
  • 网络Recruiting Plan;Recruitment Plan;recruitment planning
  1. 在招聘计划中可预定义的招聘活动。

    In the recruitment plan , we can predefine recruitment activities .

  2. 根据公司的招聘计划开展面试、笔试,甄选符合公司要求的高质量的员工;

    Implement ARAMARK recruitment plan , conduct interviews and tests based on company 's needs to select and recruit high-quality employees ;

  3. 你能详细说说此次MBA招聘计划吗?

    Can you give us more detail on the new MBA packages ?

  4. 英国电信并不是最近唯一一家启动MBA招聘计划的公司。

    BT is not the only company recently to commence an MBA recruitment programme .

  5. 因为金融和咨询业的大部分单位都严格控制了招聘计划,为了找到一份工作,许多mba将不得不在三个方面作出妥协。

    For as the bulk recruiters from finance and consultancy rein in their plans , many MBA students will have to make compromises in three areas in order to get a job .

  6. 人力资源咨询公司美世(Mercer)今年3月对600多家公司的调查显示,企业在招聘计划方面放缓了脚步。

    A survey of more than 600 firms conducted in March by human resources consulting firm Mercer also pointed to a slowdown in hiring plans .

  7. 伦敦商学院职业发展主管黛安•摩尔根(DianeMorgan)表示,首先,许多公司的职位需要在出现空缺时尽快得到填充,而不是安排在年度招聘计划之中。

    First , says Diane Morgan , head of career development at LBS , many corporate jobs need filling as soon as they fall vacant , not as part of an annual intake .

  8. 可能预算不够或者新职位招聘计划被搁置了。

    Perhaps budgets were frozen or the new position was put on hold .

  9. 但博天表示,该公司已开始重新研究新招聘计划。

    But Mr Potier said it was starting to eye new hires again .

  10. 投行自身对于招聘计划仍守口如瓶。

    The banks themselves remain tight-lipped about recruitment plans .

  11. 但伯克希尔公司是否有招聘计划?

    Ah , but is Berkshire hiring anyone ?

  12. 在以往的衰退中,许多压缩了毕业生招聘计划的企业后来都很后悔。

    Many companies cut graduate schemes in previous recessions and lived to regret it .

  13. 后来由于该公司冻结招聘计划,事情不了了之。

    At the time , they had a hiring freeze in effect , so I got nowhere .

  14. 同时,网站还列出了我们的校园招聘计划以及即将举行的校园活动。

    Also on the site is a list of our school recruiters and upcoming on campus events .

  15. 紧急招聘计划招聘的护士使发挥作用的公共卫生机构的数量增加了9%。

    Emergency Hiring Plan nurses enabled the number of functioning public health facilities to increase by29 % .

  16. 当然,为了获得抵税,有招聘计划的公司可能提前招聘。

    Of course , employers who planned to hire workers may do so earlier in order to obtain the tax credit .

  17. 组织每年收集部门的人员需求计划,并汇总成年度招聘计划,提交部门经理审核。

    Organizes to collect personnel requisition from each dept. , then make annual recruitment plan , submits to HR Manager for review .

  18. 女子:好的……那接下来我们说说丁斯代尔新厂的招聘计划吧。

    Woman : OK ... now , next we 'd better discuss the recruitment plan for staff at the new factory in Dinsdale .

  19. 如果英国大幅提高最低工资,我们的招聘计划将立即冻结,未来的投资也会蒙上疑云。

    A large increase in the minimum wage in the UK would immediately freeze our hiring plans and cast doubt on future investments .

  20. 肯尼亚卫生人力信息系统提供的准确的人力数据对于评估紧急招聘计划的影响是至关重要的。

    The accurate workforce data provided by the Kenya Health Workforce Informatics System were essential for evaluating the effect of the Emergency Hiring Plan .

  21. 高说找工作对学生来说仍然是一个大问题,随着公司削减他们的招聘计划,担心一场扩展的全球经济低迷。

    Gao said finding a job remains a big problem for students as companies cut their recruitment plans , fearing an extended global economic downturn .

  22. 实际情况确实如此,CareerBuilder.com的调查发现,今年夏天,约有五分之一的雇主有招聘计划,其中57%的工作岗位都是长期职位。

    Com survey found that one in five employers plan to hire this summer , and 57 % of those open positions will be permanent .

  23. 编制岗位定编,制定招聘计划,组织实施面试、招聘等工作。

    Work out the post personnel allocation , make the plan of recruiting , organize implementation of such work as the interview , recruiting , etc.

  24. 管理员可以发布招聘计划信息、招聘公告、公布招聘职位、审核应聘人员资格、审核结果的回复,统计工作等。

    For system administrators , they can publish recruitment information , set up post , review candidate qualifications , reply the results and calculate statistics information .

  25. 但田如蜜也提醒同学们,要关注那些发布在公司网站上的兼职职位,很多公司都将这些职位列为自己校园招聘计划的一部分。

    But Tian Rumi warned students to focus on the part-time job openings posted on companies ' websites , as part of their campus recruitment drives .

  26. 谷歌负责工程与研究部的副总裁艾伦•尤斯塔斯在博客中透露,谷歌今年的新招聘计划预计将超过其2007年的规模。

    Alan Eustace , vice president for engineering and research , revealed in a blog post that Google expects to surpass its 2007 record for new hires .

  27. 如果企业对于石油供应危机的担心,大到足以迫使其推迟招聘计划和资本支出,那么经济便会陷入困境,债券走势便会胜出。

    If companies are sufficiently worried about an oil supply shock to defer hiring and capital expenditures , then the economy is in trouble and bonds will outperform .

  28. 兰德尔表示,社交网络网站意味着“就业实践方面的知识迅速传播”,因此雇主削减他们的招聘计划,潜在的毕业生很快就会知道。

    He says social network websites mean that " knowledge of employment practices moves around quickly " so employers cutting their schemes are soon identified by potential graduates .

  29. 利用来自肯尼亚卫生人力信息系统的护士人力数据来确定紧急护士招聘计划对护士短缺和分布不均产生的影响。

    We used data from the Kenya Health Workforce Informatics System on the nursing workforce to determine the effect of the Emergency Hiring Plan on nurse shortages and maldistribution .

  30. 万宝盛华表示,英国的雇主3年来首次增加了招聘计划。尽管英国的失业人口仍在增多,但该消息让求职者看到了一线希望。

    In the UK , Manpower said employers were reporting improved hiring plans for the first time in three years , giving jobseekers a glimmer of hope in spite of rising unemployment .