
hé chénɡ péi yǎnɡ jī
  • synthetic medium
  1. 测定大肠杆菌(escherichiacoli)合成培养基的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on Synthetic Medium of Test in Escherichia Coli

  2. 在含蔗糖谷氨酸无机盐的合成培养基上结果一致;

    The same results were obtained in the synthetic medium of sucrose-glutamic acid-salts .

  3. 适宜菌丝体生长的固体培养基是PDA和豆芽汁培养基;利于麻黄生物碱产生的液体培养基以合成培养基为最佳。

    It was found that the bean-sprout extract medium or PDA were good as solid media for mycelial growth and the synthetic medium was appropriate to for the production of alkaloid .

  4. 以合成培养基和鱼粉废水替代培养基为原料,考查了种龄、接种量、摇床转速、初始pH、鱼粉废水浓度、培养基组成、碳氮比等因素对菌株生成乳酸的影响。

    The investigation mainly focused on the effect of seed age , inoculation , initial pH , rotation , concentration of fishmeal wastewater , compositions of fermentation medium and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen on lactic acid production , COD reduction and biomass formation .

  5. 在半合成培养基中,于30℃培养4h,再于42℃诱导培养6h,产酶量最高达到131U/mL。

    The maximal enzyme activity of 131 U / mL in semi-synthetic medium could be obtained when keeping temperature at 30 ℃ for 4 hours in the growth phase and then shifting to 42 ℃ for 6 hours .

  6. 通过摇瓶培养对菌种和培养条件的初步筛选,采用溶氧反馈的流加补料策略,进行了5L发酵罐的合成培养基和复合培养基的发酵工艺研究。

    After selection of the strain and the preliminary optimization by flask cultivation , the fermentation was performed with comparing the differences between defined medium and complex medium in 5L fermentor .

  7. 通过摇瓶实验证实了0h时向合成培养基中分别添加数种氨基酸,对红霉素的产量与组分都有着重要的影响。

    Results showed that amino acids had significant influences on the production and components of erythromycin through the addition of several amino acids at initial medium by flask experiments .

  8. 在一般合成培养基上菌株产生丰富的气生菌丝体。

    On general synthetic media , the strain produced abundant aerial mycelia .

  9. 仔猪副伤寒活疫苗半合成培养基的配方筛选试验

    Screening the semi-composed culture medium used in producing paratyphus living vaccine for piglets

  10. 有些细菌不可能用合成培养基进行加富培养,因为它们的营养需要太复杂了。

    Some bacteria cannot be enriched in defined media because they have extremely complex nutritional requirements .

  11. 本研究首次建立了苏云金芽胞杆菌YBT-1520在合成培养基中生长的不同生长期的比较蛋白质组研究。

    This work was the first comparative proteomic study of B. thuringiensis grew in defined medium at different growth phases .

  12. 合成培养基阶段在天然培养基阶段的基础上发展较为迅速,可以通过添加某些成分支持细胞增殖。

    On the basis of the natural medium stage , defined medium stage made a fast development , it could support cell proliferation through adding certain ingredients .

  13. 以复合培养基和合成培养基进行比较发酵,研究了玉米浆在产甘油假丝酵母甘油发酵过程中的作用机理。

    Using chemically defined medium as the control , mechanism of corn steep liquor ( CSL ) in complex medium during glycerol production by Candida glycerinogenes was studied .

  14. [2]、在0.1%植酸钙为磷源的合成培养基中,白地霉、黑曲霉均在培养6天酶活最高;

    In 0.1 % phytic acid calcium as the only scale source synthesis culture medium , Geotrichum candidum and Aspergillus niger are cultivated for six days , then the enzymes ' survival rate is up to the highest ;

  15. 对于种子合成培养基,虽然尝试了优化混合氨基酸和金属离子的浓度,并考察了添加核苷类物质的影响,但均无法满足菌体的生长需要。

    For the seed culture , although we tried to optimize the concentration of amino acid mixtures and metal ions , as well as studied the effect nucleosides addition , we could not obtain a defined medium that can support enough cell growth .

  16. 本文报道了紫孢侧耳(PleurotusSapidus)深层培养过程中,4种不同碳源、氮源组成的合成液体培养基的3~4正交实验结果。

    This paper deals with the effect of different synthetic liquid media consisting of 4 kinds of different carbon and 4 kinds of different nitrogen sources on the growth of Pleurotus sapidus mycelia in submerged culture by 34 positive intersection methods .

  17. 当合成液体培养基的C/N为18.65,pH6.0、温度30℃、180r/min时,供试菌株的菌丝体干重为1.825g/100ml。菌丝体粗蛋白含量为34.14%、氨基酸总量为31.54%。

    The results indicated that , the dry weight of mycelia of experiment strains amounted to 1.825 g / 100ml with 34.14 % crude protein and 31.54 % total amino acid under the conditions of C / N ratio of 18.65 , pH 6.0 , 30 ℃ and 180r / min.

  18. 生物絮凝剂的合成与培养基碳氮比密切相关:碳氮比在20~30之间时,絮凝活性达到最大;

    The ratio of carbon to nitrogen ( C / N ) in the medium could greatly affect flocculant secretion . The highest flocculating activity was obtained at C / N of 20 ~ 30 ;

  19. 大规模悬浮培养茶叶细胞合成茶氨酸培养基组成优化研究

    Study on Optimum Medium for Theanine Biosynthesis in Suspension Cultures of Camellia sinensis

  20. 本文对桑黄菌丝发酵过程进行了优化,得到了大量生长良好,菌球松散的种子液和有利于桑黄菌丝体生长和胞外多糖合成的全合成培养基。

    The seed culture with a large amount of loose pellets and a chemical defined media for mycelial growth and EPS synthesis were obtained .