
  • 网络principal drug;Monarch;King Drug;monarch drug in a prescription
  1. 目的对复方黄黛片的君药雄黄进行纳米级粉化研究,为探讨雄黄诱导细胞凋亡的粒度效应、作用机理和新的制剂工艺奠定基础。

    Aim Nanoparticle study on monarch drug in the complex Huang Dai tablet-realgar , laying the groundwork for deeply investigating realgar particle size effect induced by cellular apoptosis , mechanism of action and new pharmaceutical technology .

  2. 我们在临床中发现以何首乌为君药的方剂治疗PD确实有一定疗效。

    In clinical , we found the herbal prescription which is gentleman medicine of PM have certain curative effect for PD treatment .

  3. 方法采用HPLC法,以君药红参中人参皂苷为检测指标,采用梯度洗脱的方法,控制其中红参主要成分的色谱峰。

    Method The main ingredient of the injection , Red Ginseng , was determined by HPLC and used binary solvent-delivery gradient elution to control the main component in Red Ginseng .

  4. 以HPLC法测定君药麻黄中有效成分的含量作为成品定量控制的指标。

    Determine you medicine effective composition in the Chinese ephedra with HPLC ( regard content that the hydrochloric acid of Mahuang are counted ) as finished product index that ration control .

  5. 以HPLC法测定该方君药黄连所含主要有效成分小檗碱的含量,并建立了相应的测定方法和含量限度。

    By determining the content of berberine which is the main effective ingredient of coptis with HPLC , the corresponding methods of determining content was built and the limits of content were determined .

  6. 桃仁、红花等活血化瘀药是此方的君药;

    Peach Seed and Safflower are principal drugs of this decoction ;

  7. 采用柱层析-高效液相色谱法对其中君药淫羊藿进行含量测定。

    The principal drug - epimedium herb was determined by column chromatography-HPLC .

  8. 结果:壳聚糖澄清法可较好地保存降糖通脉君药地黄中有效成分梓醇的含量。

    Results : Catalpol can be well preserved by chitosan clarification method .

  9. 利用化学及薄层法对君药黄芩进行定性鉴别;

    Qualitative identification of principal drug-scutellaria root was conducted by chemical and thin-layer chromatography ( TLC ) .

  10. 目的:了解以菟丝子为君药的补肾中药复方对无排卵型不孕的临床疗效。

    Objective : To know the clinical effect of compound Chinese medicine for reinforcing kidney on anovulatory sterility patients .

  11. 因此,在开展药动学研究时,重点关注君药活性成分的药动学特征及变化。

    Therefore , we focus on the pharmacokinetics character of principal components in sovereign drug when we do pharmacokinetics study .

  12. 结论:四妙加味方复方配伍后,其君药黄柏中的生物碱均能与阿魏酸、绿原酸等结合形成沉淀复合物。

    Conclusion : After compatability of the drug , the alkaloids in PC can all form precipitate with ferulic acid and chlorogenic acid .

  13. 摸索确定的测定君药夏枯草中主要成分齐墩果酸含量的一套高效液相色谱法的方法学考察符合规定的要求。

    The results of studies on the method of HPLC determination of Oleanolic acid in XIAO LIU EFFERVESCENT TABLET conform to the standards .

  14. 臣:辅助君药治疗主要病症的药物,或针对兼症起治疗作用的药物。

    Auxiliary gentleman medicine treats the medicaments of main disease , or be aimed at the medicaments that holds effect of the therapy since disease concurrently .

  15. 栀子根是我国目前治疗丙型肝炎的唯一中药新药&松栀丸中的君药,它主含齐墩果酸醋酸酯[3]。

    Gardenia is a unique new drugs of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of hepatitis c in " Song Zhi Wan " . it contain Oleanolic acid acetic ester .

  16. 但因其君药马钱子毒性较大,临床常有不良反应报道,从而影响该药的临床安全使用及国际准入。

    It has been called in question on clinical safety , even not accepted by international market , due to toxical Semen Strychni as monarch drug which often induce adverse reaction .

  17. 目的研究HPLC测定利可君原料药和有关物质的方法。

    OBJECTIVE To establish a HPLC method for the determination of leucogen and its related substance .

  18. 建立了君-使对药体内效应物质研究新模式,为创新药物的开发提供了新途径。

    A new mode to investigate the bioactive substances of monarch-guide compatible herb was established , which could provide new pathway to develop highly effective new drugs .