
  • 网络posterior urethra;Prostatic urethra
  1. U形多孔引流支架管在复杂性后尿道手术中的应用

    Application of multihole U-shaped drainage stent in complex posterior urethra surgery

  2. 3例骨盆骨折并发-后尿道断裂的患者,2例NPT正常,1例NPT提示动脉供血不足。

    Among 3 patients with pelvic fracture and posterior urethra rupture , 2 patients having normal NPT , the others having reduction of blood flow NPT .

  3. MRI在创伤性后尿道狭窄诊断中的应用

    A study of MRI in the diagnosis of traumatic posterior urethral stricture

  4. 自制单J管和留置医用尼龙线防治儿童创伤性后尿道狭窄

    Self-designed single J tube and medical nylon string for the prevention and treatment of child traumatic posterior urethral stricture

  5. BPH伴发后尿道肿瘤4例,524名患者的年龄为52-90(71.7±7.1)岁。

    Patients were BPH with urethral tumor .

  6. 结论U形多孔引流支架管具有支架和引流双重作用,值得在复杂性后尿道手术中临床推广应用。

    Conclusion Multihole U-shaped drainage stent performs the functions of both stenting and drainage , and is applicable in complex posterior urethral surgery .

  7. 结果后尿道腺瘤组织的AR和EGFR阳性表达显著高于正常后尿道黏膜组织。

    Results The expression of AR and EGFR were significantly higher in posterior urethral adenoma than in normal posterior urethral mucosa .

  8. 结论:V形皮瓣龟头成形术是一种防止尿道重建后尿道外口狭窄的有效方法。

    CONLUSION : V-shape glans flap glanuloplasty is a good technique valuable to be used in complete reconstruction of the urethra with meatus at the tip of the penis .

  9. 方法:用Tile骨折分类法对36例后尿道损伤患者的骨盆骨折进行分类;

    Methods : 36 cases of posterior urethral injuried patients were studied , and distinguish the type of pelvic fracture according to Tile .

  10. 方法:对15例后尿道断裂患者均在外伤后7d内行贯穿膀胱颈会阴结扎固定术。

    Methods : Bladder necks perinea transfixion and ligation were carried out in 15 cases of posterior urethral disruption .

  11. RRP组术后尿道狭窄1例。

    There was one case with urethral stricture in RRP group .

  12. Foley管牵引固定尿道拖入术治疗外伤性后尿道狭窄

    Foley catheter ballon as a pulling and fixing device in Badenoch pull through procedure for posterior urethral stricture

  13. 目的探讨损伤严重程度评分(ISS)在骨盆骨折并后尿道断裂治疗中应用的意义。

    Objective To evaluate the association between the injury severity score ( ISS ) and the management of pelvic fracture complicated by urethral disruption .

  14. 方法以AIS90版为基础,采用ISS评分对293例男性闭合性骨盆骨折并后尿道断裂病人进行评估分析。

    Methods The management of 293 cases of pelvic fracture complicated by urethral disruption was reviewed and analyzed as to evaluate its association with ISS .

  15. 对8例侵犯膀胱颈和后尿道的多发浸润性膀胱癌病人于膀胱、前列腺及尿道全切术后行Sigma直肠膀胱术。

    Construction of a sigma-rectal pouch after total cystectomy , prostatectomy and urethrectomy was made as the urine reservoir for 8 cases of extensive bladder carcinoma invading the bladder neck and urethra .

  16. 方法通过对本科7a间误诊误治的12例小儿后尿道瓣膜症临床资料进行分析,探讨其原因。

    Methods The clinical data of 12 cases of misdiagnoses and mistreatments were collected during the past 7 years and the causes were analyzed .

  17. 结果8例膀胱RMS的IVP、CT表现为膀胱内葡萄状充盈缺损,膀胱颈部与耻骨联合间距增宽,VCUG可见肿物延伸至后尿道;

    Results The CT scans and IVP of eight cases with bladder RMS showed the polypoid filling defects in the bladder ; the distance between the neck of bladder and pubic symphysis was enlargement .

