
  1. 周文小说风格论

    Novel Style of Zhou Wen

  2. 第二部分,掀开川康神秘面纱:周文小说的意义世界。

    Part II : Revealing Mysterious veil of Chuan Kang , Significant World of Zhou Wen 's novels .

  3. 周文青少年时期生活在四川西部的川康一带,并且在川康军阀中从军6年之久。

    ZHOU Wen spent his juvenile years in Sichuan-Xikang district and stay in the army of Sichuan-Xikang warlords for six years .

  4. 中国驻美大使周文重说:人们不应该只关注一件事平衡经济。

    Zhou Wenzhong , China 's ambassador in Washington , said : People should not focus on only one thing , that is balancing the economy .

  5. 星期四,91岁的作曲家周文中将成为哥伦比亚大学米勒剧场“作曲家的画像”演出的主题。

    In his youth , Chou Wen-chung , the 91-year-old subject of a Composer Portrait at the Columbia University Miller Theater on Thursday , had many strict teachers .

  6. 失踪与回归&历史凹凸镜下的作家周文由目镜产生放大图像的大的凹透镜。

    Disappearing and Returning : To Commemorate the Great Author of Zhou Wen from a Historical Perspective ; large concave mirror produces image that is magnified by the eyepiece .

  7. 周文作为文艺大众化运动的实践组织者和开拓者,对文艺大众化运动的普及和提高做出了巨大贡献。

    Zhou Wen as the popular movement of literature practice organizer and pioneers , to the popular movement of literature and enhance the popularity and made great contribution to .

  8. 这些作品集中表现了川康社会被损害者群体的心理和生存方式,并且,丰富了周文小说乃至整个中国现代小说人物画廊。

    These works epitomize the psychological and existential fashion of the injured people in the Chuan Kang society , and enrich the figure gallery of Zhou Wen 's nov - els and modern Chinese novels .

  9. 当周文率领的队伍攻至秦的首都咸阳城下时,秦二世惊慌失措,速调集各地军队镇压起义军。

    When the branch led by Zhou Wen besieged Xianyang , the capital of Qin , the Second Emperor became panic-stricken and mustered his troops in various parts of the country to launch a counter defence .