
  • 网络Polar low
  1. 对一个日本海极地低压的观测与数值模拟研究

    Analyses and Numerical Modeling of a Polar Low over the Japan Sea on 19 December 2003

  2. 2003年12月19日日本海极地低压个例的观测研究

    An Observational Study of a Polar Low over the Japan Sea on December 19 , 2003

  3. 论述有关发生在高纬度海洋上的极地低压研究的最新进展。

    This paper deals with the recent advances on the study of polar lows occurred over the high latitude oceans .

  4. 涡度的诊断分析表明拉伸项在极地低压涡度的发展中起到了重要的作用。

    The vorticity budget analysis based upon the simulation result indicates that the stretching term plays an important role in the polar low development .

  5. 因日本海沿岸各国的经济活动越来越活跃,而对发生在日本海上的极地低压进行了专门讨论。

    As the economic development in the area of the Japan Sea is becoming more and more active , special attention is given to the study of polar lows over the Japan Sea .