  18. 结论UPP检查主要反映BPH所致后尿道结构和前列腺体积的改变,对BPH的治疗有一定指导意义,但在诊断膀胱出口梗阻方面的价值不大。

    Conclusion UPP could reflect anatomical changes in posterior urethra and prostate volume indirectly , which is useful for the treatment of BPH , but UPP seems has minimal value on the diagnosis of BOO .

  19. 目的分析经尿道等离子双极前列腺电切术(TUPKRP)后尿道外口狭窄产生的原因,并探讨相应的预防和治疗措施。

    Objective To analyze the causes of external orifice stricture following TUPKRP , and to discuss how to prevent and treat it .

  20. 方法对72例骨盆骨折后尿道断裂患者行改良尿道会师牵引术,采用Foley氏尿管牵引固定于腹壁,改变传统牵引方向,增加牵引力等。

    Methods 72 patients with posterior urethral disruption complicated pelvic fracture after realignment of urethra were conducted modified urethral realignment with traction , fixed with traction to abdomen by Foley 's ureter , changed traditional traction way and increased traction , and so on .

  21. 12例中并发后尿道腺瘤2例,其中11例行TUR治疗,1例行保守治疗,术后有2例复发,有1例转变为恶性肿瘤。

    All cases were examined by cystoscopy and were identified pathologically . 11 of 12 cases were treated by TUR , and were followed up after operation . There were 2 cases relapsed , another one had a metastasis to malignant tumor .

  22. 方法后尿道狭窄患者46例,狭窄段长度0.8~2.5cm,平均1.5cm。

    [ Methods ] This study included 46 cases of old posterior urethral stricture or atresia . The length of stricture segment was 0.8 to 2.5 cm with a mean of 1.5 cm .

  23. 前列腺增生肥大患者的后尿道均被拉长超过3cm,27例表现为后尿道曲度增大或迂曲等异常的形态走行。

    The posterior urethras of the patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy were all lengthened over 3 cm , the tracks in the quiescent period were almost abnormal ( 27 / 28 ), some of the radians of posterior urethra were enlarged or some changed into tortuousness .

  24. 方法:对32例后尿道狭窄和闭锁患者采用膀胱截石位,于3、9、12点处作放射状钬激光(1.5J,10Hz)内切开治疗,并修整尿道内面,使管腔光滑。

    Methods : With Holmium : YAG ( 1.5 J , 10 Hz ) direct incision the stricture at 3 or 9 and 12 o'clock sites , 32 men with posterior-urethral stricture and atresia were treated through transurethral endoscopy .

  25. 1993年10月~1996年10月采用保留后尿道前列腺鞘形切除术治疗前列腺增生症60例,平均手术时间50min,术中平均出血量50ml,切除腺体平均重量70g。

    Suprapubic transvesical prostatectomy with preservation of the prostatic urethra had been performed in 60 cases with benign prostatic hyperplasia from Oct. 1993 to Oct. 1996 . Mean operative time was 50 minutes , blood loss 50 ml , weight of prostate 70 g.

  26. 方法1990年4月~2004年8月,收治下尿路梗阻患儿26例,年龄18d~12岁,其中后尿道瓣膜23例,前尿道瓣膜2例,外伤性后尿道狭窄1例。

    Methods Twenty-six boys suffering from lower urinary tract obstruction underwent the balloon dilatation operation . These patients included 23 cases of posterior urethral valves , 2 cases of anterior urethral valves and 1 case of traumatic urinary tract stricture . Their ages ranged from 18 days to 7 years .

  27. 先天性输尿管口异位伴后尿道狭窄1例

    One case : congenital ectopia of ureteral mouth associated with postero-urethrostenosis

  28. 小儿后尿道瓣膜症误诊误治分析

    Analysis of Misdiagnoses and Mistreatments of Posterior Urethral Valve in Children

  29. 改良会阴切口治疗男童后尿道闭锁

    A modified transperineal approach to treat posterior urethral atresia in boys

  30. 后尿道断裂26例急症处理的临床分析

    Analysis of instant management in 26 patients with posterior urethral rupture