
  1. 我国股指期货合约标的物指数的编制研究

    A research on how to draw up the index of subject matter of China 's stock index futures

  2. 实物交割将在保税仓库进行,而一种“中质含硫原油”将成为合约标的的主要品级之一。

    The physical delivery would be in bonded warehouses , and a " medium sulphur " grade of crude would be one of the main grades for the contract .

  3. 股指期货交易的基础是作为合约标的物的基本指数,一个科学合理的基本指数是股指期货成功推出的关键。

    The basis of Index-Future is the basic index , that is ' the contract 's object ' , and establishing a scientific and reasonable basic index is the key to promote Index-Future successfully .

  4. 合约的标的资产一般为公司债券。

    Contracts ' underlying assets are usually corporate bonds .

  5. 论文第八章采用定性和定量相结合的方法,分析了中国推出股指期货的必要性和可行性,并且进一步就中国股指期货合约及其标的指数的提出了设计方案和运作建议。

    After the feasibility study , the thesis suggests the plan design of the underlying index and index futures contract .

  6. 合约乘数与标的指数点位决定了股指期货的合约价值,对投资者的交易风险起到关键性的作用。

    Contract multiplier and the underlying index point determine the value of stock index futures contracts , and play a key role on transaction risk to investors .

  7. 第二章是本论文的重点,主要参照国外的股指期货合约来设计我国的股指期货合约,其中包括重新构造新的全国统一指数作为合约标的。

    The second chapter , the center of this dissertation , works out a Stock Index Futures Contract for China by referring to the practices of other countries .