
hū háo
  • wail;cry out in distress;catchword;call letters;call sign


hū hào
  • call sign;call letters;catchword
呼号 [hū háo]
  • [wail]∶哭叫

  • 仰天呼号

  • (1) [catchword]∶通信台 [站] 之间互相联络时使用的称呼。分为通报呼号和通话呼号

  • (2) [call letters;call sign]∶权威机构给无线电台和电视台规定的识别字母,有时包括数字

呼号[hū háo]
呼号[hū hào]
  1. 你呼号的最后一个字母是什么?

    What 's the last letter in your call sign ?

  2. 呼号,请大家举起右拳。

    Call sign , all are raise your right fists .

  3. 狂风挟着暴雨如同弥漫大雾,排挞呼号,在海上恣意奔驶

    Now , all that could be seen was the roiling , lead -- coloured sea , with its thunderously heaving waves .

  4. 介绍了新研制的长波信号(呼号BPL)自动监视系统。

    A newly developed auto-monitor system for the long wave signal ( BPL ) is introduced .

  5. 我没有抄上你是呼号,请重复。这里是BI7IZW。

    QRZ QRZ . I didn 't copy your callsign , please repeat it , This is BI7IZW .

  6. 管制员只能使用在ivao数据库内公布的频率、呼号和其他信息。

    Controllers should only use frequencies , callsigns and other information as they are published in the ivao-database .

  7. 取消ZBW和ZEK电台呼号,八月份开始正式命名为「香港广播电台」。

    Call-signs ZBW and ZEK were abandoned in August and officially named " Radio Hong Kong "( RHK ) .

  8. 北风呼号而过,树都吹弯了。

    The trees bent as the north wind howled through them .

  9. 婶婶告诉我不要再谈及什么呼号声。

    Cynthia told me not to talk about the crying .

  10. 我在你家打了多少次动物求救呼号!

    Number of animal distress calls I 've made to your house ?

  11. 他在深处发出了悲惨的呼号。

    He gives vent to desperate cries from out of the depths .

  12. 那些痛苦的呼号在我心中回荡。

    Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart .

  13. 得给阿迦同中尉起个新呼号。

    We need a new call sign for lieutenant agathon .

  14. 所有电子日志必须以参赛者呼号为文件名。

    Electronic files must use the entrant 's callsign as the file name .

  15. 3(呼号),延长三边,由于间隔。

    ( Callsign ), extend downwind , for spacing .

  16. 他们必要呼号我的名字,我也必要俯听他们;

    They shall call on my name , and I will hear them .

  17. 威廉。阿达玛的呼号是什么?

    What was William Adama 's call sign ?

  18. 你船船名,呼号是什么?

    What is your name , call sign ?

  19. 你听到的呼号声不是他。

    The crying you heard wasn 't him .

  20. 四下接四下是让利斯夫人的呼号。

    Four-four was Madame de Genlis 's signal .

  21. 结27:28你掌舵的呼号之声一发、野都必震动。

    The suburbs shall shake at the sound of the cry of thy pilots .

  22. 9(呼号),可以盲降/目视进近,跑道(数值)。

    ( Callsign ), cleared ILS / visual approach , runway ( number ) .

  23. 尼5:6我听见他们呼号、这些话、甚发怒。

    Then I was very angry when I had heard their outcry and these words .

  24. 对不起。因电台干扰,未抄上你的呼号,请慢慢重复。

    Sorry I didn 't copy your callsign due to qr-mike , please again slowly .

  25. 大家听到这呼号的次数非常多。

    It was very often heard .

  26. 这种情况下,同样没有听到电台呼号,或者没有听明白。

    In this case , again , no station identification announcement has been heard or understood .

  27. 1(呼号),雷达引导到(起落航线的位置),跑道(数值)。

    ( Callsign ), vectoring for ( position in the circuit ), runway ( number ) .

  28. 它们飞、叫、翱翔;至于他,他呼号待毙。

    They sing and fly and float , and he , he rattles in the death agony .

  29. 百姓和他们的妻大大呼号,埋怨他们的弟兄犹大人。

    Then there was a great outcry from the people and their wives against their countrymen the jews .

  30. 倾听受伤者的悲鸣、焦虑者的呼号以及因无人倾听而陷入绝望的叹息。

    to the injured voices , the anxious voices , the voices that have despaired of being heard .