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  • 网络giza;Gizeh
  1. 扫描并绘制吉萨金字塔群地图的科学家们称,他们发现吉萨大金字塔并不完全对称。

    Scientists scanning and mapping the Giza pyramids say they 've discovered that Great Pyramid of Giza is not exactly even .

  2. 他们把合伙的企业命名为Kngine,意思为“knowledgeengine”(知识引擎),该公司设立在金字塔的故乡吉萨(Giza)。

    They named their venture Kngine , meaning " knowledge engine ," and headquartered it in Giza , the home of the pyramids .

  3. 登上大沙丘之巅,终于目睹了雄伟的吉萨大金字塔(theGreatPyramid),两座护卫在侧的小金字塔,当然还有神话中恶贯满盈的斯芬克斯石像。

    As you summit a massive sand dune , you catch the first glimpse of the Great Pyramid , flanked by two smaller pyramids and the infamous stone-faced sphinx . Now , the reality .

  4. 毋庸置疑,最具埃及风格的是大金字塔和吉萨的斯芬克斯(Sphinx,带翼的狮身女怪)。

    Of course the site that is most synonymous with the image of Egypt is the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx at Giza .

  5. 吉萨金字塔已经让人类惊叹了数百年。

    The ancient pyramids of Giza have wowed mankind for centuries .

  6. 吉萨的古埃及狮身人面像好像没什么不同。

    The Great Sphinx of Giza appears to be no different .

  7. 吉萨大金字塔,埃及

    Great Pyramid of Giza , Egypt - \# GreatPyramid

  8. 大埃及博物馆,吉萨,埃及(国际竞赛投标)

    The great Egyptian museum , giza , Egypt ( international competition entry )

  9. 周六,埃及吉萨金字塔的游客获得千载难逢的机会,得以进入金字塔的地下室。

    Visitors at Egypt 's Giza Pyramids on Saturday got a rare opportunity .

  10. 喉轮:吉萨大金字塔和埃及的西奈山,耶路撒冷的橄榄山。

    Throat chakra : Great Pyramid of Giza and Mt Sinai , Egypt ;

  11. 开罗吉萨金字塔是原世界奇迹的唯一幸存者。

    The Pyramids of Giza are the only remaining wonder of the ancient world .

  12. 吉萨金字塔群的布局从某种意义上讲并不是一个巧合。

    The pyramids of Giza are positioned in a way that is more than coincidental .

  13. 金字塔建在吉萨平原,这个平坦的地区。

    Well , the Pyramid is built on a flat area called the Giza Plateau .

  14. 他是吉萨大金字塔的建造者,吉萨大金字塔被错误的认为是基奥普斯所建。

    He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza , erroneously attributed to Cheops .

  15. 位于埃及吉萨的大金字塔,其长宽高比例正符合黄金比例。

    The dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt conform to the golden ratio .

  16. 大金字塔在吉萨是三座金字塔中最大的,毗接于现代开罗的边境。

    The Great Pyramid is the largest of three Pyramids at Giza , bordering modern-day Cairo .

  17. 埃及的吉萨金字塔

    Pyramids of Giza , Egypt

  18. 看,那人正在吉萨大金字塔脚下的奥贝罗伊饭店高尔夫球场上挥杆。

    A golfer enjoys a game at the Oberoi House hotel and golf course near the Giza pyramid .

  19. 通往吉萨之路

    The Road to Giza

  20. 没错,毫无疑问,吉萨的金字塔是最令人印象深刻的人造建筑。

    Yes , the pyramids at Giza are easily the most impressive man-made structures you will ever see .

  21. 在吉萨的三个金字塔中,它是唯一有这些东西的。

    Of the three pyramids in Giza , it is the only one to be built with them .

  22. 下面就是吉萨金字塔证明古代存在先进技术的十大理由。

    These are the top ten reasons the pyramids of Giza could prove that advanced ancient technology existed .

  23. 吉萨欧坎伯:我的兄弟死了。几星期前在监狱囚室内上吊自杀。

    CESAR OCAMPO : My brother is dead . Hung himself in a jail cell a couple weeks ago .

  24. 教授:埃及吉萨金字塔也许是世界上最著名的建筑。

    Professor : The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt might be the most famous building in the world .

  25. 早期的埃及牙雕杰作中是古夫小雕像,即吉萨金字塔的建造者之像。

    A masterpiece of early Egyptian carving is an ivory statuette of Khufu , builder of the Great Pyramid .

  26. 旅游者们骑著租来的马和骆驼漫步在靠近开罗城的古埃及吉萨大金字塔。

    Tourists ride rented horses and camels at the historical site of the Giza Pyramids , near Cairo , Egypt .

  27. 你们会感到很迷惑,但吉萨金字塔在线性时间上讲并不是最早的。

    This will be confusing to you , but the Giza Complex has no true beginning point in linear time .

  28. 类似于这样的描画可能激发了对吉萨的大金字塔旁埋藏的太阳船的设计。

    Depictions such as these likely inspired the designs of the ships found buried by the Great Pyramid at Giza .

  29. 在著名的吉萨金字塔,通常旅游大巴会在路上来往,

    At the famous pyramids of Giza , normally there would be tour buses coming up and down the road ,

  30. 像这样的金字塔和导管有很多,但吉萨的能量最为强大。

    There are many such pyramids and conduits that serve this role , but none quite so potently as Giza .