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  1. 搭建两个平台构建四个体系全面推进实验室建设和实验教学改革

    All-sided Promotion of the Laboratory Construction and the Experimental Teaching Reform by Building Two Platforms and Structuring Four Systems

  2. 然后本文借助因子分析法将众多财务指标进行分类,打分,归纳成四个可以全面反应企业财务状况的指标。

    Using factor analysis can classify many financial indicators into four indicators which can represent the financial situation comprehensively .

  3. 本文从材料性能,产品的设计,模具设计及加工工艺四个方面全面阐述了引起产品收缩变形的原因及注意事项。

    This article expatiates the reason of shrinkage and warpage of thermoplastic material part from aspects of material performance , part design , mould design and process parameters .

  4. 该指标体系从信息公开、在线服务、公众参与和网站设计这四个方面全面评估省级政府门户网站。

    The system estimates the performance of provincial GPWs from four aspects , namely , the public information , the online services , the public participation and the design of website .

  5. 知识管理项目同其他任何IT项目一样,可以从计划、组织、领导和控制等四个方面全面应用项目管理的原理和方法。

    Knowledge management , like any other information technology projects , may apply comprehensively the principle and methodology of project management from the four aspects of planning , organizing , leading and controlling .

  6. 从可用性规划、研究方法、研究过程和研究结果等四个阶段全面介绍了可用性工程方法在某商务网站界面设计中的应用。

    From four phases including usability programming , research method , research process and research conclusion , the thesis completely introduces the application of usability engineering method in X e-business website interface design .

  7. 该模型从技术感知、用户消费心理、环境影响、人口统计特征等四个维度全面分析手机阅读的采纳行为,其中,结合手机阅读的特征加入了感知的学习性这样一个新变量。

    The model comprehensively analyzed the adoption behavior in four dimensions : technology perceptions , psychographics , environment influence , demographics , in which perceived learning as a new variable was added for the characteristics of mobile reading .

  8. 本文从上述四个方面全面论述了企业内部处罚权的理论和实践操作,以期对完善和具体实施这一制度有所帮助。

    This paper makes a comprehensive discussion on the theory and operation of penalty power inside enterprise from above-mentioned four parts , in order to expect that some help is given to perfect and enforcement of this system .

  9. 本文从探讨闽江经济走廊的开发模式入手,从基础设施建设、产业规划战略、中心城市带动战略、生态环境建设四个方面全面论述了其开发战略。

    Based on the mode of development , the strategy to develop Min River economic corridor is expounded in the regards of infrastructure , industrial planning strategy , strategy for key cities to give impetus , and eco-environment construction .

  10. 第二部分梳理财经期刊数字化的背景及现状,从其技术背景、经济背景、行业背景、理论背景四个方面全面透视财经期刊数字化生存的背后起因。

    The second part of the financial magazine digital comb the background and the status quo , from a technical background , economic background , industry background , theoretical background of four-round perspective the causes behind the financial magazine Being Digital .

  11. 提出从比赛区满意度、观众席满意度、换气效率和能量利用四个角度全面评价体育场馆气流组织,对每种气流组织方式给出百分制的评分,以便于设计者进行定量的比较。

    A new method to evaluate air distribution in gymnasium based on satisfactory level of game zone , satisfactory level of audience zone , air-exchange efficiency and energy-using efficiency and quantity score is developed to guide the selection of air supply modes .

  12. 在此基础上,依据绩效考评的原则,从财务维度、客户市场维度、内部营运维度和社会效益维度这四个维度全面构建适用于电力企业高管的绩效考评指标体系。

    Basis on this , according to the principle of performance evaluation , from financial dimensions , customer market dimensions , internal operating dimensions and social benefits dimension this four dimensions comprehensive building a suitable performance evaluation index system for power enterprise executives .

  13. 本研究通过四个试验较全面的研究了微生物E蛋白对仔猪的营养效应。

    The nutritional effects of the microbe E protein was comprehensively determined in this study by four experiments .

  14. 本文旨在探讨对海关行政自由裁量权进行更有效的控制,通过四个部分进行全面论证和阐述。

    So , the efficient control on the administrative discretionary power of the customs seems to be more important .

  15. 本文拟从四个部分进行全面阐释:第一章为证券投资基金概述,该章主要介绍了各国对于证券投资基金的定义、证券投资基金的当事人及其法律地位。

    The article is divided into four chapters to illustrate this topic : The first chapter is a summary on the investment fund .

