
  • 网络Commodity supply;supply of commodities
  1. 这个“金发”(goldilocks)时代已经终结,世界经济可能将一次又一次检验大宗商品供应瓶颈带来的速度限制。

    This Goldilocks era has ended and the world economy is likely , over and again , to test the speed limit stemming from constraints on the supply of commodities .

  2. 市场商品供应丰富多彩。

    The market has an adequate supply of commodities .

  3. 商品供应充足。

    There is an abundance of commodity supplies on the markets .

  4. 模型得出了商品供应、部门产出、GDP、就业、要素报酬、要素收入等对石油价格波动的比较静态效应。

    The paper induces the comparative static effects between oil price and goods supply , sectoral product , GDP , employment , income of factors , prices of factors .

  5. 利用商品供应的山羊抗鸡抗体ELISA检测鹅血液中抗体水平的可行性。

    The present study evaluated the feasibility and validity of using a biotinylated goat-anti-chicken secondary antibody in the ELISA for the detection of antibody titres in goose serum samples .

  6. 在考虑商品供应成本因素的基础上,结合B2C电子商务企业物流配送网络的特点,建立了混合0-1整数规划的配送中心选址优化模型。

    Based on the supply cost of commodity and the distribution system characteristics of business to customer E-commerce companies , a mixed 0-1 integer programming model is built for optimizing the location of distribution centers .

  7. 据Pasona分析,由于3月地震灾害对日本本土商品供应链及发电厂的破坏,必将加快日本国内招聘策略的改革步伐。

    Pasona reckons the change has accelerated since March , when Japan was hit by an earthquake that disrupted the nation 's supply chains and power plants .

  8. 现在,商品供应量创下历史新低。

    And the amounts of goods available have now hit all-time lows .

  9. 商品供应充足,人民生活欣欣向荣。

    Commodity supplies are ample , and people 's lives are flourishing .

  10. 上海节日市场,商品供应充足。

    There is an aBundance of commodity supplies on Shanghai markets during holidays .

  11. 季节性商品供应链的库存管理战略研究

    On Supply Chain Inventory Management Strategy for Seasonal Products

  12. 商品供应充足的商店,众人向往。

    People are looking forward to stores with an aBundance of commodity supplies .

  13. 变质商品供应链库存策略研究

    Research on Inventory Policy of Deteriorating Supply Chain

  14. 赚取额外的利益(特别是在商品供应短缺的时候)的人。

    Someone who makes excessive profit ( especially on goods in short supply ) .

  15. 他们把多余的钱花在了消费品和生产资料上,从而减轻了过度的商品供应。

    They relieve this excess supply by spending the excess money on consumer and producer goods .

  16. 商品供应充足,而货架空间有限,超市利用该有利地位收取货位津贴,引起了一定的争议。

    The supermarket makes use of this favorable position to collect slotting allowance , causing certain disputes .

  17. 不过,币值变化确实会通过影响商品供应的方式影响物价。

    But currency changes can indeed affect prices by way of changes in the supply of goods .

  18. 目前,灾区震后商品供应正在恢复,市场物价基本稳定。

    Right now , post-earthquake commodity supply is restoring and market prices remain stable in disaster-stricken areas .

  19. 同时,现有的研究很少涉及分布式易逝商品供应链企业之间竞争与协调的理论分析。

    Few researches involve theoretical analysis for competition and coordination between distributed supply chain companies with deteriorating items .

  20. 在中国,这些商品供应稀缺,加之高额的电子产品关税,导致这里的售价比其他地方要高很多。

    A scarcity of supply in China and steep taxes on electronics make prices here higher than elsewhere .

  21. 这种趋势今年仍将继续,外交官们预计中国将成为伊朗第一大商品供应国。

    The trend is set to continue this year , with diplomats predicting China will become the leading supplier to Iran .

  22. 如果你发现在货架上仅有两件适合自己尺寸的衣服,你会想当然地认为这件商品供应量有限。

    If you only found two jackets in your size on the rack , you 'd likely assume it 's in limited supply .

  23. 不过有两点需要附加说明:第一,位于郊区的苹果零售店在该公司地位较低,其商品供应量也稍逊一筹;

    Two caveats : Apple Stores in suburban malls are lower on the corporate food chain and don 't have the same deep supplies .

  24. 是专业的网络商品供应厂家,为广大的客户、有兴趣投资的人士提供货源和诚邀代理批发商。

    Is a professional manufacturer of network products provider for the majority of customers are interested in investing to provide supply and invite agents wholesalers .

  25. 高盛还表示,要解决大宗商品供应短缺,就必须建立协调一致的政策反应机制,类似于针对金融危机的做法。

    Goldman also said a coordinated policy response , similar to that which followed the financial crisis , would be required to resolve commodity shortages .

  26. 本文在前人研究基础上,加入物流商这一供应链决策主体,研究了包含第三方物流商的易腐商品供应链中的最优决策与合作问题。

    In this paper , we study the optimal decisions in a perishable product supply chain involving the third logistic provider based on the former study .

  27. 以色列人应当在所定的日期守逾越节。上海节日市场,商品供应充足。

    Let the children of Israel keep the passover at its appointed time . There is an aBundance of commodity supplies on Shanghai markets during holidays .

  28. 刘兆玄在5月20日就任以来首次接受国际媒体采访时表示,政府将承担增加廉价商品供应的成本。

    In his first interview with the international media since taking office on May 20 , Mr Liu said the government would absorb the cost of boosting cheap supplies .

  29. 在这种形势下,商品供应环节需要企业与供应商共同协作才能有效的确定商品供应范围和数量。

    In this situation , the commodity supply chain needs cooperation of enterprises and suppliers that will effectively work together to determine the scope and quantity of supply about goods .

  30. 本文首先简要地介绍质子治疗装置的系统原理,基本结构和当前国际上的质子治疗装备的商品供应概况。在此基础上进一步论述国际质子治疗装置的现状和当前的质子治疗装置研制发展。

    This paper briefly introduces the system principle , basic structure and the current international commercial products of the proton therapy facility , and reviews the up-to-date development of technology .