
hé zī yín hánɡ
  • joint venture bank
  1. 总部位于美国、专注于科技领域的硅谷银行(SiliconValleyBank)正设法通过其合资银行迎合相关需求。该合资公司为风险资本、私募股权和初创企业提供贷款及银行服务。

    U.S. - based technology-focused bank Silicon Valley Bank is trying to cater to this demand for funds from investors through its joint venture , which provides loans and banking services to venture capital , private equity and startup firms .

  2. 大力发展合资银行,适当限制独资银行;

    Develop affiliates energetically and limit the individual proprietorship bank properly ;

  3. 外国在华合资银行目前尚不被允许可以取走这些存款。

    Foreign locally incorporated banks today are not allowed to take up these deposits .

  4. 在开放城市中,海外金融机构可以开设办事处或建立合资银行

    In the open cities , overseas financial organizations can open their own Branches or establish joint venture Banks

  5. 外资银行机构的组织形式主要有三种类型,即分行、独资银行和合资银行。

    There are three kinds of foreign banks-branches of a bank , banks of exclusive-ownership , joint venture banks .

  6. 国家外汇管理局对外资银行、中外合资银行颁发经营外汇业务许可证。

    The State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control shall be responsible for the issuance of the licence for business operations in foreign exchange .

  7. 在风云一时的近代中外合办银行史上,北洋保商银行是一家极其特殊的中外合资银行。

    In the short duration of cooperative banks , The Commercial Guarantee Bank Of China , was a very special bank of joint venture .

  8. 允许在华合资银行取得托管业务牌照,以管理保险基金、托管人产品、私人股权基金、社会安全及养老基金。

    Allow locally incorporated banks to obtain custody licenses to manage insurance funds , trustee products , private equity funds , social security and pension funds .

  9. 中国人民银行经济特区分行对外资银行、中外合资银行进行管理和监督。

    The branch banks of the People 's Bank of China in the special economic zones shall exercise administration and supervision over the foreign-funded banks and Chinese-foreign equity joint banks .

  10. 这尽管暗示了现有托管业务牌照将由于“祖父条款”而被授予在华合资银行,但工作组不清楚这个规定是否已经通过立法而被确定下来。

    Despite indications that custody existing licenses will be grandfathered to banks that locally incorporate , the Working Group is not aware if this rule has been formalised through regulation .

  11. 德克夏银行董事会同意了一项旨在拆解这个法国比利时合资银行以获得高达900亿欧元(约合1200亿美元)政府基金担保的救援计划。

    Dexia 's board agreed to a rescue plan under which the Franco-Belgian bank will be broken up in return for up to ERO90 billion ( $ 120 billion ) in government funding guarantees .

  12. 外国独资银行、外国银行分行、中外合资银行应将其会计科目设置情况报中国人民银行当地分支机构备案。

    The solely foreign-funded banks , branches of foreign-funded banks and Chinese-foreign equity joint banks shall report their established account titles to the local branch offices of the people 's Bank of China for record .

  13. 截至2007年10月末,在华外商独资银行20家,下设分行95家;合资银行有3家,下设5家分行和1家附属机构;外商独资财务公司有3家。

    By the end of October 2007 , there have been 20 foreign-owned banks with 95 branches , 3 joint-venture banks with 5 branches and 1 subsidiary body , and 3 foreign-owned financial companies in China .

  14. 按照新的税制,经过批准设立在经济特区和上海浦东新区的中外合资银行和外国银行,从其开业之日起,五年内免收营业税。

    Under the new tax system , approved Sinoforeign joint funded banks and foreign banks established in special economic zones and Pudong New Area in Shanghai are exempt from business tax for five years , beginning from the day they open for business .

