
chuī liàn
  • converting;blow
吹炼[chuī liàn]
  1. GM型鼓风机在冰铜吹炼流程中的应用及对策

    Application and Measure of GM Type Blower on Air Blowing and Smelting of Mitte

  2. 底吹CaCO3粉剂转炉复合吹炼法的研究

    Study on converter combined blowing technique with bottom injecting of caco_3

  3. 底吹CO2对吹炼工艺及底枪蚀损的影响

    Effect of bottom blowing CO2 on process and nozzle erosion

  4. BP神经网络在铜锍吹炼终点预报中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network Model in Predicting the Endpoint in Matte-Converting

  5. PLC在铜吹炼转炉分布式监控管理系统中的应用

    Use of PLC in the Distributed Control and Manage System of the Copper Smelt Process

  6. 实际转炉吹炼的冰铜熔体中S和Fe活度的测定

    Determination of activities of S and Fe in melts of matte converting process by EMF method

  7. PS转炉铜锍吹炼过程智能决策与终点预报系统

    Intelligent decision and endpoint prediction system for PS furnace matte converting process

  8. 铜PS转炉与闪速吹炼技术比较

    Technical Comparison of Pierce-Smith and Flash Copper Converting Process

  9. 讨论了复吹工艺的脱P和脱C特性,指出对高碳钢和低碳钢,复吹转炉应采取不同的吹炼制度。

    It also points out that different blowing processes need to be applied to the combined-blowing converters for making high carbon and low carbon steels .

  10. 转炉复合吹炼在全程吹N2的条件下,终点[N]含量的控制是很重要的。

    For combined blown converter operated with N2 blowing through whole process the control of nitrogen content at end point is very important .

  11. 转炉炼钢在吹炼过程中,产生的CO气体具有很高的回收利用价值。

    The converter makes steel in blew process , the output of CO has the very high recovery use value .

  12. 采用BP神经网络,建立炼铜转炉吹炼造铜期终点与各影响因素之间的数学模型,对吹炼终点进行预报。

    A mathematical model of endpoint and correlative factors is developed to predict the endpoint of matte-converting using the BP neural network model .

  13. VOD吹炼不锈钢脱氧工艺及渣系分析

    Analysis on Deoxidation and Slag System in the Stainless Steel Melting by VOD

  14. 采用BP网络确定控制变量,即吹炼终点所需要补吹的氧气量和冷却剂加入量。

    BP network used to determine control variables , namely , the need to fill the end of blowing blowing oxygen and the amount of refrigerant .

  15. 提出了基于改进的BP神经网络学习算法和自适应残差补偿算法的炼铜转炉吹炼终点组合预报模型。

    It is the first time that a converting furnace endpoint prediction model based on an improved BP neural network and error compensation of linear regression .

  16. 介绍了济钢第三炼钢厂120t转炉氧枪的CRT上位计算机操作、PLC逻辑控制及自动升降枪定位吹炼等。

    The lance CRT operation , PLC logistic control and automatic orientation control etc is introduced .

  17. 顶底复合吹炼转炉、LF及薄板坯连铸中氮的变化

    Change of nitrogen content in process of complex top-bottom blowing converter smelting , lf and sheet billet continuous casting

  18. AOD炉复合吹炼法的工艺实践

    Practice of AOD with top-blowing

  19. 不锈钢AOD转炉吹炼过程中熔池混合特性初探

    Prelimimary investigation of bath mixing characteristics during the blowing process of stainless steel in an AOD Converter

  20. 吹炼初期,加入石灰(CaO)与已氧化杂质化合造渣。

    During the early stages of the blow , lime ( CaO ) is added and this combines with oxidized impurities to form a slag .

  21. 宝钢300t氧气顶吹转炉吹炼终点控制

    End - point control of baoshan 's 300t LD process

  22. 随溅渣层中T(Fe)含量减少,其熔化温度升高,因而可减少溅渣层在吹炼终点高温下的熔损。

    The melting temperature of slag coating rises with the decrease of T ( Fe ) % in slag so as to decrease the melting of slag coating at blowing end in BOF .

  23. P-S转炉是铜锍吹炼的主要设备。

    The P-S converter is a important equipment in the process of production for blister .

  24. 120t转炉顶底复合吹炼工艺技术应用

    120 tons of converter are equivalent to the bottom compound blowing technology in applying

  25. 80t顶底复合吹炼转炉的冶金效果

    Metallurgical Effect of 80 t Combined Blowing Oxygen Converter

  26. NORANDA工艺是我国引进的富氧吹炼炼铜工艺。

    The NORANDA technique is the imported copper smelting technique of rich oxygen blowing smelting .

  27. 100t转炉吹炼终点钢水碳锰含量对炉渣氧化性的影响

    Influence of the C and Mn content of 100 ton converter destination molten steel on oxidbillity of slag

  28. LBE转炉优化吹炼工艺参数的水模实验研究

    Water modeling of optimizing blowing technical parameters in LBE

  29. 铜锍P-S转炉吹炼是一个涉及化学反应、传热、传质、流体流动的复杂过程。

    Matte converting in Pierce-Smith converters involves chemical reactions , fluid flow and transformation of both heat and mass .

  30. 太钢开发了AOD炉顶底复合吹炼工艺,成功地进行了42炉冶炼不锈钢的工业性试验。

    The AOD refining process with top-blowing has been developed at Taiyuan Steel , by which 42 heats of stainless steel were made successfully .