
  • 网络Sichuan News Net
  1. 第三部分运用PEST分析方法,分析了影响四川新闻网发展的外部基本因素和四川新闻网的内部资源及条件。

    Part III illustrates basic external factors affecting development of Sichuan News Net with PEST method and makes an analysis on internal resources and conditions of Sichuan News Net .

  2. 第五部分对四川新闻网所处的市场进行具体分析、定位,提出实现四川新闻网的营销战略目标的实施建议。

    Part V , the market of Sichuan News Net is analyzed and a market positioning analysis is made with STP method and consequently applicable marketing strategies are put forward for Sichuan News Net .

  3. 第四部分运用SWOT方法综合分析四川新闻网的内部优势、劣势,外部机会、威胁。

    Part IV elaborates comprehensively the internal advantages and disadvantages , external opportunities and threats of Sichuan News Net with SWOT method .

  4. 第二部分介绍地方新闻网站的发展历程,四川新闻网的发展概况及面临的困境。

    Part II introduces the development history of local news websites , general development situation of Sichuan News Net and encountered difficulties .

  5. 本文以被称为中国地方新闻网站第一品牌的四川省重点新闻网站&四川新闻网为研究对象,结合受众心理学,对其展开网络新闻报道内容方面的研究。

    This paper is called " the first brand of Chinese local news Website ," Sichuan news website as the research object , combined with audience psychology , the network news content for its launch area .