
  • 网络worsted flannel;twill coating;CHEVIOT
  1. 国毛与澳毛啥味呢产品风格的探讨

    Investigation on the Style of the Worsted Flannel Products from Domestic Wool and Australian Wool

  2. 文章讨论了生产啥味呢时所用原料、纺、织及整理工艺与产品风格的关系;

    Thr relationship is discussed between the style , material , spinning , weaving , and finishing of the worsted flannel products .

  3. 论述了涤纶短纤仿毛啥味呢的生产实践。对生产的主要工艺进行了分析。

    The paper discusses the production process of woolly serge with spun polyester and then analyses the main production process .

  4. 异收缩长丝仿毛原料及其织物风格研究涤纶短纤仿毛啥味呢的生产与探讨

    Study on the Mechanical Properties of Super - different Shrinking Filament Yarns and Its Fabrics Production and Discussion of Woolly Serge with Spun Polyester

  5. 低比例羊毛的涤/毛啥味呢经过起毛,绒面能够达到满意的程度,但起球较为严重,服用性能较差。

    After fuzzing , blended polyester nap twill coating with low percentage wool can have a satisfactory coating surface , but pilling become more serious and the wearability is deteriorated .