
  • 网络olfactory groove;olfactory sulcus
  1. 经单侧纵裂入路显微外科治疗大型双侧嗅沟脑膜瘤(附13例报告)

    Microsurgery Through Coronal Skin Flap , Unilateral Bone Flap and Interhemispheric Approach for Large Bilateral Olfactory Groove Meningiomas ( a Report of 13 Cases )

  2. 目的总结巨大嗅沟脑膜瘤手术切除方法。

    Objective To explore surgical technique of giant olfactory groove meningiomas .

  3. 当PRV注射于大鼠颈部食管后,在大脑皮质前部嗅沟背侧的无颗粒型岛叶皮质后部和嗅沟腹侧的梨状前皮质前部可见较多PRV和SOM双标记细胞。

    After injection of pseudorabies virus into the rat cervical esophagus , numerous PRV and SOM double labeling cells were observed in the anterior part of the cerebral cortex , posterior agranular insular area , and anterior part of the prepiriform cortex .

  4. 嗅沟脑膜瘤的临床诊断和治疗

    Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Olfactory Meningioma

  5. 嗅沟脑膜瘤的手术治疗

    Surgical Treatment of Meningioma of Olfactory Groove

  6. 嗅沟脑膜瘤可以是对称的环绕中线或向一侧或另一侧生长。

    Olfactory groove meningiomas may be symmetrical around the midline or extend to one side or the other.10 to15 % grow into the ethmoid sinuses .

  7. 结论利用显微外科技术,选择合适的手术入路,对肿瘤进行分块切除治疗巨大嗅沟脑膜瘤疗效满意。

    Conclusion Using microsurgical techniques and choosing suitable surgical approach , the curative effect of the patient with giant olfactory groove meningioma could be satisfactory when the tumor was removed piece by piece .

  8. 家兔大脑嗅鼻沟后缘皮层对内膝体神经元电活动的下行性影响

    Descending influence of auditory cortex behind rhinal sulcus ( acbrs ) on the electrical discharge of neurons in the medial geniculate body ( mgb ) of rabbits

  9. 测量嗅球体积、嗅沟深度及垂体、垂体柄径线,并进行比较。

    The volume of olfactory bulbs , depth of olfactory sulci and diameters of pituitary gland and stalk were measured and compared .