
  • 网络Nagoya University;Nagoya Univ
  1. 本文介绍了作者在日本名古屋大学理学部赤外线研究室设计和制作的一个红外单个探测器InGaAs,以及一种新型的读出回路TIA。

    We introduce here the single infrared detector InGaAs and its readout circuit TIA , which was designed and made in optical and infrared lab. Nagoya University .

  2. 这三名获奖人——来自名古屋大学的85岁的赤崎勇(IsamuAkasaki)和54岁的天野浩(HiroshiAmano),以及来自美国加州圣塔芭芭拉大学的60岁的中村修二(ShujiNakamura)——将分享110万美元的奖金。

    Isamu Akasaki , 85 , and Hiroshi Amano , 54 , of Nagoya University and Shuji Nakamura , 60 , of the University of California , Santa Barbara , share the $ 1.1m prize .

  3. VoxForge教程使用的工具有剑桥大学的HTK和日本名古屋大学的Julius语音识别引擎。

    The VoxForge tutorials use tools such as HTK from Cambridge University and the Julius voice recognition engine from the University of Nagoya in Japan .

  4. 试论名古屋大学以经营为特征的法人化改革

    On the Corporative Reform in Nagoya University with Management and Operation as Features

  5. 析日本名古屋大学体育教学的改革

    The reform of PE in Nagoya university of Japan

  6. 日本名古屋大学的另一个团队已经测试了可以作为储能材料的钙化合物。

    Another team at Nagoya University in Japan has tested calcium compound as an energy storage material .

  7. 林良嗣,名古屋大学大学院环境学院院长,交通研究世界大会科学委员会主席,日本科学院院士。

    Yoshitsugu Hayashi , Dean , Graduate School of Environmental Studies , Nagoya University . Chair , Scientific Committee of WCTRS . Member , Science Council of Japan .

  8. 本文以翔实、丰富的资料介绍了日本名古屋大学的流动型教育和研究系统,力图探索和总结现代大学跨学科学术组织的基本特征和运行机制,从而实现大学学术组织模式的创新。

    This paper introduces the mobile education and research system of Nagoya university . It attempts to explore and summarize the basic characteristics and operational mechanism of the interdisciplinary academic organization in modern universities , which realizes the innovation of the academic organization model in the universities .

  9. 方法:实验于2003-12/2004-08在日本名古屋市立大学分子医学研究所生体制御部门实验室完成。将培养的软骨细胞置于一个振动装置中,在不同的振动频率和时间里进行培养。

    METHODS : The experiment was conducted in the laboratory of Institute of Molecular Medicine , Nagoya University Medical School from December 2003 to August 2004.Chondrocyte culture plates were placed in a vibratory apparatus and subjected to a vibratory load at various frequencies and periods during culture .

  10. 中日城市交通发展对比分析&以南京、名古屋市为例抗震防灾第一线的安全教育浅谈日本名古屋大学的防灾教育

    Comparative Analysis of City Transport Between Nanjing and Nagoya ; Education at the Forefront of Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Prevention A Case Study on Disaster Prevention Education in Nagoya University , Japan