
ǒu xuè
  • haematemesis;spitting blood;spit blood;throw up blood
呕血 [ǒu xuè]
  • [haematemesis;spit blood;throw up blood] 吐血。食管、胃、肠等消化器官出血经口腔排出

呕血[ǒu xuè]
  1. 报警者:病人还在不停的咳嗽,还有呕血。

    Reporter : He is sill coughing and haematemesis .

  2. 其出血以黑便为主100%,呕血占20%。

    The bleeding with black shit ( 100 % ), haematemesis ( 20 % ) .

  3. 呕血、误吸、PPI大量使用等因素使肝硬化并发上消化道出血患者的消化道细菌发生迁移,常常会引发或加重肺部感染。

    Vomiting , aspiration , extensive use of the PPI factors on liver cirrhosis complicated with gastrointestinal bleeding patients with gastrointestinal bacterial migration , often lead to or aggravate lung infection .

  4. 全部病人随访5~10年,甲组病人DSA证实残脾与后腹膜形成了丰富的分流通路,乙组有5例反复呕血。

    All the patients were followed up 5 to 10 years . In the group A , rich shunt was found between residual spleen and posterior peritoneum by DSA . In the group B , 5 patients spit blood repeatedly .

  5. 结果呕血伴排柏油样便为主要临床表现,脾脏增大为体检特征。

    Results Hematemesis , melena and splenomegaly were the major presentations .

  6. 胃病患者?在三个月内有呕血史者不宜服用。

    Not to use by those with bleeding ulcer withing the past 3 month .

  7. 第一例是一位12岁的男孩,临床上表现出因肝门脉高血压所引起的呕血症状。

    The first patient was a12-year-old boy who presented with hematemesis due to portal hypertension .

  8. 急性上消化道放疗反应0~1级,无腹痛、呕血、肠梗阻等症状。

    0-1 degree acute radiotherapeutic side-effects happened without other symptoms like abdominal pain , vomitus cruentus , intestinal obstruction etc.

  9. ⑷脾不统血证:便血、经期延长、大便色黑、斑、呕血。

    ⑷ Spleen failing to control blood Syndrome : hematochezia , menostaxis , black stool , spot , hematemesis .

  10. 我们报道一例巨大食管息肉病例,该病人有吞咽困难和呕血的症状。

    One case of giant fibrovascular polyp of the esophagus was described . The patient had symptoms of dysphagia and hematemesis .

  11. 呕血或/和黑便的发生率分别为14.6%和6.9%(P<0.05);

    The incidence of haematemesis or / and melaena was 14.6 % in the elderly and 6.9 % in the non-elderly ( P < 0.05 ) .

  12. 患者,女,46岁,4年前因二次原位肝移植术后,门静脉吻合口狭窄致门静脉高压,反复呕血,予行门静脉支架植入术。

    A 46-year-old woman underwent orthotopic liver transplantation twice 4 years ago , suffered from portal vein hypertension and repeated haematemesis caused by portal vein anastomotic stenosis .

  13. 结果:雷贝拉唑组患者无呕血和黑粪出现,法莫替丁组有1例患者出现黑粪,发生率为10%。

    Results : No hematemesis or melena was observed in rabeprazole group , and one patient had melena in famotidine group , the prevalence rate was10 % .

  14. 【结果】20例患者经内镜气囊扩张后症状都得到缓解,未发生穿孔、呕血或黑便等并发症。

    [ Results ] The symptoms of pylori obstruction remitted in all of the 20 patients and there were no complication of perforation , haematemesis and melena .

  15. 其中,胃、十二指肠出血约占80%&90%,以呕血或(和)黑便为主要症状,重者常伴有急性周围循环衰竭以及重要器官功能不全等临床表现。

    Besides the major symptoms of hematemesis and melena , serious patients usually accompany with some clinical features of acute peripheral circulatory failure and insufficiency of some important organs , etc.

  16. 溃疡病患儿往往腹痛、消化不良等不典型,而血便、呕血伴血便常见,晕厥及贫血表现较为突出。

    For ulcers , abdominal pain and dyspepsia were always atypical , while hematochezia , hematemesis associated with hematochezia were frequent symptoms , and syncope and anemia were also prominent .

  17. 结果35例平滑肌瘤中,食管18例、胃壁9例、空肠2例、回肠4例、结肠2例。临床表现为吞咽困难及梗阻、腹部包块、呕血及柏油样便。

    Results In 35 cases , 18 cases of esophagus , 9 cases of gastric wall , 2 cases of colon , 4 ase of ileum , 2 cases of jejunum .

  18. 结果:胃大部切除术后残胃应激性浅表黏膜损害大出血多发于术后1周,为突发大量呕血或便血。

    Results : All patients with superficial gastric mucosal Lesion and massive hemorrhage by stress were in postoperative period and the main manifestations were acute hematemesis or hemafecia in the the first week after operation .

  19. 此外还有食管贲门炎,缝线残留等。残胃病变的临床表现主要为上腹部疼痛占603%,恶心、呕吐及或纳差、消瘦占191%,呕血、黑便占113%。

    The clinical characteristics of gastric stump lesion was : upper abdominal pain is 60 3 % , nausea , vomiting and lack of appetite or loss weight is 19 2 % , and hematemesis or black stool is 11 3 % .

  20. 临床特点以腹痛(16/21)、呕血及血便(12/21),以及腹部包块(5/12),腹块主要见于恶性肿瘤中。

    The common clinical presentations of the gastric smooth muscle tumors were ab-dominal pain ( 16 / 21 ) , melena and hematemesis ( 12 / 21 ) . and palpable abdominal mass ( 5 / 21 ) which was mainly seen in the malig-nancy .

  21. 结果治愈13例,治愈率为81.25%,平均住院46天,1例治疗中死于大呕血,1例死于肺部感染、呼吸循环衰竭,另1例放弃治疗自动出院。

    Results 13 of 16 patients were cured , with a cure rate of 81.25 % and the average hospital time of 46 days . One patient died of bleeding and one died of lung infection and respiratory failure . The other one gave up therapy and discharged selfishly .