
míng pái
  • name;famous brand;nameplate;name tag;name board;prestige;placard;designation strip
名牌 [míng pái]
  • (1) [nameplate;name tag]∶ 记有或计划记上(如居住人、店主或制造商的)名字的牌子

  • (2) [nameboard]∶ 称招牌,(车站、商店、或船舶等的)标名牌

  • (3) [name;famous brand]∶优质商品的标志

  • 名牌商品大甩卖

名牌[míng pái]
  1. 公司生产的“北大荒”系列品牌大米成为AA、A级绿色食品、中国名牌产品、中国名牌农产品。

    The'Beidahuang'series brand rice produced by the company has become the AA , A grade green food , Chinese famous brand , Chinese agricultural brand-name product .

  2. GFS系列低噪音柴油发电机组是我厂消化,吸收国外名牌低噪音机组先进技术而自行设计开发的新型产品。

    GFS series Low Noise Diesel Generating Set is a new version designed by our company on basis of absorbing and grasp the advanced technology of the world famous brand products .

  3. 他只愿穿高档名牌服装。

    He 'll only wear clothes with a designer label .

  4. 他花了几百英镑买名牌服装。

    He splashed out hundreds of pounds on designer clothes .

  5. 她的比基尼泳装是那种价格昂贵的名牌产品。

    Her bikini was one of those expensive designer jobbies .

  6. 所有员工均须佩戴名牌。

    All employees have to wear name badges .

  7. 伪造的设计师名牌手表以真品若干分之一的价格出售。

    Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article .

  8. 将会向雇员发放灰黄相间的名牌新制服。

    Staff will be issued with new grey-and-yellow designer uniforms .

  9. 你能从他们那儿买到质量很好的仿制名牌手表。

    You can buy a nice knockoff watch from them .

  10. 人们想买名牌是为了满足虚荣心。

    People want to buy designer labels for snob value .

  11. 他的名牌套装在腰部起了褶皱。

    His designer suits ruck up round his middle

  12. 雅各布夫人那块价值3,000英镑的名牌手表在西伦敦的家中被人抢走了。

    Mrs Yacoub was robbed of her £ 3,000 designer watch at her West London home

  13. 我喜欢把各种名牌服装混搭在一起。

    I like to mix up designer clothes

  14. 我们并不铺张浪费:下馆子是一种奢侈,也不会考虑买名牌衣服。

    We are not extravagant ; restaurant meals are a luxury and designer clothes are out

  15. 带名牌商标的产品很畅销。

    Products bearing famous trademarks sell well .

  16. 青年人进名牌大学的竞争十分激烈。

    Competition among youths to enter the best colleges is intense .

  17. 我们有各种名牌葡萄酒和烈性酒。

    We have the best brand of wines and spirits .

  18. 他左胸前佩戴着一张名牌。

    He was wearing a nameplate on his left breast .

  19. 如果你上得起名牌大学,它们是你的选择。

    If you can afford to buy prestige , that 's your choice .

  20. 招聘人员像兀鹰一样盘旋在名牌大学上空。

    Recruiters circle elite universities like vulturous .

  21. 名牌运动装并不像后来的“现代艺术”一样,模仿欧洲设计。

    Designer sportswear was not modeled on that of Europe , as " modern art " would later be .

  22. 很多尖端公司甚至不会看那些没有获得2。1例如,(名牌大学的二级甲等学位)的应聘者的中请。

    Many top firms will not even look at applications from those who lack a 2.1 , i.e. , an upper-second class degree , from an elite university .

  23. 显然,很多大学教授学生很少的东西的原因是他们知道即使没学到任何东西,在上名牌大学仍是绝佳的投资。

    Perhaps the reason why so many universities offer their students so little is they know studying at a top university remains a brilliant investment even if you don 't learn anything .

  24. 然而,她指出,许多年轻人尤其不愿在学校冒险——担心一次考试的低分或者差成绩就可能让他们失去进入名牌大学的机会。

    Yet , she noted , many young people are especially risk averse at school — afraid that one low test score or mediocre grade could cost them a spot at a selective university .

  25. Chinsumer,就是Chinese(中国人)与consumer(消费者)的合成词,可以翻译为“中国购物狂”,指出国旅游时出手大方,购置各类名牌商品的中国消费者。

    Chinsumer , a blend of Chinese and consumer , refers to generous Chinese consumers who spend a lot on brand name products when travelling abroad .

  26. Brandname-dropping指有人在别人面前频繁提及自己拥有的名牌物品,希望以此给人留下深刻印象,我们称之为“拽名牌”。这种行为一般都给人不好的印象。这个短语由name-dropping演化而来,时不时会在媒体上出现。

    Brand name-dropping describes the situation where someone attempts to impress others by frequently mentioning the brand names of goods that one owns , it is usually regarded negatively .

  27. 这个年轻人毕业于一所名牌大学。

    The young man graduated from a prestigious university .

  28. “坑奶礼物”指的是某人送的非名牌礼物或者不称你心意的礼物。

    Grandma fooler is a gift from someone1 that isn 't name-brand or quite what you were expecting2 .

  29. 这家超大型连锁加油站有各种名牌食品、洁净的卫生间、友好的服务并且结帐迅速

    The hypermarket stations had a wide selection of branded foods , clean toilets , friendly service and fast checkouts .

  30. 有那么一群“寄生人”,开着好车、穿着名牌、在高档餐馆就餐,而所有这一切都由他们的好爸爸买单。

    For example : There were a bunch of spongers with cars and designer labels , eating in expensive restaurants all paid for by Daddy .