
  • 网络Blow;blowing;waft
吹送 [chuī sòng]
  • [puff] 用一阵阵的风或气推动

  1. 介绍了环吹送风工艺与纺丝生产原丝品质的应对关系。

    The relation between the circular blow process and quality of the spinning production grey yarn were introduced .

  2. 光缆吹送设备的配置

    Equipments for Installation of Air Blowing Fiber Optic Cable Configuration of Equipment for Fiber Optic Cords

  3. 绕过菲尼斯特雷角之后,这些船开始在东北信风的吹送下破浪前行。

    After rounding Cape Finisterre the boats ride the north-easterly trades .

  4. 微风吹送玫瑰花香气。

    A breeze wafts the smell of roses .

  5. GF4型氧化铝粉罐车流化吹送装置的改进设计

    Design Improvement of Fluidized Blower for GF_4 Alumina Powder Tank Vehicle

  6. 爱就会将它吹送,安息在你的发丝。

    Love will waft it till it settles on your hair .

  7. 南来的好风在船后吹送;

    And a good south wind sprung up behind ;

  8. 这些元素,在种种气流吹送之下,从我们身外向四面八方传播:

    Far out on every side of us those elements are broadcast , driven in many currents ;

  9. 建立了光缆吹送敷设的稳定性模型,并提出了提高光缆吹送稳定性的措施。

    The stability model for air-blowing installation of fiber optic cables is established and some measures to improve air-blowing stability are proposed .

  10. 我愿我的关怀是枫叶,轻轻地摇着秋日的气味,吹送朋友们的问候,国庆快乐!

    I wish my concern is the Maple Leaf , gently spinning autumn of life , though friends greetings , happy National Day !

  11. 我愿我的关怀是枫叶,轻轻地摇着秋日的气息,吹送朋友们的问候,国庆快乐!

    I wish my concern is the Maple Leaf , gently spinning autumn of life , though friends greetings , happy National Day !

  12. 介绍了光缆吹送系列设备,并给出了系列设备的基本组成及不同配置。

    The series equipments for air blowing installation of fiber optic cable are introduced , and the basic composition and diverse configurations are presented .

  13. 当我们在爬这小斜山坡时,他们在我们的脚下轻轻地呻吟。不时的一阵阵温和清风吹送野花的芳香来振奋我们。

    They whined beneath our feet as we climbed the gentle slope , and now and then , a gentle breeze brought the fragrant smell of wild flower to refresh us .

  14. 一个诗人到一首诗我胆敢在此说出的只是倘若这些凋落的残花能有一朵你觉得美丽,爱就会将它吹送,安息在你的发丝。

    From a poet to a poem I would dare to say . For if of these fallen petals Once to you seem fair , Love will waft it till it settles On your hair .

  15. 时间已是星期天晚上9点,过去20分钟里,本人一直背紧靠墙坐着,听由一股湿热气体朝自己脸部吹送。

    It 's 9pm on a Sunday and for the past 20 minutes I 've been sitting with my back against the wall , with a jet of moist , hot air directed at my face .

  16. 通过静强度计算及车体静强度试验,对采用最新型流化吹送装置的GF4型氧化铝粉罐车的结构强度进行了论证。

    Through the static strength calculation and car body static strength test , the structure strength of the GF 4 type aluminum oxide powder tank car on which the newest fluidized flowing device is applied is demonstrated .

  17. 或利用另一种液体流至储热装置中吸热,当热流体流至室内,在利用风扇吹送被加热空气至室内,而达到暖房效果。

    Or use another kind of liquid flow to store hot device absorption , when the thermal fluid flow to indoor , the use of fan heated air wafted to indoor , and to achieve greenhouse effect .

  18. 现有气卸散装粉状货物罐车的流化系统,结构复杂、质量差、成本高难以满足市场需求,为此,设计了新型流化吹送装置,并通过卸料试验进行了效果验证。

    The complicated structure , lower quality and high cost for present fluid system of powder goods tank vehicle can not satisfy with the market requirement , so a new type fluid blower is designed and result tested by goods unloading experiment .

  19. GF3型氧化铝罐车于2001年进行了改进设计,采用了新型流化吹送装置和120型制动机,并对料孔防盗进行了改进。

    The improved design of the GF 3 type aluminum oxide tank car is made in 2001 . The new fluidized blowing equipment and 120 type brake are used , and improvement has been made in steal prevention of the goods inlet and outlet hole .

  20. 谁把那个吹牛皮的小偷送上我的船?

    Who sent that thieving chariatan onto my ship ?

  21. 对其烟尘控制的有效性和合理性作了具体分析,同时介绍了吹吸式通风装置送、排风量的计算方法。

    The article analyzes specifically dust control for effectiveness reasonableness and introduces calculating methods of blow and exhaust wind volume of Push pull ventilation device .