
hòu tiān
  • acquired;the day after tomorrow;postnatal
后天 [hòu tiān]
  • (1) [the day after tomorrow]∶明天的明天

  • 大后天

  • (2) [acquired]∶出生以后获得

  • 后天免疫

后天[hòu tiān]
  1. 我们后天要见面。

    We 're meeting the day after tomorrow .

  2. 我们后天见。

    I 'll see you the day after tomorrow .

  3. 人的学习能力部分是天生的,部分是后天培养的。

    The human organism learns partly by nature , partly by nurture .

  4. 我想后天帮他办理手续,结账离开这里。

    I 'd like to check him out of here the day after tomorrow .

  5. 她打算后天离开。

    She 's leaving the day after tomorrow .

  6. 人的焦虑是后天反应,由日常生活中的事件催生和维系。

    Your anxiety is a learned reaction , and it is nurtured and sustained by the events of your everyday life .

  7. 学校假期从后天开始。

    The school holiday starts the day after tomorrow .

  8. 新生后天入学。

    The new students will enter school the day after tomorrow .

  9. 知识是后天获得的,不是先天就有的。

    Knowledge is acquired , not innate .

  10. 一个人的形成在于环境和后天的抚养。

    A man is what his environment and upbringing make him .

  11. 这个会议将于后天开幕。

    The meeting will open the day after tomorrow .

  12. 我们不知道哪些行为特征是遗传的,哪些是后天养成的。

    We do not know which behavioural traits are inherited and which acquired .

  13. 换句话说,它指的是任何后天习得或学习到的东西,而不是本能的或与生俱来的东西。

    In other words , it refers to anything that is brutal or learnt , rather than instinctive or natural .

  14. B:后天我将飞往成都去看望我的祖父母。

    B : I 'll fly to Chengdu to visit my grandparents the day after tomorrow .

  15. 简:哇,那是后天!我需要买一件新衣服。

    Jane : Wow , that 's the day after tomorrow ! I need to get a new dress .

  16. 前面加上cheap则表示某人“手紧”的本性,与他后天形成的缺点无关。

    Cheap was added early on to refer to a person ’ s tight-fisted nature rather than any of his other perceived inadequacies .

  17. “Z”成形术;后天性前鼻孔狭窄;手术治疗。

    " Z " - plasty ; acquired stenosis of anterior naris ; treatment .

  18. 爱滋病病毒即引发「后天免疫不全症候群」的病毒,或简称为AIDS。

    HIV ( human immunodeficiency virus ) is the virus that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome , or AIDS .

  19. 后天免疫仰赖致敏记忆B细胞和T细胞的长期存活,它们能在同一病原体再度感染时快速繁殖。

    Acquired immunity relies on the long-term survival of sensitized T and B memory cells , which can proliferate quickly upon reinfection by the same pathogen .

  20. 先天视障与后天视障学生SCL-90的测试比较

    Compare of SCL-90 between Inborn and Postnatal Visual Disable Students

  21. 后天性心脏病中离子通道病变是继发于VS病变对脂质膜的影响。

    The disordered ion channel is the consequence of the VS lesion influencing the lipid mem-brane in a diseased heart .

  22. 在DS中的神经病理学发现包括了先天或后天发育的畸形以及和提前出现的痴呆相关的变化。

    Neuropathological studies in DS have found including the congenital or acquired deformities and correlative changes in the early appearance of dementia .

  23. 热性惊厥(FS)是小儿常见的惊厥类型之一,可由多种疾病引起,包括先天和后天获得的各种不同机体因素。

    Febrile seizures are the most common children febrile convulsion caused by a variety of diseases including congenital and acquired organic factors .

  24. 目的探讨不伴有弱视的后天性内斜视患者5岁以后行内斜矫正术,术后3个月VEP(VisualEvokedPotential)的变化。

    Objective To assess the change of postoperation 3 months of strabismus surgery on visual evoked potential ( VEP ) after age 5 years in children with acquired esotropia without amblyopia .

  25. 术中收集后天性肛展、直肠外伤等5例无畸形患儿直肠齿状线上约Icm以内水平处肠组织做对照,标本处理同前。

    In the control group , tissues were obtained at point 1 cm to dentate line in acquired anal fistula and rectal trauma infants .

  26. 方法1对45例各种后天性心脏病,采用NTHI成像技术对心内膜清晰度进行半定量分析。

    Methods NTHI technique was used to observe endocardial visualization in 45 cases of acquired heart diseases .

  27. 川崎病(KawasakiDisease,KD)已经超过风湿热成为儿童后天性心脏病最常见的病因,冠状动脉扩张或瘤样形成是其最严重的并发症。

    Kawasaki disease ( KD ) has now surpassed acute rheumatic fever as the most common cause of acquired heart disease in children . Coronary artery dilataltion or aneurysm formation are mainly complications of KD .

  28. 结果:23例IE患儿的基础病包括先天性心脏病14例(60.87%),后天性心脏病3例(13.04%),其它疾病6例(26.09%)。

    Results : The underlying diseases of 23 cases consisted of 14 congenital heart diseases ( 60.87 % ), 3 acquired heart diseases ( 13.04 % ) and 6 other diseases ( 26.09 % ) .

  29. 该算法通过混沌映射来保持演化群体良好的多样性;通过基于Baldwin效应的后天强化学习来克服纯粹的随机演化。

    In this algorithm , the ( evolution ) population maintains a good diversity via the chaotic mapping , and the stochastic evolution is overcome by the posterior reinforcement learning based on Baldwin effect .

  30. 先天性SOP和后天性SOP有代偿头位者分别为:160/293例(546%)和47/62例(758%),P<001;

    The presentations and the results of several examinations in the patients with congenital SOP and acquired SOP were respectively as follows : compensatory head posture : 160 / 293 cases ( 54.6 % ), 47 / 62 cases ( 75.8 % );