
  • 网络NATO Codename;Nato reporting name
  1. 091型潜艇(北约代号汉级潜艇)是中国人民解放军海军的第一代核动力攻击潜艇(SSN),共制造了5艘,全配备于青岛北海舰队。

    Type 091 Han Class ( SSN ) submarines are first - generation nuclear-powered submarines of Chinese navy . All five units of this class were deployed with the North Sea Fleet of Qingdao .

  2. 1974年,苏联伊留申设计局设计了伊尔-76中程中型运输机,北约代号“耿直”。

    The Ilyushin Il-76 ( NATO designation Candid ) was fielded by the Soviet Air Force in1974 as a medium range , medium payload , rough surface capable cargo aircraft .

  3. 本周出席珠海航空展的中国和俄罗斯官员共同宣布,首批4架先进的苏-35战斗机(Su-35,北约代号:侧卫-E)将于今年晚些时候交付北京。

    Chinese and Russian officials attending the Zhuhai air show this week jointly announced that the first batch of four advanced Su-35 fighters would be delivered to Beijing later this year .