
  1. 不幸的是,有许多联邦和州的法律对数量惊人的美国人实施定罪后限制,这些人永远无法完全偿还他们对社会的债务。

    Unfortunately , many federal and state laws impose post-conviction restrictions on a shockingly large number of Americans , who are prevented from ever fully paying their debt to society .

  2. 开发无人驾驶汽车的公司应该和州以及联邦政府合作,对这些将被新技术取代的众多劳动力提供再培训。

    The companies developing self-driving vehicles should be partnering with state and federal authorities to offer retraining for this massive workforce , many of whom will be displaced by the new technology .

  3. 即将到来的技术进步为城市和州提供了一个发展交通系统的机会,其目的是以更经济的方式转移更多的人口。

    The coming technological advancement presents a chance for cities and states to develop transportation systems designed to move more people , and more affordably .

  4. 这些Webservices之一接受邮政区码并返回相应的城市和州的名称。

    One of those web services accepts a ZIP code and returns the corresponding city and state .

  5. 例如,可以添加一个查询表,把每个州和州的两位数字ZIP代码关联起来。

    For example , you might add a new lookup table associating each state and its two-digit ZIP code .

  6. 微软(Microsoft)在一场旨在说服美国联邦政府和州政府重拳打击软件盗版的行动中把自己定位成美国制造业的最佳伙伴。

    Microsoft is pitching itself as the new best friend of American manufacturing in a campaign aimed at convincing state and federal authorities to crack down on software piracy .

  7. 瑞安计划还将减少(美国联邦)医疗补助计划(Medicaid)的资金,Medicaid是一个由联邦政府和州政府联合为穷人和残疾人提供的卫生保健程序。

    The Ryan plan would also reduce money for Medicaid , a joint federal and state health care program for the poor and disabled .

  8. 注意,输入文本字段zip5已经移动到城市和州的上方。

    Notice that the input text field zip5 has been moved above city and state .

  9. 到底有多重要则因学校和州而异。

    How much depends on the school and the state .

  10. 每一州都有一个州长和州议会。

    Each state had a governor and a state assembly .

  11. 你进去的时候她正和州长通电话。

    She was on the line with the governor when you walked up .

  12. 应在所有通往联邦和州公路的路口配备信号员。

    Signal persons shall be provided at junctions to all federal and state roads .

  13. 修改form.rhtml片段以便在城市和州之前显示邮政区码。

    Modify the_form.rhtml partial to display the ZIP code before the city and state .

  14. 根椐联邦和州的法律规定,在许多情况下都要求提供环境影响报告书。

    Environmental impact reports are required under many circumstances by federal and state law .

  15. 来推动城市和州的发展。

    To promote the city and the state .

  16. 你可以把问题留给联邦和州的立法者,让他们去想各种不同的方法。

    You could leave it to federal and state legislators to come up with different approaches .

  17. 非上市公司通常将净收益最小化,这样可以少交联邦和州政府的所得税。

    Private companies usually try to minimize net earnings and thus reduce federal and state income taxes .

  18. 美国联邦制是指由联邦政府和州政府共同组成并分享权力的制度。

    American federalism is defined by the federal government and state governments together to form a power-sharing system .

  19. 添加一个片段(cityState.rhtml)以显示城市和州的输入字段。

    Add a partial ( _cityState . rhtml ) to display the input fields for city and state .

  20. 宪法规定联邦政府可以调控对外贸易和州际贸易;

    The constitution provided that the federal government could regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states ;

  21. 同时,个人需要使他们的养老基金管理者和州财务人员变得负有责任。

    At the same time , individuals need to hold their pension fund managers and state treasurers accountable .

  22. 有的是'棉花,奴隶制和州权!'有时是'自由'。

    And sometimes ' Liberty ! ' and sometimes ' Cotton , Slavery and States ' Rights ! '

  23. 同时,白宫正在审查允许地方警察和州警察部门使用军事装备的项目。

    Meanwhile , the White House is reviewing programs that led local and state police departments by military gear .

  24. 在县和州一级,他们组成联盟和联合会,为地方专卖权和全州范围的禁酒工作进行活动。

    On the country and state levels they organized alliances and leagues to work for local option and state-wide prohibition .

  25. 其他的城市和州也效仿科罗拉多州。1937年罗斯福总统正式宣布其为法定节日。

    Other cities and states followed Colorado 's example until 1937 when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt proclaimed it a holiday .

  26. 不等他们感觉到操作过程,此操作就返回了带有正确城市和州值的@address对象。

    Before they know it , this action is returning the @ address object with the correct city and state values .

  27. 可能还有必要将城市和州字段显示为不可输入字段,或者防止全部输入这些字段。

    It might also make sense to darken the city and state fields or to prevent entry in them all together .

  28. 即使是联邦和州政府支持的新的基建工程,常常是钱拨出去了但什么都没有发生。

    But even when the federal and state governments are behind new infrastructure projects and money has been allocated , often nothing happens .

  29. 能够将城市和州字段与其他地址字段放在同一个文件中是比较理想的。

    It would be nice to be able to leave the city and state in the same file as the other address fields .

  30. 跟南方地区的总统选举争夺一样,选举也是为了国家、宗教和州议会和州政府。

    As well as the national and southern presidential contests , elections were also held for the national , regional and state parliaments and state governors .