
  • 网络Sour taste;Picric acid
  1. 祖国医学认为,梅子性平、味酸。

    The motherland medicine believed that plum even , taste acid .

  2. 大的心形的热带水果,果肉柔软,味酸。

    Large heart-shaped tropical fruit with soft acid pulp .

  3. 美国南部的一种山楂属植物,果多汁、红色而味酸,常用来做果冻或果酱。

    Hawthorn of southern United States bearing juicy acid scarlet fruit often used in jellies or preserves .

  4. 果实表皮呈亮红色(很少一部分具有橘黄色),皮易破,果肉柔软、多汁,味酸。

    Fruit skin was bright red ( with a fraction of orange ), skin and break the flesh is soft , juicy .

  5. 春季它开紫色的花,然后开始孕育果实。到了秋天,就结出了紫褐色,味酸,带皱,质感柔软的果实。

    It puts out purple flowers in spring and bears , in autumn , purplish-brown fruit that is sour , puckery and mild in nature .

  6. 研究了云南滇味酸腌菜的加工技术与工艺参数,探讨了发酵食品固定风味与延长保质期的方法,提出了商品生产的产品质量标准。

    This paper studies the processing technique and technology parameter of dian diet sauerkraut , discusses the method of fixing flavour and shelf life of ferment foodstuff , makes the quality standard of production .

  7. 味在酸咸之外&台湾饮食文化鸟瞰

    A Bird 's Eye View of Taiwan Dietetic Culture

  8. 草药的五味:酸、苦、甘、辛、咸

    " Five tastes of medicinal herb : sour , Bitter , sweet , hot and salty "

  9. 浆果卵形、梨形或球形,成熟时淡黄或粉红色,味略酸而有特殊香味。

    Berries ovate , pear-shaped or spherical , mature weak yellow or pink , taste when slightly acid and special aroma .

  10. 酸豆酸酸味郁郁,酸豆树荫凉凉情浓浓。

    Acid taste Tamarindus melancholy , deep feelings Tamarindus cool shade of a tree .

  11. 卡式活性碳过滤器,净油、去味、脱酸、杀菌。

    Active carbon filter in card mode , purified oil , delicacy removal , de-acid , free bacterial .

  12. 淘宝上关于情趣用品商店的的评价很多都是抱怨塑料味“又酸又粘”和包裹太脏。

    Many comments on Taobao sex toy stores complain about the " sour and sticky " plastic smell of the products as well as their dirty packages .

  13. 中国菜以五味为主,即酸、辣、苦、甜、咸。

    The Chinese cuisine is based on five tastes & sour , hot , bitter , sweet and salty .

  14. 一种甜的饮料,含碳酸水和调味料。中国菜以五味为主:即酸、甜、苦、辣、咸。

    A sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring . The Chinese cuisine Based on five tastes : sour , sweet , Bitter , hot and salty .

  15. 在氨基酸含量方面,养殖半滑舌鳎呈味氨基酸天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸和丙氨酸略低于野生半滑舌鳎。

    The contents of taste amino acid , including aspartic acid ( ASP ), glutamic acid ( Glu ), glycine ( Gly ), alanine ( Ala ), in the cultured tongue sole is lower than that in the wild fish .