
  1. 周二晚上,北京北四环附近的一个中石油加油站,楚袁熙告诉记者,他一周只开一次车,其他时间都是坐公交或地铁。

    At a Sinopec gas station near the North Fourth Ring Road in Beijing on Tuesday evening , Chu Yuanxi said he only drives one day a week and normally takes buses or the subway .

  2. 南水北调西四环暗涵工程回填灌浆施工

    The Backfill Grouting for the Underground Culvert at West Ring Road of the South-North Water Transfer Project

  3. 近二十年来,北京城市规模迅速扩大,北三环和四环间的地区已由当年草木葱翠的城郊变成如今喧嚣繁华的街区。

    With the tremendous urbanization of Beijing City , the dimension of the city has largely expanded during the past 20 years , so many areas between the north third ring road and the fourth ring road have greatly changed from outskirts to inner city .

  4. 南水北调中线西四环暗涵工程暗挖施工对环境的影响研究

    Environmental effects of excavation of the Beijing west-fourth ring underground tunnel project for the South-North Water Diversion

  5. 南水北调北京西四环暗涵施工中采用了浅埋暗涵施工法。

    The method of culvert-undercutting with shallow overburden is adopted to construct Beijing Xisihuan underground culvert of South-to-north Transfer Project .

  6. 地下水对南水北调中线西四环暗涵工程设计的影响分析

    Analysis on effect of groundwater on design of buried culvert under West No.4 Ring Road in Beijing for Mid-route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project