
  • 网络brand switching;brand conversion
  1. 关于品牌转换成本调节效应研究的结论。

    The conclusion of the regulating effect of brand switching cost .

  2. 满意度与信任度对品牌转换意愿均存在显著性的正向影响。

    Satisfaction and trust have significant positive influence to brand switching intention .

  3. 虚拟社区知识共享与消费者品牌转换的关系研究

    An Empirical Study on Relationship between Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities and Consumers Brand Switching Intention

  4. 本文从涉入水平、感知价值和感知风险三个角度来研究其与品牌转换之间的关系。

    The thesis mainly studies brand switching from the aspects of perceived value 、 perceived risk and involvement level .

  5. 满意度与信任度在售后服务负面体验对品牌转换意愿的影响中都显著起到中介作用。

    Satisfaction and trust are significant intermediary effect between relation of negative experience of after-sales service and brand switching intention .

  6. 第二章是国内外相关文献综述,主要包括国内外主题公园旅游研究综述,消费者品牌转换理论研究综述。

    The second is literature review at home and abroad was reviewed , including theme park tourism and Consumer brand switching theory .

  7. 对企业而言,消费本企业产品的消费者有很大一部分是从别的品牌转换来的消费者。

    To enterprises , the current consumers of their brands are a large part of the consumers who switched from other brands .

  8. 企业可以通过中国社交媒体进行消费者调查、品牌转换喜好度、产品发布和危机管理等。

    Companies can use social media in China to conduct consumer research , shift brand preference , launch products , and manage crises .

  9. 对于感知风险来说,自我损失风险、机会成本风险对于品牌转换的影响较为显著。

    In the respect of perceived risk , self-loss risk , perceptive functional risk and opportunity cost risk make more significant influences to brand switching .

  10. 深入分析与研究影响品牌转换者建立新的品牌忠诚的诸多因素,是解决这一问题的有效途径之一。

    To have a deep analysis and research on the factors which effect building brand loyalty of these switchers is a way to solve the problem .

  11. 伴随着激烈的市场竞争,消费者的的消费行为更加理性化,品牌转换行为日趋频繁,许多企业面临的问题是消费者的流失以及市场份额的下降。

    Along with the fierce market competition , consumers of a more rational consumer behavior , brand conversion behavior is becoming more frequent , many businesses faced with the problem of consumers as well as the loss of market share decline .

  12. 但消费者品牌转换意愿产生的诱因很多,现有文献只关注于某个因素研究其对消费者转换意愿的影响,未能深入探讨转换诱因、消费者与品牌的关系和转换意愿之间的作用机制。

    There can be lots of incentives for consumers switching to another brand . Existing literatures mainly study about certain factors of switching will with no further investigation of the mechanism of brand switching will , its incentives and relation between consumers and brands .

  13. 研究以美国顾客满意指数模型和欧洲顾客满意指数模型为基础,通过在手机市场的问卷调查,分别确定了品牌转换者与保留者的满意影响因素,并比较了两类顾客满意影响因素的差异。

    On the base of American Customer Satisfaction Index Model and Europe Customer Satisfaction Index Model , the research explores satisfaction drivers respectively for brand switchers and stayers in the mobile phone market in China , and the differences between the two types of customers are also identified .

  14. 网络是一种完全不同的媒介,一些老的媒体品牌在转换方面遇到不少困难。

    The web is an entirely different medium , and old brands have lots of trouble translating .

  15. 然后将品牌引入到转换成本的分析中,初步建立了消费者品牌转换的三步选择法。

    And then the brand is introduced into the analysis of switching cost to initially establish a three-step selection method of consumer switching brand .

  16. 在2016年,伊万卡从自己的品牌经营职业转换成白宫的高级顾问。

    In 2016 , Trump stepped down from her role at the brand to transition into her position as senior adviser at the White House .

  17. 以前为别的设计师工作,现在创立了自己的品牌,你如何转换自己的角色?

    How did you switch from working for other designers to starting your own line ?

  18. 银行可以从加强与客户的关系,提高客户信任,为客户创造更大的价值,加强品牌建设以及提高转换成本等方面入手,增加客户满意,提升企业网上银行的客户忠诚。

    Accordingly , banks can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by enhancing the bank-corporate relationship and customers ' trust , creating more value for corporate customers , making stronger brand image and elevating switching cost .

  19. 本文研究了基于消费者感知的电子服务质量与品牌认知、品牌转换之间的关系,意在验证并发现网络品牌的电子服务质量及其各因素是如何影响消费者的品牌认知以及品牌转换行为的。

    In this paper , the relationship among e-service quality , brand awareness and brand switching based on consumer perception is verified , which intends to find that how e-service quality factors of online brands affect consumers ' brand awareness and brand switching behavior .

  20. 北大荒股份公司成立以来,始终坚持规范运作、诚信经营,互利双赢,实现了文化品牌向市场知名品牌的转换。

    Since the company was set up , it always adheres to the standard operation , honesty , mutual benefit and win-win situation , to achieve the transition from cultural brands to market-leading brands .

  21. 现有国内外研究主要针对第三个问题,但对于怎样明确区分商标与品牌、怎样才能实现商标向品牌的转换,目前尚没有统一认识。

    Existing domestic and international researches are to answer the third question . But there is no agreement on how to distinguish between brand and trademark or how to achieve the conversion of the trademark to the brand .

  22. 许多研究学者提出影响品牌忠诚的关键因素是满意、信任、品牌关系或者转换成本等。

    Many researchers proposed that the key factors influencing brand loyalty are satisfaction , trust , brand relationship or switching costs .

  23. 本文通过对品牌忠诚理论系统的梳理和研究,总结出移动3G品牌忠诚的影响因素:品牌感知价值,品牌形象,品牌信任和转换成本。

    The paper analyzed the brand loyalty theories and summarized the factors that influence the brand loyalty . Those factors are perceived brand value , brand image , brand trust and transferring costs .