  15. 分析发现,四大国有商业银行在盈利能力和资产质量方面均劣于中外合资银行、外商独资银行、城市商业银行和股份制商业银行,仅在盈利能力上强于政策性银行(静态效应)。

    The static effect analysis results show that : four state-owned banks ' performance was inferior to the city commercial banks , joint-equity banks , and new set-up Chinese-foreign joint-equity banks and exclusive foreign capital banks , same as majority of existing literature .

  16. 因而,这条款规定将对中小型的在华合资外国银行的经营产生消极影响,因为它们的分行网络很有限。

    The rule will then adversely affect the operations of small and medium sized locally incorporated banks as they will have a limited branch network .

  17. 五大类型的商业银行分别是指国有独资银行、股份制商业银行、城市商业银行、城乡信用社和外资(中外合资)银行。

    Five kinds of commercial banks that are state-owned bank , joint-stock commercial bank , city commercial bank , town-country credit cooperative and foreign venture ( joint venture ) bank .

  18. 外资商业银行、中外合资商业银行、外国商业银行分行适用本法规定,法律、行政法规另有规定的,适用其规定。

    This Law applies to the foreign-funded commercial banks , Sino-foreign joint venture commercial banks and the branches of foreign commercial banks in china , and if there are special laws and administrative regualations governing them , they should follow such special laws and regulations .

  19. 你合资伙伴的银行也会支持你。

    Plus you 'd have your partners ' bank on your side .

  20. 选择在华合资的外国银行发现:对比中国国内的竞争对手,它们并在同一个标准下经营。

    Foreign banks that have chosen to locally incorporate have found themselves operating on a different level than their domestic counterparts .

  21. 探索成立外资或中外合资西部开发银行的可能性。

    Efforts will also be made to explore the possibilities for the establishment of exclusively foreign-funded or Sino-foreign jointly funded west development banks .

  22. 分析人士指出,通过此次收购,德夏银行将在不断扩展的土耳其零售银行及公共金融市场中获得重要的立足点。法国与比利时合资的德夏银行是全球最大的城市银行。

    Franco-Belgian dexia , the world 's biggest municipal lender , will gain an important foothold in the expanding Turkish retail banking and public finance markets as a result of the acquisition , analysts said .

  23. 在华组建合资券商的外资银行正日渐增多,其中包括瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)。

    RBS joins a growing list of foreign banks forming securities JVs in China , including Credit Suisse .

  24. 合资企业应在银行分别开立美元帐户和人民币帐户。

    The joint venture shall maintain separate bank account In united state dollar and In renminbI .

  25. 今年1月,腾讯推出在线贷款合资公司微众银行(WeBank)。

    That followed the launch in January of WeBank , an internet lending joint venture led by Tencent .

  26. 推行合资改制,逃避银行债权;

    Pursuing the joint venture management to change its original structure with the aim of evading paying bank debts .

  27. 第三,合资公司、中外银行为某些特定的业务发展目标而合资设立新的金融机构。

    Thirdly , co-partnership company , Chinese and foreign bank set up new financial institution for some specific business development goal and joint venture .

  28. 政府官员表示,根据修订后的规定,外资银行与本地合作伙伴新成立证券合资公司,外资银行将获准持有33%的股份。

    Under the revised rules , foreign investment banks would be allowed to own up to 33 per cent of a new securities industry joint venture with a local partner , officials said .

  29. 苏格兰皇家银行利用与中国银行的合作,已经在中国成立了一个信用卡合资公司。两家银行还在携手合作,为中国内地富有的投资者提供高端私人银行服务。

    RBS has used its co-operation with Bank of China to launch a credit-card joint venture , and the two lenders are also working together to provide high-end private banking services to wealthy mainland investors .

  30. 前述内部研究显示,在华成立合资券商的外资银行占中国投行市场的比重在2007年初达到顶峰(接近35%),随后一路下降至去年底略高于10%的水平。

    Banks with JVs saw their combined share of Chinese business peak at almost 35 per cent in early 2007 , according to the internal study , before dropping to just over 10 per cent by late last year .