
  • 网络Brand experience;EX-BRANDING
  1. 对于史蒂夫乔布斯(stevejobs)而言,苹果的品牌体验正是让消费者感到愉悦的重要部分,他一定明白,什么正面临危险。

    Steve Jobs , for whom the apple brand experience was a big part of delighting his customers , would have understood what is at stake .

  2. Facebook表示,该项目将给予出版商“对内容、品牌体验和商业机会的控制权”,包括可以获得部分用户数据。

    Facebook said the scheme would give publishers " control over their stories , brand experience and monetisation opportunities , " including access to some user data .

  3. 第三章是品牌体验模型设计,主要是建议如何通过SEMs模型和CP模型来设计有价值的品牌体验;

    Chapter 3 is about designing brand experience in order to create customer value by SEMs and CP model ;

  4. 品牌体验管理就是战略性地管理顾客对品牌全面体验的过程。

    Brand experiencing management is to manage customer experiences strategically .

  5. 而品牌体验的作用之一就是能有效的创造顾客价值。

    Meanwhile , one of the key functions of brand experience is create customer value .

  6. 品牌体验对品牌忠诚的影响:品牌社区的中介作用

    The Impact of Brand Experience on Brand Loyalty : The Mediating Role of Brand Community

  7. 基于品牌体验的设计思考

    Design Thinking Based on Brand Experience

  8. 最后,本文对网络品牌体验设计的未来发展作了简要的探讨。

    Finally , the discussion is extended to the future development of digital brand experience design .

  9. 开拓者凭借创新、专注从策划到执行,为客户的目标观众激活最有效力的品牌体验。

    Pioneer with innovative , focused from planning to implementationactivate the clients target audience most effective nd experience .

  10. 但这样的顾客更需要品牌体验、触摸品牌。

    But these are the customers who need the brand experience , who need to feel the brand .

  11. 顾客感知价值在品牌体验对顾客满意的影响中起到了中介作用。

    Customer perceived value plays an intermediary role in the impact of brand experience on customer satisfaction . 3 .

  12. 拥有连贯的、一致的、积极的品牌体验已经成为保持顾客品牌忠诚的最主要原因。

    Having a coherent , consistent and positive brand experience has become the main reason for keeping brand loyalty .

  13. 我们依照客户的发展需求,生产出极其准确的商业价值品牌体验。

    We accordance with the development needs of our customers to produce highly accurate commercial value of the brand experience .

  14. 品牌体验就是顾客个体对品牌的某些经历(包括经营者在顾客消费过程中以及品牌产品或服务购买前后所做的营销努力)产生回应的个别化感受。

    Brand experience is that an individual ' experience including the causes of consuming a brand commodity and accepting services .

  15. 品牌体验对品牌忠诚的作用可以分为直接的驱动效应和间接的调节效应。

    The effect towards brand loyalty made by brand experience can be divided into directly driving effect and indirectly moderating effect .

  16. 品牌体验和品牌社区对品牌忠诚均具有明显的正向影响;

    However , they do not pay much attention to the effects of brand experience or brand community on brand loyalty .

  17. 品牌体验可以分为感观体验、情感体验、思考体验、行动体验及关联体验等五种。

    Brand experience can be divided into Sense experience , Feel experience , Think experience , Act experience and Relate experience .

  18. 为顾客创造积极美好的品牌体验,有助于提高饭店顾客的忠诚度,进而增强饭店的竞争力。

    Creating positive and wonderful brand experience for customers is helpful to improve hotel customer loyalty , thereby enhance the competitiveness of the hotel .

  19. 分析了饭店品牌体验对品牌忠诚的影响:品牌体验对品牌忠诚有显著的正向影响。

    The thesis analyzes the influence of hotel brand experience on brand loyalty : brand experience has remarkable and positive influence on brand loyalty .

  20. 分析了饭店品牌体验对影响因素和品牌忠诚的中介作用:品牌体验在影响因素与品牌忠诚之间具有显著的中介作用,即影响因素通过品牌体验的中介作用影响品牌忠诚。

    The thesis also analyzes the intermediary role of hotel brand experience to influencing factors and brand loyalty : the intermediary role is remarkable .

  21. 品牌体验作为顾客对品牌的感知和学习,是品牌在顾客心目中建立形象的策略之一。

    As the customers ' apperception and study , brand experience is one of strategies to set up the brand impression in customers ' mind .

  22. 个体属性以及产品的购买时间对品牌体验、顾客感知价值和顾客满意的感知和评价存在显著差异。

    The perception and evaluation of brand experience , customer perceived value and customer satisfaction has a significant different between different individual and different product purchase time .

  23. 通过对品牌体验的内涵、价值和消费者消费过程的分析,阐述了产品设计和设计管理在企业构建品牌体验中发挥着重要的作用。

    This paper mainly discusses that the industrial design and design management play the important role in a process of which a customer interacted with a business brand .

  24. 但是影响品牌体验的营销效果的因素如此之多,市场上琳琅满目的商品,到底该如何来组合品牌体验进行体验式营销才能达到事半功倍的效果呢。

    However , there are so many factors that affect the effect of brand experience , how should we mix the brand experience for experiential marketing to achieve the multiplier effect ?

  25. 文章探讨了体验营销的切入点和基本原则,认为体验营销有五个切入点,即商品体验化、品牌体验化、环境体验化、事件体验化和广告体验化;

    The paper discusses the cut-point and basic principles of the experience marketing , dividing five cut-points as commodity experience , brand experience , environment experience , event experience and ads experience .

  26. 分析品牌体验的形成过程及其价值,提出品牌传播手段品牌体验品牌传播目标这一品牌传播目标的实现链条,建立客户体验驱动的品牌设计模型。

    In the third part , the forming process of brand experience and its value have been analysed , and a chain associating brand dissemination object with brand experience and brand dissemination methods given .

  27. 通过对顾客价值理论的回顾,及顾客价值的驱动要素的分析,指出品牌体验成为如今顾客价值的重要驱动要素;

    Chapter 1 is discussing that brand experience is based on customer value , after an introduction of customer value , brand experience is emphasized as one of the important factors that create customer value ;

  28. 根据营销现状的分析,提出我国农产品营销中存在的主要问题,给出了解决这些问题的建议及对策,提出了农产品营销的品牌体验营销模式及政府支持政策。

    On the basis of analysis of the present marketing for agricultural products , primary problems occurred in the agricultural products marketing in China were pointed out , and the corresponding advices were brought forward .

  29. 同时,论文的研究成果对企业更好的实施品牌体验营销策略,加强消费者对品牌的态度并带动消费者的购买意愿的实践具有一定的借鉴和指导作用。

    Meanwhile , the results of this study have some reference and guidance role for enterprises in better implementation of experiential marketing , strengthen consumer brand attitude , and driven consumers ' willingness to buy .

  30. 本研究主要探讨这五种品牌体验对品牌关系是否都具有显著的影响,以及这五种体验之间是否存在一定的交互影响,从而为实际经营中搭配各种体验提供理论支持。

    This research want to find whether there have remarkable influence to brand relationship for brand experience , and whether there is certain mutual influence between these five kinds of experiences , thus offer theory support for matching various kinds of experiences while managing .