
  • 网络Commercial legal relations;Legal commercial relation
  1. 第三方物流民商事法律关系研究

    The Study on the Civil and Commercial Legal Relationship of the Third-party Logistics

  2. 存托凭证法律关系是一种信托关系,具有涉外性,本质上属于国际商事法律关系。

    DR legal relation is one kind of Trust relation concerning foreign affairs .

  3. 在不断发展的国际民商事法律关系中,国际商事惯例在国际商事活动中的作用日趋重要。

    International usages are more and more important in continuously international civil and commercial legal relationships .

  4. 论商法的原则和精神&从商事法律关系的基本特征谈起

    The Principle and Spirit of Commercial Law : Based on the Character of Commercial Legal Relationship

  5. 作为民事复合责任的一种,连带责任在民商事法律关系中广泛存在。

    As a kind of civil composite liability , joint and several liability generally presents in civil and commercial legal relationship .

  6. 传统、僵硬、机械的国内法在调整国际商事法律关系方面显得愈来愈捉襟见肘、力不从心。

    However , the traditional , rigid and mechanical domestic laws have become unable to regulate the international commercial legal relationship well .

  7. 冲突法以调整涉外民商事法律关系为要旨,其规定的内容也必然较实体法广博;

    The conflict of laws governs the legal relationship with foreign elements , the content of which is more various than the domestic civil substantive law .

  8. 此外,属人法各连结点还是判定涉外民商事法律关系和确定国际管辖权的重要依据。

    In addition , each connecting point of the personal law is an important basis for determining the foreign-related civil legal relationship and for determining the international jurisdiction .

  9. 国际私法的任务是解决法律冲突还是解决涉外民商事法律关系主体之间的实体权利和义务,在国际私法学界一直存在争论。

    Whether the private international law is mandated to resolve conflicts or to resolve the main foreign business relations between the entity 's rights and obligations has been being in dispute .

  10. 因而,即便对同一涉外民商事法律关系的准据法的确定采用同一属人法连结点,也可能会因认定的不同而得出不一致的结果。

    Thus , even using the same connecting point of personal law in the determination of the applicable law of the same foreign-related civil and commercial relations , may also be obtained inconsistent results .

  11. 冲突法作为调整国际民商事法律关系、解决国际民商事纠纷的法律,也当以正义为追求目标。

    Conflict of laws as a basis for adjusting the International Commercial Law public relations , settlement of international disputes in civil and commercial laws , also works as take justice as pursue goal .

  12. 法律冲突是涉外民商事法律关系发展的一个主要障碍,也是国际私法学者研究的热门课题之一。

    The legal conflict is a main barrier in the development of civil and commercial relation containing foreign elements , and also is one of the popular topics that the private international law scholars study .

  13. 由于中国&东盟自由贸易区是我国与他国的第一个区域自由贸易安排,加之东盟自由贸易区自身特点十分突出,所以,我国在处理涉东盟民商事法律关系时应有独到的价值取向。

    Since it is China 's first regional free trade area ever established with other countries , while considering AFTA 's remarkable characteristics , China should foster a unique value orientation in handling ASEAN-involved civil and commercial legal relations .

  14. 二战以后,随着科学技术和社会经济的飞速发展,经济全球化趋势不断加强,国际商事法律关系变得越来越复杂。

    After World War II , with the rapid development of the science and technology as well as the social economy , the economic globalization has continued developing . In this case , the international commercial legal relationship has tended to be more complex .

  15. 因此,均衡和大多数论著中的利益衡量最大的区别在于均衡只着眼于民商事法律关系的利益冲突的解决,只以平等为价值取向。

    So the biggest difference between the Equilibrium and the Evaluation of Interest in most treatises rests is that the Equilibrium puts its eyes into solving interest conflicts in Civil Law and Commercial Law , and it thinks the equality as the valuable tropism only .

  16. 在国际私法中,属人法连结点的适用直接关系到涉外民商事法律关系当事人的切身利益,对涉外私法关系起着决定性的作用。

    In private international law , the establishment of the connecting point of personal law has a direct relationship to the vital interests of the parties which are in the foreign-related civil and commercial legal relationship , and plays a decisive role in the foreign personal private law relationship .

  17. 本文以比较法学的研究方法,通过对两大法系中国际商事代理的发展历程的回顾和对不同规定的比较,剖析国际商事代理法律关系各要素;

    This paper analyze all parts of the relations of international commercial agent by reviewing the development of international commercial agent in two law traditions and the differences between the rules of them .

  18. 商事人格权与传统民法人格权关系之探析论商法的原则和精神&从商事法律关系的基本特征谈起

    An Investigation of the Relation between the Commercial Personality Right and the Traditional Civil Code Personality Right The Principle and Spirit of Commercial Law : Based on the Character of Commercial Legal Relationship

  19. 随着我国与其他国家国际民商事交往的增多,涉外民商事纠纷也逐渐频繁起来,国际私法作为调整涉外民商事法律关系的作用也越来越重要。

    As the increase of international civil and commercial exchanges between China and other countries , the foreign-related civil and commercial disputes are increasing gradually , so the private international law is playing more and more important role in adjusting the foreign-related civil and commercial law relationships .