
shì jūn tǐ zhǎn shì
  • phage display
  1. 采用噬菌体展示技术筛选黄曲霉毒素B1模拟抗原表位

    Mimic epitope of aflatoxin B_1 screened by phage display technique

  2. 噬菌体展示技术筛选干扰素α启动子DNA结合蛋白

    Screening of binding proteins to interferon-alpha promoter DNA by phage display technique

  3. DNA重排和噬菌体展示及筛选是体外定向分子进化的重要核心技术。

    Phage display and DNA shuffling are important and efficient techniques for directed molecular evolution .

  4. 利用噬菌体展示的p53蛋白表位进行肿瘤检测方面的研究

    Phage Displaying the Epitope of p53 and Its Study in Tumor Detection

  5. 用兔IgG筛选噬菌体展示免疫球蛋白结合分子组合文库

    Selection of a combinatorial phage library displaying immunoglobulin-binding molecules with rabbit IgG

  6. 噬菌体展示技术筛选诱导型NOS基因启动子DNA结合蛋白的研究

    Screening of promoter DNA-binding protein of iNOS gene by phage display technique from human liver cDNA library

  7. 利用噬菌体展示技术对突变库进行4轮富集筛淘及ELISA鉴定;以ELISA方法测定所获阳性克隆的特异性。

    Hepatoma cell-specific scFvs were selected after four rounds of panning by phage display and ELISA detection .

  8. 应用噬菌体展示技术能成功地区分糖尿病相关性IAA与IA的独特型。

    Phage display can distinguish idiotypes of diabetes-related IAA from IA .

  9. 噬菌体展示技术筛选bFGF抗原表位

    Screening antigen epitope of bFGF by phage display

  10. 重组Ig结合分子噬菌体展示文库的构建及选择研究

    Construction and Selection of Phage Displayed Library of Recombinant Ig-binding Molecules

  11. 人宫颈癌Hela细胞穿透肽的噬菌体展示技术筛选

    Screening of display technology for phages targeting human cervical carcinoma Hela cells-penetrating peptides

  12. 利用T4噬菌体展示猪瘟病毒E2抗原

    CSFV E2 Antigen Display on the Surface of Bacteriophage T4

  13. 方法:①用豌豆凝集素(PSA)作为靶蛋白,对噬菌体展示的随机六肽库进行亲和筛选;

    Methods : ① A phage-displayed random hexapeptide library was screened with PSA as target .

  14. 类风湿关节炎滑膜组织T7噬菌体展示cDNA文库的构建

    Construction of T7 phage display cDNA library from synovium of rheumatoid arthritis patients

  15. 人工进化丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)C和E1区噬菌体展示文库的构建及初步筛选

    The Construction and Primary Screening of Phage Display Library of Hepatitis C Virus C and E1 Evolved with Artificial Pattern

  16. 噬菌体展示抗乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原Fab抗体分子的筛选和序列分析

    Screening and Gene Sequencing of Fab Antibodies Against HBsAg from Phage-displayed Library

  17. 噬菌体展示ICAM-1模拟肽的制备及活性鉴定

    Preparation and identification of phage-displayed ICAM-1-mimic peptide

  18. 噬菌体展示技术筛选DNA错配修复蛋白MutS高亲和性抗体

    High affinity antibody on DNA mismatch repair protein MutS through method of phage display

  19. ELISA结果显示,噬菌体展示CD28可与抗CD28抗体特异性结合,也可与CD80特异性结合;

    ELISA detection showed that phage-displayed CD28 could bind to CD28Ab and CD80 ;

  20. 用噬菌体展示六肽库筛选与G-CSF具有结合活性的小分子多肽

    Screening of peptide ligand of G-CSF using phage-displaying peptide libraries

  21. 用T7噬菌体展示技术筛选HCV核心蛋白的相互作用蛋白

    Screening of proteins interacting with hepatitis C virus core protein from T7-phage display library

  22. 用RA患者血清中AKA多克隆抗体筛选噬菌体展示的随机肽库,寻找RA相关抗原表位的方法是可行的。

    It is feasible to find antigen epitope by polyclonal AKA in sera of patient with RA .

  23. 目的:应用噬菌体展示12肽库筛选低氧诱导因子-1α(HIF-1α)相关肽。

    Objective : To screen relative peptide of HIF-1 α from 12 mer phage display library .

  24. 结论:噬菌体展示肽库技术可以用于筛选HIF-1相关肽,并为后续的活性鉴定打下基础。

    Conclusion : Phage display library may be useful in selecting the relative peptide of HIF-1 .

  25. CD28噬菌体展示及其生物活性检测

    Display of CD28 extra-cellular homodimer on phage and detection of its antigenicity and bioactivity

  26. T4噬菌体展示系统(T4PhageDisPlay)是一种能将外源多肽或蛋白质以融合表达的形式直接展示于噬菌体表面,并保持相对独立的空间构象和生物活性的新技术。

    The T4 phage display is a newly developed system for displaying of exogenous peptides or protein domains by fusion expression on the T4 surface .

  27. 目的:从噬菌体展示随机肽库中筛选能与豌豆凝集素(PSA)特异结合的短肽。

    Objective : To obtain peptides binding specifically to Pisum sativum agglutinin ( PSA ) from a phage-displayed random peptide library .

  28. 用T7噬菌体展示筛选系统筛选与p38相结合的蛋白

    Screening and identification of proteins interacting with p38 MAP kinase via T7 phage-display screening system

  29. 噬菌体展示耐药突变HIV-1蛋白酶敏感切割位点六肽随机文库的构建

    Construction six peptide phage library for in vitro screening of susceptible cleavage sequences of HIV-1 protease with drug resistance-associated mutation

  30. 微小隐孢子虫T7噬菌体展示文库的构建

    Construction of T7 phage display library from Cryptosporidium parvum