
tīng lì
  • hearing;audition;aural comprehension
听力 [tīng lì]
  • (1) [audition;hearing]∶辨别声音的能力

  • 经过针刺恢复了听力

  • (2) [aural comprehension]∶听觉的理解力

  • 她英语的听力很好

听力[tīng lì]
  1. 经检查,她的听力有点缺陷。

    Her hearing was found to be slightly defective .

  2. 耳垢堵塞耳道可能会影响听力。

    Hearing can be affected by ear wax blocking the ear canal .

  3. 这门课程也包括写作练习和听力理解。

    The course also features creative writing exercises and listening comprehension .

  4. 人口总数的1/20强在某种程度上存在听力障碍。

    More than 1 in 20 of the population is hearing-impaired to some extent

  5. 他患有先天性听力缺损。

    He was born with a hearing defect .

  6. 他的听力尚佳,因此他与外界的联系没有中断。

    His hearing remained good , so that his contact with the world was uninterrupted .

  7. 盲人的听力会大幅增强也是一种谬谈。

    It is also a myth that the faculty of hearing is greatly increased in blind people .

  8. 他经过针刺恢复了听力。

    He regained his listening after receiving acupuncture treatment .

  9. 这些学生的听力提高了。

    The students have improved their listening .

  10. 她学语言的听力很好。

    She has a good ear for languages .

  11. TVEars因此赢得了全国的听力学家和世界著名医生的信任和信心。

    That 's why TV Ears has earned the trust and confidence of audiologists nationwide as well as world-famous doctors .

  12. “作为一名退休的耳科医生,我衷心向听力正常和听力丧失的人推荐TVEars耳机。”加利福尼亚州医学博士罗伯特·福布斯说道。

    " As a retired ear doctor , I heartily recommend TV Ears to people with normal hearing as well as those with hearing loss . " Robert Forbes , M. D , CA

  13. 现在丈夫可以把音量调到他需要的最大,我也可以把电视音量调到我的听力范围内。

    Now my husband can have the volume as loud as he needs and I can have the TV at my hearing level .

  14. 他们告诉她父母她会失去视力和听力。

    They told her parents she would go blind and deaf .

  15. 但事实上,大象的听力比视力好。

    But , in fact , elephants hear better than they see .

  16. 音乐可以提高注意力、记忆力、听力和我们的整体语言能力。

    Music improves concentration , memory , listening skills , and our overall language abilities .

  17. 她的视力和听力都很差,所以她不仅看不清,还听不清。

    Her eyesight and hearing are so poor that she can 't see or hear clearly .

  18. 研究人员克劳斯最近的一项研究表明,演奏乐器可以提高人的听力。

    A recent study by researcher Kraus shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a person 's hearing ability .

  19. 对于视力或听力不好的学生来说,教室后面的座位并不是一个好的选择。

    For students with poor eyesight or hearing , a seat at the back of the classroom is not a good choice .

  20. 所以他有了一个想法:如果大象很聪明,听力也很好,也许它们可以演奏音乐。

    And so he had an idea : if elephants are smart and they have good hearing , maybe they can play music .

  21. 一个男人担心他的妻子听力不如以前,他认为她可能需要一些助听器。

    A man feared his wife wasn 't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need some hearing aid .

  22. 医生告诉他,丈夫可以做一个简单的测试,以便医生更好地了解她的听力损失情况。

    The doctor told him there was a simple test the husband could do to give the doctor a better idea of her hearing loss .

  23. 他听力敏锐,但不善言辞。

    He is swift to hear , but slow to speak .

  24. 你可以把这些磁带当作听力材料。

    You can use these tapes as aural material .

  25. 为耳聋和听力不佳者打出的字幕

    subtitles for the deaf and the hard of hearing

  26. 那位老人听力差。

    The old man 's hearing is poor .

  27. 我是不是被什么听力学校淘汰了

    Is there some school of the ear I 'm flunking out off right now ?

  28. 根据印度和其他地区所见到的证据,德尔塔毒株似乎会引发更严重的症状,包括腹痛、恶心、呕吐、食欲不振、听力丧失和关节痛。

    It appears to cause more severe symptoms , according to evidence seen from India and elsewhere , including stomach pain , nausea pain .

  29. 基于Web的听力训练和测验

    Web-Based Listening Training and Testing

  30. 为保留第二次手术耳听力,术中用CAP监测。

    In order to protect the hearing in the latter operation , the CAP was monitored .