
  1. 法律在对商业秘密权利人享有的权利予以充分保护的同时,也应对商业秘密权利人的权利予以一定限制。

    It should both protect and restrict trade-secret right .

  2. 给商业秘密权利人造成的损失应仅限定为经济利益的损失。

    The loss that trade secrets cause the owners should only be limited to the loss of economic benefits .

  3. 最后,指出了我国现行法律在对商业秘密权利人的救济上存在的主要问题。

    Finally , he uncovers the main problems pertaining to the legal remedies provided to the trade-secret owners by the current laws in China .

  4. 但这种难度毕竟尚未达到影响商业秘密权利人基本的证明责任的承担。

    However , it is not so hard as to impact the right holder of trade secret to bear the basic burden of proof .

  5. 当前,由于商业秘密权利人对商业秘密缺乏应有的保护意识,加上打击力度不够等原因,侵犯商业秘密的现象普遍存在。

    At present , because business secret obligee appears short of proper protection sense , and what with weak striking force , encroachment on business secrets often happens .

  6. 而商业秘密权利人与员工之间的矛盾也显得尤为明显。因此竞业禁止协议作为一种商业秘密保护的事先预防措施从而显得异常重要。

    And the conflict between trade secret right holder and the employee is very obvious . Hence , non-compete agreement as a kind of preventive measures for protecting trade secrets is quite important .

  7. 该制度是社会经济的发展以及法律规范功能扩张的必然结果,有利于保护商业秘密权利人的权益,维护整个社会公众利益。

    The system is the inevitable result of social and economic development as well as legal norms function expansion , which is conducive to the protection of trade secrets rights holders to protect the interests of the public interests of society as a whole .

  8. 惩罚性赔偿制度有利于营造公平的竞争环境,使商业秘密权利人得到有效的赔偿,弥补法律救济途径的不足,积极有效遏制商业秘密侵权行为、实现实质公平赔偿及鼓励权利人维护自身权利。

    Punitive damages system to create a fair competitive environment and trade secrets rights effective compensation to compensate for the lack of legal remedies , to actively and effectively to contain trade secrets infringement , the substance of fair compensation and to encourage rights holders to defend their rights .

  9. 商业秘密作为权利人的一种无体财产权,任何主体不能对其侵犯。

    As a kind of invisible property , business secret is protected by law against any infringement .

  10. 在计算损失时,首先考虑侵权行为给商业秘密的权利人造成的经济损失;在权利人的损失难以直接认定的情况下,可以侵权人在侵权期间所获得的利润来计算。

    When calculating the " loss ", first consider the loss that the trade secrets owners suffer . In the case that it is difficult to directly identify the loss , consider the profits infringers obtain .

  11. 其中,在商业秘密受到与权利人有保守商业秘密的权利义务关系的相对人的侵犯时,受害人既可提起侵权之诉,也可提起违约之诉。

    When trade secrets are infringed by the party who has the obligations to keep confidential these secrets , the victim may initiate either a tortious action or a breach of contract action against the defendant .

  12. 商业秘密能够给权利人带来巨大的经济价值或竞争优势,因此要加强对商业秘密的保护,尤其是要加强对雇佣关系中的商业秘密的保护。

    Business secret can bring the right man great economical value or competitive advantage . So it is very important to strengthen the protection of business secret , especially the protection in the relationship of employment .

  13. 商业秘密的保护涉及商业秘密权利人与社会、竞争者、员工利益的平衡。

    The protection of business secrets involves the balance of benefits among the owner of the secret , the society , the competitor and the employees .

  14. 针对各种侵犯商业秘密的行为,商业秘密权利人应当采取一系列的自我保护性措施加以防范,并充分运用行政、民事、刑事等法律手段,以切实有效地保护自己的商业秘密。

    Against various infringement of business secret , the obligees need to take a series of self-protection measures to protect their own business secrets effectively with the legal help of some administrative , civil and penal means .

  15. 因此,有必要完善相关法律制度,提高我国现有的商业秘密保护水平,以充分保障商业秘密权利人的利益,维护商业道德和公平竞争的市场经济秩序。

    Therefore , it is necessary to improve the relevant legal system , and improving our existing level of protection of trade secrets in order to fully protect the interests of the right to business secrets , maintaining business ethics and fair competition in the market economic order .

  16. 正因为如此,侵犯商业秘密的行为随之屡屡发生,严重损害了商业秘密权利人的合法权益。

    That is why the resulting acts of infringement of trade secrets and recurring serious damage to the commercial secrets of the legitimate interests of rights holders .

  17. 民法保护是商业秘密法律保护的重要一环,对于保护商业秘密权利人的合法权益,维护正常的市场竞争环境,具有十分重要的作用。

    Civil protection is a key link of legal protection of business secret and plays a very important role in protecting the owner 's lawful rights and interests as well as maintaining market competition .

  18. 最后,完成侵犯商业秘密罪的法条重塑,以期为司法部门打击商业秘密犯罪、保护商业秘密权利人的合法权益提供更合理的刑法依据。

    Finally , complete the work of remodeling the crime of trade secret , in order to provide more reasonable criminal law basis for the justice department to reshape trade secrets crime and protect the lawful rights and interests of the trade secret owner .