
  • 网络Invitation for Bids;INVITATION TO BID;IFB
  1. 规定制造本招标邀请书所要求提供的类似货物的最低的经验要求。

    Specify , for example , requirement for a minimum level of experience in manufacturing a similar type of goods for which the Invitation for Bids is issued .

  2. 这里的资金成本是指最低必要的投资报酬率。规定制造本招标邀请书所要求提供的类似货物的最低的经验要求。

    Where the capital charges is the minimum acceptable rate of return . Specify , for example , requirement for a minimum level of experience in manufacturing a similar type of goods for which the Invitation for Bids is issued .

  3. 为了从供应商那招徕报价,最佳价格采购过程取决于招标邀请书,也被叫做投标邀请函,投标邀请书或密封投标。

    To solicit offers from providers , the best-price purchase process relies on an Invitation to Bid ( ITB ), also known as Invitation to tender ( ITT ), Invitation for Bids ( IFB ), or Sealed Bids .