
shānɡ yè mì mì
  • trade secret;business secret
  1. 商业秘密在英文中有三种不同的表达方式:TradeSecret、Know-How或者BusinessSecret。

    There are three kinds of different expressions in English about business secret : Trade Secret , Know-How or Business Secret .

  2. 商业秘密保护若干问题探讨

    The Discussions of Several Questions while Protecting to the Business Secret

  3. 他们饮料的配方是严格保守的商业秘密。

    The recipe for their drink is a closely guarded trade secret .

  4. 本论文采用TradeSecret这一通常表达方式,来表达商业秘密。

    This thesis uses the general expression Trade Secret .

  5. 评析WTO商业秘密的构成要件和保护问题

    Analysis of Constituent Elements of WTO Commercial Secrets and Its Protection Problems

  6. TRIPS协定对保护商业秘密作出了明确的规定。

    The protection of business secrets is definitely stipulated in TRIPS agreement .

  7. 商业秘密(TradeSecrets)作为市场竞争的自发产物,最早可以追溯到古罗马帝国时期。

    The trade secrets , as the spontaneous product of the market competition , may trace to the ancient Rome Empire .

  8. 中国作为WTO成员国,虽然已初步形成了商业秘密法律保护体系,但与Trips相比较还存在一定的差距。

    As a member country , China has preliminarily formed a legal protection system of the trade secret , but she lags behind Trips to a certain extent .

  9. 商业秘密意指UPS之或UPS由第三方获得之任何不广为公众所知悉或不供公众取用的信息

    Trade Secret means any information of UPS that UPS acquired from a third party which is not commonly known by or available to the public

  10. WTO框架中的TRIPS协议采用了财产权理论,明确了商业秘密是一种知识产权,即无形财产权。

    TRIPS in WTO frame adopted the property right theory . It definite that the trade secrets is a kind of the intellectual property , namely Intangible property right .

  11. 力拓(RioTinto)已经向其员工发布了有关在中国收集信息方面的额外指引。上个月,该公司上海办公室的四名员工以侵犯商业秘密罪被判刑。

    Rio Tinto has issued extra guidelines to employees about gathering information in China , after four Shanghai-based employees last month were convicted of stealing commercial secrets .

  12. 在TRIPS协议中商业秘密和专利是与贸易相关的知识产权中的两个重要的权利,所以本文随后对两者的区别和联系进行了分析研究,并从中阐述商业秘密基于专利权存在的原因。

    Since the right of trade secret and patent are two important rights in TRIPS , the present essay studies the difference and relation between them , and illustrates the existing cause of trade secret .

  13. 加利福尼亚州圣安娜的一家法庭判定,MGAEntertainment并未窃取商业秘密,美泰提起的贝兹知识产权主张也不成立。

    A court in Santa Ana , California ruled that mga entertainment did not steal trade secrets , nor did Mattel have a valid copyright claim on the Bratz franchise .

  14. 鉴于我国现行法律对于商业秘密侵权民事司法救济制度规定得不很规范和具体,有些规定还与WTO有关规则相冲突,因此,有必要进一步完善之。

    In view of the fact that civil judicial system on trade secret by China 's current laws is not concrete and perfect , including that some provisions in the said laws conflict with WTO 's related rules , it is necessary to go further to upgrade it .

  15. 而在我国签署《与贸易有关的知识产权的协议》(TRIPS)之后,商业秘密的保护作为知识产权保护和反不正当竞争行为的重要部分,日益凸显出不可忽视的必要性。

    Especially after our country signed the " Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Right " ( TRIPS ), the protection of trade secret as the great part in intellectual property protection and anti-unfair competition acts increasingly highlights its importance .

  16. 商业秘密能给经营者带来竞争优势。

    The trade secrets can bring competitive edge to commercial operator .

  17. 商业秘密与专利法律保护之比较

    Comparison between the Legal Protection of Trade Secret and of Patent

  18. 市场竞争中商业秘密的确认与保护

    The Identification and Protection of Commercial Confidential in the Market Competitions

  19. 商业秘密保护之合理竞业禁止

    Reasonable Prohibition of Business Strife and the Protection of Commercial Secrets

  20. 信息技术条件下保护企业商业秘密的研究

    Study of Keeping Business Secrets under the Condition of IT for Organizations

  21. 侵犯商业秘密罪表现为4种行为方式;

    Crime against business secrets have four way of act ;

  22. 商业秘密保护法若干内容之构想

    Some Thoughts on the Content of Business Secret Protection Law

  23. 研究侵犯商业秘密造成的损失如何计算具有重要意义。

    So it is very significant that studying damages calculation .

  24. 侵犯商业秘密罪构成要件论析

    Analysis on the constitutive elements of the offence of infringing trade secret

  25. 我国法律对商业秘密的界定和保护

    The laws'Influence on the Boundary and Protection of Business in Our Country

  26. 略论竞业限制与商业秘密的保护

    Briefly on Limitation of Competition and Protection of Commercial Secrets

  27. 商业秘密主要包括两种表现形式,一种是技术信息,另一种是经营信息。

    Trade Secrets compose mainly by technology and operation information .

  28. 对肖日明侵犯商业秘密一案的法律分析

    Legal Analysis on the Case of XIAO Ri-ming Infringing on Business Secret

  29. 强化制度:我国商业秘密侵权救济的路径选择

    Strengthening the System : The Remedy Choice for Trade-secret Torts in China

  30. 包括专利防卫策略、著作权防卫策略、商业秘密防卫策略的知识产权防卫策略;

    Defense strategy covering patent , copyright and business secrets ;