service provider also has an online recruitment tool , Career Hub , which allows employees to track new job opportunities within the company and plan their careers .

  10. 过去五年来,多数大公司都采用了完善成熟的基于网络的招聘工具,其中内置有追踪每个求职者当前情况的功能。

    Over the past five years or so , most large employers have adopted sophisticated web-based recruiting tools , which have built-in features that keep track of the status of each candidate 's application .

  11. 基于模型建立的招聘评价工具能够获得业务部门和公司领导的认同,提高招聘效率。

    Assessment tools based on the model is easy to be accepted by employees from both the business department and the senior management and thereafter improves the recruitment efficiency .

  12. 因此,对我国刚刚起步的人才测评产业来说,开发出高效率、低成本而又适合中国国情的招聘筛选工具就是非常迫切而必要的。

    So , to industry of talent assessment at the early-stage of our country , developing the recruitment and filtration tools that low cost with high efficiency and suitable for the Chinese actual conditions is very urgent and essential .

  13. 后面又对招聘流程和工具进行了介绍。

    Fourthly , the processes and tools for recruitment using in A company are also introduced .

  14. 在招聘中使用这些工具的理由很简单。

    The argument for using these tools in recruitment is simple .

  15. 从实践方面,对基层营销人员的招聘提供了面试工具,同时也为其他职业人才招聘提供了一定的借鉴。

    From the practice , provides an interview tool for the grassroots marketing personnel , on the other hand , it provides reference for other professional recruitment .

  16. 巴黎银行招聘和市场营销人员将该竞赛当作校园招聘的一种工具。

    BNP Paribas recruitment and marketing staff use the game as a tool in campus campaigns .