
hǎi miàn
  • sea surface;sea level
海面 [hǎi miàn]
  • (1) [sea surface]

  • (2) 海水的表面

  • (3) 海上的动态

  • 向南流的海面

海面[hǎi miàn]
  1. 在年际时间尺度上,南海SST和南方涛动指数有反相关系,与经向风海面热收支之间有同位相关系;南海暖池面积指数的年际变化与南海SST年际变化一致。

    On the interannual time scale , SST , sea level wind and surface heat budget share a common variation , as well as the index of the warm water Pool in the SCS .

  2. EOF的第一模态主要体现了以太阳辐射冬夏差异形成的年周期变化,另一个显著的特征就是南极绕极流从1993&2000年海面的整体上升趋势。

    The first EOF describes variability over the annual time scale and a rising trend of sea level from 1993 to 2000 . The heat variability of the sun is responsible for the former .

  3. 太阳照在海面上,碧浪翻滚,波光粼粼。

    The sun shone on the sea and the waves danced and sparkled .

  4. 月色中海面上波光粼粼。

    The sea glinted in the moonlight .

  5. 20多架直升机开始下降向海面俯冲。

    More than 20 helicopters began swooping in low over the ocean

  6. 海面上漂浮着一层未经处理的污水。

    The sea is coated with a film of raw sewage .

  7. 他抑制不住冲动,又向海面瞥了一眼。

    Unable to resist the impulse , he glanced at the sea again

  8. 狂风大作,海面上波浪起伏。

    A gale was blowing and the sea was choppy .

  9. 他们乘着破旧的小船穿越风大浪急的海面,完成了这次危险之旅。

    They made the treacherous journey across stormy seas in rotten boats .

  10. 后来风势渐弱,海面重归平静。

    Then the wind dropped and the surface of the sea was still

  11. 薄雾又从海面上弥漫过来了。

    Mist had crept in again from the sea .

  12. 它们是在海面下超过一公里深的地方被检测出来的。

    They were detected at depths of more than a kilometre in the sea .

  13. 海面风平浪静,没有一丝波澜。

    The sea was calm , perfectly flat .

  14. 破晓之际,海面平静了下来,但是寒冷依旧。

    Dawn came , the sea calmed but the cold was as bitter as ever .

  15. 平静的海面在阳光下波光粼粼。

    The calm sea glistened in the sunlight

  16. 今天海面上风浪很大,那些配有专门设备的船只无法展开清除海面浮油的工作。

    Rough seas today prevented specially equipped ships from skimming oil off the water 's surface

  17. 风势减弱了,海面平静下来。

    The wind dropped and the sea quieted

  18. 三艘船在波涛汹涌的海面上沉没了。

    Three ships foundered in heavy seas .

  19. 阳光下的海面波光粼粼。

    The sea glinted in the sun

  20. 风平浪静的海面练不出熟练的水手。

    A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner .

  21. 阳光照耀在海面上。

    The sunlight glared on the sea .

  22. 一艘潜艇浮出海面。

    A submarine emerged from the sea .

  23. 海鸥在海面上盘旋。

    Seagulls circled around above the sea .

  24. 飞艇在海面打圈子。

    The airship circled at sea .

  25. 金色的阳光投射到平静的海面上。

    The sun cast its golden rays on the calm sea .

  26. 我们的轮船开出去时,海面逐渐平静下来了。

    The sea gradually calmed down as we steamed out .

  27. 一阵微风飘拂过海面。

    A gentle breeze came off the sea .

  28. 海防战士警觉地注视着出现在海面上的黑点。

    The coast guard kept a watchful eye on the black dot that had appeared out at sea .

  29. 一条鲨鱼把鳍露出海面游动

    A shark was finning around the surface of the ocean .

  30. 海面温度上升了近0.2摄氏度。

    Sea surface temperatures rose by nearly 0.2 degrees Celsius2 .