
  1. 与不具备同业拆借业务资格的机构进行同业拆借;

    It performs the interbank borrowing with any institution without qualification for interbank borrowing business ;

  2. 可以向国家外汇管理局申请增加外汇同业拆借业务资格

    Shall apply to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange for adding the qualification of interbank foreign exchange borrowing ( lending ) business

  3. 国家外汇管理局关于保险公司开办境内外汇同业拆借业务有关问题的通知

    Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Relevant Issues concerning the Domestic Interbank Foreign Exchange Borrowing ( Lending ) Business Undertaken by Insurance Companies

  4. 经商中国保险监督管理委员会,国家外汇管理局决定允许保险公司开办境内外汇同业拆借业务。

    The State Administration of Foreign Exchange decides , after negotiation with the China Insurance Regulatory Commission , to allow the insurance companies to engage in domestic interbank foreign exchange borrowing ( lending ) business .

  5. 本文分析了同业拆借的业务需求,基于上述设计的架构,设计了同业拆借主要业务功能。

    This article analyzes the requirements of inter-bank borrowing , and designs the main function for it based on the above architecture .