
  • 网络Start Time;start-up time;set-up time;attack;attack time
  1. 共享类还可以改善JVM的启动时间。

    Shared classes also improves JVM start-up time .

  2. JavaQuickStart服务将预加载部分JRE到系统盘缓存中,本质上减少了平均启动时间。

    Java Quick Start Service will pre-load portions of the JRE into the system disk cache , substantially decreasing the average start-up time .

  3. 使用PersistentFrameworkCache时,显著改善程序首次运行的启动时间

    Significantly improved first-run application startup time when using the Persistent Framework Cache

  4. 不管是互联网环境,还是Web开发,或是其他什么,实例的启动时间都是完全不可接受的。

    The boot time for an instance is absolutely unacceptable for the Internet , for web development , or otherwise .

  5. 浅谈增安型电机tE时间、启动时间及保护时间的相互关系

    Correlation of the t_E , Starting Time and Protective Time for Increased Safety Motor

  6. 带启动时间的多级适应性休假连续时间排队的PH封闭性

    PH closure properties of continuous time queue with multiple adaptive vacation and Set - Up time

  7. 你可以使用Botvis这个由微软开发的免费软件来设定windows系统的启动时间。

    You can optimize the Windows boot time using a free program called Bootvis from Microsoft .

  8. top给出服务器某个瞬间的快照,其中包含了有关启动时间、CPU使用情况、内存使用情况和进程的信息。

    Top gives a snapshot of your server & information about uptime , CPU utilization , memory utilization , and processes .

  9. 启动时间较长,因为复制到RAM的时间超过安装时间。

    Boot times are longer , since copying to RAM takes more time than mounting .

  10. 然后获取最后运行的作业服务器实例ID,并查询启动时间。

    It then gets the instance ID of the last-run job server and queries to get the startup time .

  11. 本文研究带有同步启动时间的M/M/c系统;其中启动时间是相型(PH)变量。

    In this paper , we give a detailed analysis of the M / M / c queue with synchronous set-up times of phase type .

  12. 本文展示了共享类在改进Java应用程序的启动时间和减少内存使用量两方面的效果。

    This article has demonstrated how shared classes can improve both the startup times of your Java applications and decrease the amount of memory used .

  13. 启用共享类还会减少Tomcat的启动时间。

    Enabling shared classes also provides a decrease in the Tomcat startup time .

  14. 一维弹道修正引信DCM启动时间快速计算方法研究

    A New Method to Calculate Fast Deployment Time of DCM of One-Dimensional Range-correction Fuzes

  15. 数据绑定框架使用的jar文件的大小是影响这一启动时间的一个主要因素。

    The size of the jar files used by the data binding framework is one major influence on this startup time .

  16. n层Web应用程序的典型问题与其他应用程序无异:启动时间过长、整体性能较差、无法解决某些具体问题以及应用程序故障。

    The standard problems in n-tier Web applications are the same as those for any application : long startup times , poor overall performance , poor performance in specific cases , and application failures .

  17. 另外,使用缓存中的AOT代码也有助于减少启动时间。

    In addition , using AOT code from the cache helps reduce startup time .

  18. 温度补偿点降低;光合作用启动时间(STP)延长。

    At the same time , the start time of photosynthesis ( STP ) prolonged .

  19. 为了缩短系统启动时间并降低整体负荷,应尽可能使用非持久性会话bean,而不应使用实体bean(将自动维护状态信息)。

    To reduce system startup times and general overhead , use non-persistent session beans rather than entity beans ( which automatically maintain state information ) whenever possible .

  20. 为了解决N2O单组元推进器存在的预热能量消耗过大,启动时间过长的问题,在实验基础上建立了推进器预热过程的数学模型。

    To evaluate pre-heating process of N_2O monopropellant thruster and reduce pre-heating energy , a numerical model was developed .

  21. 作为一种手段,我建议您开发一个shell游戏,它的启动时间可以有所浮动但是总和保持相同。

    In a way , I 'm suggesting that you engage in a shell game , where the time to start the application is moved around but the total is still the same .

  22. 发现当水力停留时间为24h,反应器具有较快的启动时间和效率,五天就能实现生物膜的快速生长。

    When the hydraulic retention time was 24h , AAC had fast starting speed and biofilm could form well in five days .

  23. 为了度量启动时间,我们使用日志文件catalina.out(位于logs)中记录的时间。

    To measure startup time , we use the timings that are written into the log file catalina . out , which is located in logs .

  24. 对于大量的widget来说,这会导致内存和JVM启动时间的猛增。

    For a large number of widgets , this will quickly add up to a large footprint both in memory and JVM startup time .

  25. 在这种情况下,该接口被拿来将CSS及其图片与程序文件进行打包,从而减少HTTP请求的次数和缩短应用启动时间。

    In this case the interface is being used to bundle CSS and it 's images with the application to reduce HTTP calls and startup time .

  26. 投加固定化菌的强化SBR系统较不加固定化菌的对照系统具有启动时间短,耐冲击负荷能力强的特点。

    Start-up time was shortened and the ability to resist shock loading was strengthened in the bioaugmented SBR system in comparison with the control system .

  27. 谷歌预测,新操作系统将为pc用户带来各种优势,如大幅缩短启动时间,以及降低管理电脑的复杂性。

    It predicted that the software would bring benefits to PC users from greatly cutting the time it takes for a machine to start up to reducing the complexity of managing personal computers .

  28. 300MW机组整套启动时间的技术控制

    The Technical Control of a Complete Set Starting Time of 300 MW Units

  29. 结果1~14天时PD大鼠启动时间逐渐延长、持续时间逐渐缩短,最高转速与旋转圈数不变。

    Results From 1d to 14d the start time of PD rats elongated gradually , the continuous time shortened by degrees , the maximum rotational speed and the rotational number were invariable .

  30. 比如,对于Java和JavaFX应用程序的启动时间方面的改善,将会使启动时间比现在有显著的提高。

    For example , the improvements in startup time should make plug-in startup time , for both Java and JavaFX applications , markedly better than it is today .