
  • 网络planting technique
  1. 玉米宽窄行种植技术的研究

    Research on Planting Technique with Wide / Narrow Row Alternation for Maize

  2. 崇信县甘薯气候适应性分析与种植技术

    Climatic Adaptation Analysis and Planting Technique of Sweet Potato in Chongxin County

  3. 此外,新的种植技术也有助于改善酸性土壤条件。

    Moreover , the new growing techniques are contributing to acidic soil conditions .

  4. 此外,新的咖啡种植技术正在污染当地的水源,并最终污染全世界的地下水。

    In addition , new coffee-growing techniques are poisoning the water locally , and eventually the world 's groundwater .

  5. 把野生唐菖蒲从远离大陆的海岛上引种到内陆地区,经过2a试验,基本掌握在内陆高山复壮和农地种植技术,引种驯化试验获得初步成功。

    Two years ' experiment on introduction of wild Gladiolus communis from island to inland made people understand rejuvenation and cultivation technique .

  6. CDIC种植技术临床应用效果的初步评价

    Primary assessment of the clinical effection of CDIC implant technique

  7. 为了实现水稻种绳直播种植技术机械化,利用UG软件采用虚拟设计方法研制了水稻种绳直播机。

    In order to realize the mechanization of rice direct sowing with seed rope , a taped type rice direct seeding machine was developed with the method of virtual designed and the software of UGNX .

  8. 对当今我国广泛应用的覆盖种植技术&秸秆覆盖免耕和薄膜覆盖栽培研究表明,在这两种耕作栽培措施下每年可节水20~40mm。

    The research on straw mulching by no-tillage and on film mulching declared that 20  ̄ 40mm water was saved Per year .

  9. 北方旱农地区,如何把集水、用水与当地种植技术进行有机的结合,提高农田水分生产效率(WUE),有十分重要的科学意义与实践价值。

    It is very important in science and practice to integrate water conservation and planting patterns , and enhance water use efficiency ( WUE ) in Dryland farming areas , north of China .

  10. 目的:探讨CDIC种植技术结合磁性附着体用于单侧上颌骨缺失无牙颌的修复方法。

    Objective : To investigate the method of magnets attachment design overdenture supported by CDIC im ˉ plants in the edentulous patient who defected unilateral maxilla .

  11. 玉米间大豆是一项较成功的立体种植技术。

    Corn intercropped with soybean is a successful multistorey cropping technique .

  12. 提倡发展和应用适水种植技术。

    Advocate the development and application of hygrophilous plant planting technology .

  13. 甜樱桃种质资源评价与高效种植技术调查研究

    Study on Evaluation of Germplasm and Cultivated Technology in Sweet Cherry

  14. 果园间种百喜草的作用与种植技术

    The Effect of Bahia Grass Inter-planting in Orchard and Inter-planting Skill

  15. 春玉米春大豆间作种植技术研究

    The Study on the Interplanting Technique between Spring Corn and Spring Soybean

  16. 目的探讨更加完善成熟的即刻种植技术和方法。

    Objective To investigate the better technique of immediate implantation .

  17. 马铃薯机械化种植技术在高原地区的应用

    Application of of Potato Mechanization Cultivation Technology in Highland Areas

  18. 从书中学习各种各样的种植技术和配置不同的肥料。

    I studied different gardening techniques and types of fertilizers .

  19. 种植技术在自体牙移植的临床应用研究

    Clinical Application Study on Autogenous Teeth Transplantation with Dental Implant Surgical Techniques

  20. 对口腔种植技术中的工程问题进行了探讨。

    The engineering problems in oral implantology are discussed in this paper .

  21. 银北地区盐碱地耐盐牧草高效种植技术的研究

    Studies on Efficient Forage Planting Technology on Saline-alkali-land in Northern Yinchuan Area

  22. 高速公路斜坡草坪地被的种植技术研究

    Research on planting technique of ramp lawn cover plant for express highway

  23. 提色素用万寿菊品种筛选和种植技术的研究

    Study on Variety Selection and Cultivation Technique of Tagetes erecta for Pigment

  24. 鲁西北棉田冬季蔬菜越冬种植技术

    Planting Technique of Winter Vegetable in the Cotton Field of Northwest Shandong Province

  25. 沙漠地区农业种植技术初探

    Preliminary Discussion on Agricultural Planting Technology in Desert Area

  26. 基于Internet/intranet的农业种植技术信息系统的研究

    Research on the information system of agricultural planting technology through internet / intranet

  27. 目的规范当归种植技术、提高当归质量。

    Objective To standardize planting technique and improve quality of Radix Angelicae Sinensis .

  28. 沙漠(地)水稻种植技术研究

    Study on the Technology of Growing Rice in Desert

  29. 定西半干旱地区春小麦农田微集水种植技术研究

    Techniques of Water Micro-collection in Spring Wheat farmland in Semiarid Areas of Dingxi

  30. 怒江河谷流域甘蔗品种布局与种植技术

    Sugarcane Varieties Distribution and Planting Techniques in Nujiang Valley