  16. 本文就如何培养钢琴伴奏能力,从技巧、思维、理论、心理四个环节进行全面的研讨。

    This article on how to develop capacity of the piano accompaniment , from the skills , thinking , theory , psychology comprehensive discussion of four areas .

  17. 文章从全面预算管理的重要性、全面预算的内容构成、全面预算的编制原则及程序、全面预算的编制方法四个方面对全面预算管理进行探讨

    The discussion of overall budget includes the importance of its content , planing principle and process and planing methods of management in higher education institutions . general corrosion

  18. 三是以政治文明建设为突破口,推动四个文明实现全面、协调、可持续发展。

    Thirdly , is taking the building of political civilization as a breakthrough in the construction of contemporary Chinese civilization , to promote the four civilizations to achieve a comprehensive , coordinated and sustainable development .

  19. 然后对钢琴课程内容从音乐感受与欣赏、钢琴弹奏技巧与识读乐谱、钢琴即兴编创内容、以及乐曲诠释与多样性音乐文化等四个方面进行全面的阐释和构建。

    Piano Curriculum content are elaborated and constructed comprehensively from the music experience and appreciation , piano playing skills and reading sheet music , piano improvisation innovations , and music interpretation and diversity of musical culture .

  20. 文章综合运用了现象学的阐释学方法、历史方法、理论研究等多种方法,试图从四个部分出发全面探讨游戏与教育之间的关系。

    The dissertation uses several kinds of methods synthetically such as the historic research , phenomenological hermeneutics and the theoretic research and tries to make the whole relationship between the plays and the education become clear and rational .

  21. 作者从积极和消极两方面,从内容规定、形成方式、种类要求、价值取向四个方面,全面而又清楚地认识了后现代主义教育目的观。

    I overall and clearly analyzed the educational purpose view of postmodernism from the form of contents , the method of formation , the request of category and the mindset of value four aspects from the both sides of aggressive and negative .

  22. 从筹融资模式、运营盈利模式、工程建设模式和内部管理模式四个方面,全面阐述南京城市轨道交通建设可持续健康发展的理念与实践。

    The concept and practice of the sustainable healthy development of Nanjing urban rail transit construction are comprehensively expounded from four aspects : the mode of financing , the mode of operation profit , the mode of project construction , the mode of internal management .

  23. 然后,从城市交通功能、社会经济适应性、环境影响、资源利用四个方面进行全面分析,找出影响昆明城市交通可持续发展的主要原因。

    Then , the thesis analyze the city trafic of KunMing in four aspects of city trafic function , society economic adaptability , influence on environment and take advantage of resources . The thesis has fond the main reasons that influence KunMing city traffic sustainable development .

  24. 教育青年学生做到四个统一,全面促进学生的创新能力、主体意识和竞争意识的健康发展,培养出具有远大理想和动手能力强的现代化建设合格人才。

    We must teach the student to accomplish the unity of four , wholly promote the sound development of students ' ability of bringing forth new ideas , subjective and competitive consciousness , cultivate qualified talents who possess lofty ideals and the ability of doing things in modern construction .

  25. 主要应该从培育制度文化、制定实体规范、健全运行机构和完善运作机制四个方面入手予以全面推进。

    Now we must comprehensively push it forward by fostering political culture , developing the substantive norm , improving the operation agencies and improving the operation mechanism .

  26. 重点对苏北农村初中教师物质条件、工作状态、闲暇生活和婚姻关系四个方面进行了全面审视。

    Give a comprehensive review of the material conditions , work status , leisure life and marital relations of lower secondary school teachers in rural areas in northern Jiangsu .

  27. 最后,把该方法应用于供应链的绩效评价,从平衡计分卡的四个角度出发,全面建立供应链绩效的动态评价模型。

    Finally , the dissertation applies this method to supply chain performance evaluation , and sets up dynamic evaluation model of supply chain performance from four aspects of BSC .

  28. 根据人力资源管理体系的构建原则、方法和流程,从组织结构、招聘与配置方针、薪酬福利制度和绩效管理制度四个方面进行了全面的设计和研究。

    According to human resource management system construction principles , methods and processes , organizational structure , recruitment and configuration policies , pay and benefits system and the performance management system four aspects of a comprehensive design and research .

  29. 本文的不足之处主要有以下两点,一是本文中的教育收益只包含经济状况,社会影响,家庭地位,健康收益四个方面,没有全面涵盖教育收益的内容。

    This paper deficiency basically has the following two points : first is the education gains this paper contains only economic , social impact , the family status , health benefits from four aspects , no comprehensive coverage education income content .