
  • Jimmy;Jimmie;Gimi
  1. 吉米由于头部被击,仍然神志不清。

    Jimmy was still dazed by the blow to his head .

  2. 吉米的玩具谁也碰不得。

    Jimmy 's very possessive about his toys .

  3. 他署名“吉米”。

    He signed himself ' Jimmy ' .

  4. 吉米是被收养的,因此和贝丝没有血缘关系。

    Jimmy is adopted and thus unrelated to Beth by blood .

  5. 最后我就是无法做到在吉米倒霉时落井下石。

    In the end I just couldn 't kick Jimmy when he was down .

  6. 吉米瘫倒在地板上,像匹受伤的赛马一样拼命踢蹬着双腿。

    Jimmy collapsed on the floor , thrashing his legs about like an injured racehorse .

  7. 3杯酒下肚,吉米愁上心头。

    Jimmy turned maudlin after three drinks .

  8. “我太开心了,”吉米在妻子分娩后说。

    ' I 'm tickled pink , ' said Jimmy after his wife gave birth .

  9. 吉米的到场激怒了休。

    Jimmy 's presence had infuriated Hugh

  10. 比赛结束前,鲍勃以一圈领先于吉米。

    Before the end of the race Bob had lapped jimmy .

  11. 吉米遥遥领先所有赛跑者而轻易取胜。

    Jimmy romped home well ahead of all other runners .

  12. 父母不同意她与吉米的婚事。

    Her parents disapproved her marriage to jimmy .

  13. 你必须使吉米相信我们的钱不够。

    You must bring home to Jimmy that we don 't have enough money .

  14. 对吉米太不公平,我们其他人玩的时候他还不得不工作。

    It 's hard on jimmy , having to work when the rest of us are enjoying ourselves .

  15. 该研究还发现,在那个组里,叫错名字的情况会发生在名字开头相同或中间的发音相同的人身上,如吉米和乔安妮或是约翰和鲍勃。

    The study also found that within that group , misnamings occurred where the names shared initial or internal sounds , like Jimmy and Joanie or John and Bob .

  16. 最后,吉米来到门前,打开了门。

    Finally , Jimmy came to the door and opened it .

  17. "大男孩,怎么了?"吉米说。

    " Big Boy , what 's wrong ? " Jimmy said .

  18. 吉米的祖母没有再想他的问题了。

    Jimmy 's grandmother did not think anything more about his questions .

  19. 他们很快把吉米抱起来,跑出了房子。

    They quickly picked Jimmy up and ran out of the house .

  20. 大男孩跑回吉米的房间。

    Big Boy ran back to Jimmy 's room .

  21. 救命啊!救命啊!吉米大声喊道。

    Help ! Help ! Jimmy shouted loudly .

  22. 理发师吉米是个友好的年轻人。

    The barber Jimmy was friendly young man .

  23. 他对着吉米房间的门喊了又喊,但是在没人响应。

    He barked and barked at the door of Jimmy 's room , but there was no answer .

  24. 吉米采访了他的祖母,当然,她并不知道吉米为何问这些问题。

    Jimmy interviewed his grandmother who of course knew nothing about the reason why Jimmy asked such questions .

  25. 她没有再说什么,希望这个话题在吉米的父母回来之前就此打住。

    She said no more , hoping that the subject would be dropped until Jimmy 's parents came back .

  26. 九岁的吉米在学校接到一个任务,写一篇关于"我家族的祖先"的故事。

    Nine-year-old Jimmy was given a task in school to write a story on " My family 's ancestors " .

  27. 大男孩咬住吉米的手,想把他拉到一楼。

    Big Boy took Jimmy 's hand in his mouth and tried to pull him down to the first floor .

  28. 吉米五岁,和他的父母沃特森一家住在美国南部的史密斯维尔。

    Jimmy was five years old and lived with his parents , the Watsons , in Smithville , in the southern United States .

  29. 为了给自己的任务寻找答案,吉米采访了他的祖母。当然,祖母并不知道吉米问这些问题的原因。

    In search of some answers for his task , Jimmy interviewed his grandmother who of course knew nothing about the reason why Jimmy asked such questions .

  30. 三天后,当她做清洁时看了看吉米的书桌,在他的作业上看到写着的第一句话:“三代以来,我们家都没有过自然分娩。”

    Three days later , when she was tidying up and looking at Jimmy 's desk , she read the first sentence of his paper , " For three generations there have been no natural births in our family " .