
  • 网络a business identifier;Business Signs;commercial signs
  1. 内容是组成城市标识系统的元素,主要包括定位、导向、信息、法规和商业标识;

    The contents are urban sign system elements , mainly including location , direction , information , regulation and business signs .

  2. 商业标识的网络冲突规制

    Networking The Regulations on the Conflicts of Commercial Signs in Cyberspace

  3. 首先是新形势呼唤商业标识统一立法。

    Firstly , new circumstances call for commercial mark uniform legislation .

  4. 市场经济的发展必然带来商业标识价值的提升。

    Market Economic development increases the value of Commercial Mark .

  5. 商业标识必须通过使用才能具备承载商誉的属性。

    Business logo must use in order to have the carrying goodwill attribute .

  6. 另一方面,电子商务的崛起也呼唤商业标识统一立法。

    Furthermore , the rising of electronic business also requires the uniform legislation .

  7. 商业标识统一立法初探

    The Preliminary Study on Commercial Mark Uniform Legislation

  8. 这样一来,商业标识实际就成为了消费者与商家之间的纽带。

    So much so , commercial mark works as a bridge between sellers and consumers .

  9. 商业标识象征着商品或服务的信誉,是企业无形价值的载体。

    Business identity of goods or services , is invisible to the value of the carrier .

  10. 是对我国商业标识法重构的思量与建议。

    It will consider the reestablishment of Chinese commercial mark legislation and make some suggestions too .

  11. 此章将重点阐释商业标识统一立法的必要性和现实可行性。

    This chapter will elaborate and analyze the necessity and feasibility of commercial mark uniform legislation .

  12. 商业标识统一立法符合效率、秩序和安全价值的内核要求。

    The uniform legislation of commercial mark satisfies essential requests of efficiency and order and safe value .

  13. 从理论基础而言,各商业标识统一立法具在其共同的法理基础。

    First of all , the theory of commercial mark uniform legislation establishes on the common basis of theory .

  14. 首先,由于分散的立法模式及缺乏统一原则的执法模式,导致各商业标识之间权利冲突现象突出。

    Firstly , owing to the decentralized legislation model , conflicts of commercial mark rights are very fierce nowadays .

  15. 当然,商业标识并不限于此,随着商业的发展和技术的支持,它的外延将继续扩展。

    Of course this isn 't enough , its extension will continue to expand with thedevelopment of commerce and support of technology .

  16. 商业标识即商业意义上的识别性标记,是企业重要的无形资产。

    The business identifier , in other words , identifiable marker in business , is the important intangible value for the enterprises nowadays .

  17. 将为大众所喜爱的动漫角色作为一种商业标识应用到商品或服务上.可以为商品或服务创造良好的收益。

    It can create a good income to take the public favorite cartoon character as a business logo applied to goods or services .

  18. 造成商业标识权利冲突的原因是多方面的,是诸多内外因素共同作用的结果。

    There are a lot of reasons to cause that issue , and it is the results of combined actions by many inside and outside factors .

  19. 本文深入地剖析了外观设计的专利保护、著作权保护和商业标识保护的现状。

    This article focuses on industrial design of the multiple conservation status , and deeply analysis design patent protection , copyright protection and protection of commercial identity .

  20. 在企业竞争进入了质量竞争和品牌竞争阶段之后,商业标识在市场竞争中的作用日益凸显。

    When the enterprises competition has entered the stage of competitions in quality and brand , the effect of the business identifier would become more and more obvious .

  21. 正文分为四个部分,分述如下:第一部分为商业标识及其权利冲突概说。

    The text is divided into four parts , of points as follows : The first part is " business logo and its conflict of rights a summary " .

  22. 商誉本身虽是无形的,但是要对其利用或保护,前提是要通过商业标识这种载体对其价值主体进行识别。

    Goodwill itself is invisible , but you want to use , or the protection of the premise is to identify carrier through the commercial recognition of its value subject .

  23. 其次是从法经济学角度分析。商业标识统一立法有利于降低立法成本,提高立法质量,并可有效避免商业标识间的权利冲突和碰撞。

    Secondly , from the perspective of juris-economics , the uniform legislation is helpful to cut down legislation costs and enhance legislation quality and avoid those conflicts of commercial mark rights effectively .

  24. 不同法律间不顺畅的接连使其在此领域存在漏洞,以至于使域名与商业标识间冲突的解决在法律上大费周折。

    There exist loopholes in this field due to the hindered connection among different laws , which cause various troubles in suits while settling the conflicts between domain names and commercial signs .

  25. 企业名称、字号、商标与域名显现出了高度的一致性,域名几乎成了相应商业标识在网上的代言人。

    Domain name keeps highly consistent with enterprise name , brand , trademark , and the domain name has almost become the corresponding commercial logos on the Internet as a " spokesperson " .

  26. 本文对地理标志与地名商标违法性权利冲突的考量因素进行了分析论证。如在先权利、主观意图、利益平衡、商业标识知名度等因素。

    In this article , we should take factors of conflict into account , Such prior rights , the subjective intent , the balance of interests , business logo visibility and other factors .

  27. 反不正当竞争法保护了反不正当竞争请求权,反不正当竞争请求权以智力成果权利和商业标识等利益为基础。

    The Law for Countering Unfair Competition has protected the right of claim for countering unfair competition , and the right based on the right of intellectual property and the interest of business marking .

  28. 论文共分四大部分展开,具体如下:第一部分主要界定商业标识的内涵及其外延,并对相关概念进行了区分。

    The paper is divided into four most unfolds to start , the specific as follows : The first part mainly defines the connotation and denotation of commercial signs , and distinguished related concepts .

  29. 姚明的代理律师称,武汉云鹤大鲨鱼体育用品有限公司,未经授权擅自将“姚明”、“姚明一代”作为商业标识使用,还将原告的肖像用在产品及宣传中。

    Yunhe Sharks Sportswear used the NBA all-star 's signature and the phrase " Yao Ming Era " on their logos and put his images on products and promotional materials , a lawyer representing Yao Ming said .

  30. 一时间,商业标识权利冲突问题成为学界研究的热点,但却少见对此进行较为全面、系统研究的论文与著作,因而本文试图在此方面进行尝试。

    At that time , the issue of bussiness signs rights conflict soon became a hotspot in the circles . But rare for a comprehensive , systematic research papers and works about that issue , so this paper attempts to be tried in that aspect .