
  • 网络waterjets;water jet;waterjet propulsion;Pump-jet
  1. 喷水推进器空化监测方案的设计研究

    Research on designing of cavitation monitoring project in waterjet propulsion

  2. 两栖车辆车体尾部形状对喷水推进器进口流场的影响

    Impact of the Shape of the Hull Back of Amphibious Vehicle on the Inlet Flow Field of Waterjet Propulsion

  3. 200t高速穿浪双体渡船喷水推进器设计

    Design of waterjet propulsor on a 200t high speed WPC ferry boat

  4. 通过理论计算、CFD仿真方法和实验测试值的对比研究表明,改进后的系泊推力理论计算公式可以应用于实际的喷水推进器设计。

    Finally , the comparison studies between theory calculation , CFD simulation , and testing data demonstrated that the new static thrust calculation formula could provide designers more insight into the hydrodynamics performance of water jet pump .

  5. 喷水推进器的核心部件是喷水推进泵。

    Of the water-jet system water pump is the core component .

  6. 前后叶轮匹配对双级轴流式喷水推进器性能的影响

    Effects of Impeller 's Matching to Double-Stage Axial Flow Water-Jet Propeller Performance

  7. 喷水推进器斜流模型泵级内部流场与性能的研究

    Studies on Interior Flow Field and Performance in Mixed-flow Thruster

  8. 喷水推进器低损失进口管道研究

    An investigation into inlet channel of waterjet propulsor with low head loss

  9. 喷水推进器进水流道不均匀度统一描述

    Unified Description of Outflow Non-uniformity of Waterjet Duct

  10. 混流式喷水推进器空化性能数值分析

    Numerical Simulation of a Mixed-flow Waterjet Cavitating Performance

  11. 喷水推进器进口端流场分布的电比拟研究

    Determination the Flow Field at the Entrance of a Water Jet Propeller by Electrical Analogy

  12. 叶片数对喷水推进器性能影响的计算流体动力学分析

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Effects of Number of Pump Blades on Water-jet Propeller Performance

  13. 喷水推进器推力的动量计算法

    Momentum Method on Calculating Waterjet Thrust

  14. 混合推进系统中,喷水推进器与螺旋桨的进、出流条件都发生了的改变,其中螺旋桨的改变较大。

    Inflow and outflow conditions of two propulsors are changed and the conditions of propellers are changed more widely .

  15. 水翼艇喷水推进器的运转性能浅析水下航行器多推进器动力定位控制

    Preliminary analysis of Operating Performance of Hydrofoil Waterjet Propulsor Control of Dynamic Position System for AUV with Multiple Thrusters

  16. 螺旋桨斜流试验装置喷水推进器斜流泵级的性能预测研究

    SPECIAL EQUIPMENT - A New Device for Testing the Propeller in Oblique Flow Prediction and Analysis on Mixed-Flow Thruster Performance

  17. 喷水推进器由于在减阻、降噪等方面的优越性,已逐渐被人们应用于三体船。

    Because of the superiority in drag reduction and noise reduction , water jet has already been used in trimaran .

  18. 水下航行器推进方式主要有三种,对转桨、导管桨以及喷水推进器。

    There are three kinds of underwater vehicle propulsion ways : counter-rotating propeller , ducted propeller and water jet propulsion .

  19. 推进剂填装管改装件已变更为辅助推进器。喷水推进器进水流道倾角与流动性能关系研究

    Propellant Injection Vent rigs have been changed into Auxiliary Thrusters rigs . Research on effect of inclination on characteristics of waterjet duct

  20. 喷水推进器进水流道进流面形状研究推进剂填装管改装件已变更为辅助推进器。

    Research on streamtube and capture area of waterjet propulsion system Propellant Injection Vent rigs have been changed into Auxiliary Thrusters rigs .

  21. 在得到满意的结果之后,数值模拟了一台喷水推进器与两个螺旋桨混合推进系统的流场。

    After satisfying results are derived , flow field of a hybrid propulsion system with a waterjet and two propellers is simulated .

  22. 计算针对泵级的进口到喷水推进器的出口进行,包括进水区域、叶轮、导流壳区域的泵级整个流道。

    The calculated region is from the inlet of pump stage to the outlet of thruster , including impeller , stator and spout .

  23. 针对泵级的进口到喷水推进器的出口进行计算,包括叶轮、导叶和喷口的全流道区域。

    Calculated region is from the inlet of pump stage to the outlet of thruster , which includes impeller , stator and spout .

  24. 不同螺旋桨旋向计算结果表明,外旋桨有助于改善混合推进系统中喷水推进器的进流、提高整个推进系统的效率。

    Calculation results of different propellers'rotating direction show that efficiency of the propulsion system and pump inflow condition are better than that of propellers rotating outward .

  25. 斜流式喷水推进器内部三维紊流流动的数值模拟与性能分析两栖车辆车体尾部形状对喷水推进器进口流场的影响

    Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Flows in Mixed Flow Thrust Impact of the Shape of the Hull Back of Amphibious Vehicle on the Inlet Flow Field of Waterjet Propulsion

  26. 针对数据库中现有的水力模型,对模型的所有排列方式进行计算,得到在两级轴流泵中首级采用高比转速的叶轮可以提高喷水推进器的推力和推进效率。

    The conclusion shows that using high specific speed impeller in the first step of the two-stage axial flow pump can improve the trust and efficiency of the propulsion system .

  27. 新型核动力推进装置由微小型快中子堆、碱金属热电直接转换元件、蒸汽引射式喷水推进器、超导磁流体推进器等主要设备组成。

    This new type of propulsion system is consisted of minitype fast reactor , alkali-metal thermal-to-electric conversion ( AMTEC ) device , steam-guide spray-water thruster , superconducting magneto-hydrodynamic ( MHD ) propulsor and so on .

  28. 新型喷水式推进器的工作原理及动态分析

    Operational principle and dynamic analysis of a new-type water-jet propeller

  29. 本文提出了一种采用推力矢量技术的喷水式推进器,用以提高水下航行器的操纵性和机动性。

    This dissertation advances a new kind of Water Pump Thruster which uses Thrust Vector Technical to improve the AUV maneuverability and flexibility .

  30. 仿真结果表明采用推力矢量技术的喷水式推进器提高了水下航向器的操纵性和机动性。

    The simulation results prove that the AUV maneuverability and flexibility is improved because of the Water Pump Thruster with Thrust Vector Technical using .