
  • 网络Jihe;Kut Wo;Yoshiwa
  1. 现在克莱恩用Photoshop手法创作好玩的照片,大狗朱吉和他自己作主角,拍了各色各样一起历险的相片。

    Now Cline creates amusing Photoshop manipulations featuring the giant Juji and Cline himself taking all sorts of adventures together .

  2. 目前的首席执行官中,动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)的罗伯特•科蒂克、微芯科技(MicrochipTechnology)的史蒂夫•桑吉和Nvidia的黄仁勋,任期都超过了钱伯斯。

    Of those chief executives active in the role today , Activision Blizzard 's Robert Kotick , Microchip Technology 's Steve Sanghi , and Nvidia 's Jen-Hsun Huang exceed Chambers " tenure .

  3. 当全家人坐好准备吃饭时斯克罗吉和幽灵看着。

    Scrooge and the spirit watched as the family sat down to eat .

  4. 吉和昌化工坚持走创新发展之路,以“诚信、创新、永续、服务”为经营理念。

    Jadechem Chemicals believes in that technology , creativity , talents and management are the keys for the development of an enterprise .

  5. 斯克罗吉和马利在伦敦曾是多年的合作伙伴,并且他们还都是精明的生意人。

    Scrooge and Marley had been partners in London for many years , and excellent men of business they were , too .

  6. 毋庸置疑,小说中的四位女性角色(菲、玛丽、梅吉和贾思婷)一直以来都是人们主要的研究对象。

    And undoubtedly the four female characters ( Fee , Mary , Meggie and Justine ) of this novel have mainly been their researching focus .

  7. 受制于她们的性别角色以及内化的父权思想,麦吉和爱德娜难于找到一个满意的方法去解决自身追求和自我牺牲之间的冲突。

    Restricted by their gender roles and their internalized patriarchal ideology , they can hardly find a satisfactory solution to the conflict between self-realization and self-sacrifice .

  8. 麦卡洛的《荆棘鸟》通过梅吉和拉尔夫的情爱故事向世人揭示了世界上最令人心醉和最令人心碎的东西&爱情。

    The Thorn Birds , by Colleen McCullough , has promulgated the most elated and the most heartrending thing & love in the world through Meggie and Ralph s love story .

  9. 他从罗吉和德丽莎的脸上看出他们决不肯出卖他,于是他从口袋里掏出了满满一袋金子来,送给了他们。

    He had read in the countenances of Luigi and Teresa their steadfast resolution not to surrender him , and he drew from his pocket a purse full of gold , which he offered to them .

  10. 吉透和沃特兰在开始时想看看这些小生物是否能改变这不幸的遗传病。

    Jirtle and Waterland set about to see if they could change the unfortunate genetic legacy of these little creatures .

  11. Est-2谱带为吉富和埃及品系所特有,可作为与其他品系尼罗罗非鱼区分的遗传标志。

    Est-2 was only found in GIFT strain and " EGYPT " strain , which could be used as a genetic marker to differentiate these strains of Nile tilapia .

  12. 新款路由器往往能以两种无线电频率——2.4吉赫兹和5吉赫兹——传输数据,让你可以将它们分成两个独立的Wi-Fi网络。

    Newer routers typically can transmit data over two radio frequencies - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz - and give you the option to split them up into two separate Wi-Fi networks .

  13. 它是一款双频802.11ac标准路由器,这意味着它可以提供2.4吉赫兹和5吉赫兹Wi-Fi两种网络。它还能支持你能买到的各种无线设备获得最快的Wi-Fi速度,不管是MacBookPro、三星的GalaxyS6,还是全新的iPhone6s。

    It 's a dual-band 802.11ac router , meaning it can run both 2.4GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi networks , and it supports the fastest Wi-Fi speeds of every wireless device you can buy , including the MacBook Pro , the Samsung Galaxy S6 or the brand-new iPhone 6s .

  14. 吉娜和她的父母亲来这里一年了。

    Gina with her parents has been here for a year .

  15. 我确定吉儿和德瑞克住这附近。

    I 'm sure Jill and Derek live round here .

  16. 肉夹馍是两种食物的绝妙组合----白吉馍和腊汁肉。

    Marinated meat and baked bun are the perfect combination .

  17. 吉娜和我找她很多年了。

    Gina and I looked for her for years .

  18. 因为百吉饼和奶酪通常一起食用,它们是互补品。

    Because bagels and cream cheese are often eaten together , they are complements .

  19. 太受人器重有时候需要付出很大的代价。吉蒂和丽迪雅对他的缺点计较得比我厉害。

    Kitty and Lydia take his defection much more to heart than I do .

  20. 所以披萨就免了,但百吉饼和一些水果不错。

    So pizza is out , but a bagel and some fruit are in .

  21. 吉娜和她的玩具熊一起睡觉的,所以我总是需要宠爱的。

    Jina sleeps with her teddy bear , so I always need to be loved .

  22. 我在街角那家店买了一个百吉饼和一杯咖啡,那家店的老板很逊。

    I bought a bagel and a coffee from the schmuck who owns the shop on the corner .

  23. 吉妈和他妻子已有好几个月没有说话了,他们可怜的女儿不得不扮演中间人的角色。

    Jim and his wife haven 't been talking for months and their poor daughter has to act as a go-between .

  24. 妹妹的婚期到了,吉英和伊丽莎白都为她担心,恐怕比妹妹自己担心得还要厉害。

    THEIR sister 's wedding day arrived ; and Jane and Elizabeth felt for her probably more than she felt for herself .

  25. 吉鹿和我们家毛毛长得很像,看到她躺在箱子里,好想亲爱的毛毛。

    The dog lying in a box reminds me of my Akita dog " Maomao " . I miss her so much .

  26. 凡在亚细亚的人都离弃我,这是你知道的。其中有腓吉路和黑摩其尼。

    This thou knowest , that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me ; of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes .

  27. 一本新书披露说乔治·布什的双胞胎女儿吉娜和芭芭拉曾是特勤部监视工作的恶梦。

    A new book reveals that George Bush 's twin daughters Jenna and Barbara were a nightmare for Secret Service to keep tabs on .

  28. 阿利吉仑和氨氯地平,研究了8周的单独和组合,随机,安慰剂多因素研究,比较不同剂量组合。

    Aliskiren and amlodipine were studied alone and in combination in an8-week , randomized , multifactorial study comparing various dose combinations with ­ placebo .

  29. 伊丽莎白、吉蒂和母亲正在起居室呆着,突然门被撞开了,客人闯了进来。

    Elizabeth , Kitty and their mother were in the sitting-room , when suddenly the door was thrown open , and their visitor entered .

  30. 但我实在没法说,五香熏牛肉、百吉饼和奶酪蛋糕有什么超出它们品质的意义。

    But I can 't honestly write that the pastrami and bagels and cheesecake have any meaning that is deeper than their own quality .