  • taste;flavour;smell;odour
  • distinguish the flavour of
  • ingredient
  • 舌头尝东西所得到的感觉:~觉。~道(亦指兴趣)。滋~。

  • 鼻子闻东西所得到的感觉:气~。香~儿。

  • 情趣:趣~。兴~。意~。津津有~。

  • 体会,研究:体~。耐人寻~。

  • 量词,指中草药的一种:五~药。


(味道) taste; flavour:

  • 甜味儿

    a sweet taste;

  • 滋味

    flavour; taste;

  • 鲜味

    a delicate flavour


(气味) smell; odour; savour:

  • 香味儿

    sweet smell; aroma; fragrance;

  • 他身上有股大蒜味。

    He stank [smelled] of garlic.


(意味; 趣味) significance; interest:

  • 兴味盎然

    with keen interest;

  • 语言无味

    insipid language; colourless language;

  • 文笔艰涩无味。

    The style is difficult and dull.


(辨别味道) distinguish [sample] the flavour of:

  • 体味

    appreciate; savour;

  • 回味

    ponder over;

  • 玩味

    ponder; ruminate;

  • 细味其言

    ponder sb.'s words


(中药配方, 药物的一种) ingredient (of a Chinese medicine prescription):

  • 六味药的方子

    a prescription of six medicinal herbs

  1. 我敢说此味只应天上有。

    I 'll bet they 'll taste out of this world

  2. 她嗓子里的血腥味让她直恶心。

    The taste of blood in her throat made her want to vomit

  3. 房间里仍飘溢着她那淡淡的香水味。

    The faint smell of her perfume lingered in the room .

  4. 有人指责新闻界一味迎合政府的旨意。

    The press was accused of being subservient to the government .

  5. 空气中有一股烧东西的焦煳味。

    There was a smell of burning in the air .

  6. 空气中弥漫着一股潮湿的恶臭味。

    The air was heavy with the stink of damp and foulness .

  7. 烟味仍附着在她的衣服上不散。

    The smell of smoke still clung to her clothes .

  8. 她只一味地坐在那儿,陷入了沉思。

    She just sat there , sunk in thought .

  9. 他身上老有股难闻的酒精味。

    A miasma of stale alcohol hung around him .

  10. 她正逐渐变成一味顺从丈夫的妻子。

    She 's gradually turning into a Stepford wife .

  11. 有一股明显的煤气味。

    There was a distinct smell of gas .

  12. 那股明显的香烟味告诉她,他曾在这房间里待过。

    The telltale smell of cigarettes told her that he had been in the room .

  13. 这儿有股烟味。

    It stinks of smoke in here .

  14. 他呼出的气中有大蒜味。

    His breath smelt of garlic .

  15. 他嘴里有蒜味。

    His breath smelt of garlic .

  16. 巧克力味的胡萝卜!接下来到底还想吃什么?

    Chocolate-flavoured carrots ! Whatever next ?

  17. 她走过时有一股浓烈的香水味。

    As she went past there was a gust of strong perfume

  18. 这是一张透着精明的面孔,但是线条柔和,女人味十足。

    This is a smart , yet soft and feminine look .

  19. 滚滚浓烟盘旋翻腾,恶臭味呛得她喘不过气来。

    Dense smoke swirled and billowed , its rank fumes choking her

  20. 她坚称自己绝不会一味地追随时尚。

    She herself insists she is no slavish follower of fashion .

  21. 空气中散发着煤油味,巨型飞机在头顶隆隆地响着。

    The air reeked of kerosene and huge aircraft rumbled overhead .

  22. 他的生活没有被一味想发大财的心态左右。

    His life isn 't ruled by looking for a fast buck

  23. 他们的歌里充斥着变了味的爱情故事。

    Their songs are filled with tales of love gone sour .

  24. 我问过她这件事,但她一味搪塞。

    I 've asked her about it but she fobs me off

  25. 珠饰、嵌花和刺绣可增添一种独特的女人味。

    Bead-work , applique and embroidery add a uniquely feminine touch .

  26. 那天的辩论紧张激烈,常常火药味十足。

    It was a day of tense and often ill-tempered debate .

  27. 他注意到了须后水淡淡的麝香味。

    He was conscious of the faint , musky aroma of after-shave

  28. 她打开门后闻到一股难闻的霉味,不禁做了个鬼脸。

    Opening the door , she made a face at the musty smell

  29. 我喝了杯有股柴油味的茶。

    I drank a cup of tea that tasted of diesel

  30. 在日本,公司偏重于发展,而不是一味追求利润。

    In Japan firms are biased towards growth rather than profits